
Game Copy Supplier

[This is a story about using the IP of the previous life film and television drama to make a copy of the game in a parallel world, sling the entire industry] Gu Zheng traveled to the crooked parallel world of the science and technology tree, and the immersive holographic VR online game “Infinite Time and Space” has taken the world by storm. And with the open editor, everyone can participate in the development and creation of the game copy, and this game has unmatched vitality, and it has also made countless famous copy suppliers. And look at how Gu Zheng used the major famous film and television IPs in the past life to set off a copy frenzy in this game world. He is known as the master of plot, mecha design ghost, the father of Transformers, and the creator of the Marvel universe. The copy world he created has even surpassed the main world in popularity. The game props he designed are all very popular and make players crazy. He has repeatedly broken the price ceiling of game props. He is the man who has subverted the entire game industry by his own power! [Leave aside the clothes of the game, this is still a warm, loving, relaxed and humorous story! ] ----------------------------------------- I'm back, message to the readers Hey, everyone! Long time no see, right? I've had some personal issues and ended up taking a break for a while, but I'm back! I'm excited to pick up where we left off. I have a special request for you all: I'm planning to review all the chapters, but there's a small obstacle—I'm not fluent in English. So, I thought about asking for your help. If anyone is willing to collaborate, please comment on the paragraphs with any errors you find. I promise to do my best to correct each one. I appreciate everyone's understanding and support in advance. I can't wait to get back. Thank you

Rak_MTL · Sci-fi
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Game Copy Supplier

Regarding the next stage of the strategic goal of the Zhengfeng e-sports platform, Gu Zheng formally put forward not long ago, but it is also a plan he has formulated a long time ago.

As many people have guessed, Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment really intends to be a platform, not just a game.

Therefore, the next strategy of competing for e-sports is naturally to open the platform and absorb the world's best e-sports games.

Rather than facing the increasingly fierce market competition in the e-sports field in the future, more and more excellent games are emerging, constantly eroding the Zhengfeng mutual entertainment market, and the resources wasted by the competition between major companies in the market, it is better to cooperate and share Win, and everyone who has money will make it together.

Gu Zheng also knows that only by binding more game companies and more excellent games to his own tank can he truly form a monopoly, and even in the future, like infinite time and space, you don't need to develop games by yourself. Sit back and enjoy the achievements and share the fruits of labor and continuous wealth of each company.

In the recent period, more and more games based on "League of Legends", "Counter-Strike" and "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" have been performing secondary innovations, including some excellent games.

It has made very good innovations in the game background setting and gameplay mode, which has attracted many players and has a group of stable supporters.

Especially the games developed by companies from various countries that have unique cultural characteristics of their own countries have had a lot of influence in their own countries. This is unavoidable for Gu Zheng no matter how hard he works.

After all, some generation gaps brought about by such regional cultural differences are difficult to completely bridge.

Therefore, Gu Zheng also knows that it is time for him to start the second phase of the strategy. With his current influence and position in the industry, while the rival companies are not yet mature and powerful, he should be able to respond to each other, have the right to speak, and formulate The basic rules of the industry to establish a real e-sports platform.

Of course, before that, he still needs two games to consolidate his product matrix, stabilize his position as the absolute leader, and further develop the market.

In addition to being a platform, Gu Zheng also intends to build a world-class brand of e-sports games. According to Jiao Zheng's original idea, it is to play the e-sports Olympic Games called "Zhengfeng World E-sports Competition".

Before the start of the annual Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment Carnival, major e-sports games will be launched, which means that in addition to independent leagues, each e-sports game can also participate in the highest event in the e-sports field-the world e-sports competition.

Day by day, the craze for the new main story "Infinite Warfare" of Infinite Space is still going on. Teams of top players from all regions of the world are racing against time to do tasks, collecting infinite rough stones and infinite gloves.

In the task of reversing the future, after players enter a certain time point and start the task, the initial plot still follows their familiar trend, but as they complete the first mission, the subsequent plot is like a butterfly effect. Great changes have taken place, and even many heroes and characters they don't know well, and even completely unfamiliar plots have been derived.

Most of these new heroes and characters are their current enemies. In order to collect infinite rough stones, they need to defeat various superhero organizations, deal with the major forces, and challenge countless BOSS.

The task becomes more difficult as it reaches the end. Many times the task will fail halfway through, or you don't know where to find the next infinite rough stone.

Fortunately, they are not fighting alone. In addition to the brothers of the team, there are countless supporters who offer advice and suggestions for them, and strive for official privileges such as reading files, clue cards and so on.

Therefore, these top players, who are burdened with countless expectations and trust, are always doing their tasks, working hard for themselves and for all the supporters.

And those players who can't do the task of reversing the future, they continue to brush copies, collect rough fragments to help the team they support. Players have found their own sense of existence and meaning in this game, also because of the competition. , And make the result of this game more intriguing.

There are fierce competitions between the various teams, in order to be the first superhero to reverse the future.

The craze brought by "Infinite War" has naturally had a certain impact on the Zhengfeng competitive platform, but this effect is only temporary, and Gu Zheng's next goal is mainly to focus on the non-combat professional player groups in the infinite time and space.

These people just happen to not participate in the "Infinite Warfare" in this reversal of the future task, and under the influence of the current game environment, most companies are vying for dividends in the e-sports game market.

Therefore, this has also led to a significant drop in the number of new copies on the Infinite Space-Time platform, and there are fewer fun copies, so for Gu Zheng, it is a very good time right now.

"Next is our pre-heating promotion stage. Two games, "Canyon Showdown" and "Game of Genting", will also be listed on the day of the League of Legends S finals!" Gu Zheng continued.

What Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment plans to go public in the next step is to draw on his popular card game and auto chess game to create two brand-new independent games.

"Canyon Duel" is based on the main gameplay and rules of popular card games such as "Heartstone" and "Mystery Duel". It is designed to learn from each other's strengths and optimize integration, but the characters in the game are familiar to players in this world. "League of Legends" hero role.

In addition, the entire game's battle scenes, pictures, and various skills and special effects are very well "localized" creation, abandoning the chess and card scenes, and introducing real 3D effects into the battle.

Especially in the various skills and special effects of the battle, it will definitely bring an audio-visual feast to the player, and it will bring a strong sense of enthusiasm.

And in order to further harvest the light game player group, the game rules and rhythm have also been adjusted to make the game rhythm faster and the players more free to play.

In the early stage of the game, the linearized exploration level is used as a guide, so that players can quickly get started with the game and optimize the deck.

As for the other game "Game of Genting", it basically copied the game rules of the game mode of the previous "League of Legends", and then optimized the creation based on this.

Not long after Gu Zheng returned to the office after the meeting, Ma Yuelong, the relevant person in charge of the Zhengfeng e-sports event, walked in: "Mr. Gu, we are going to record the theme song of this finals in a while. You will check it out in the past. what!"

"Oh, good!" Gu Zheng got up. This theme song is the soul of the League of Legends finals, so Gu Zheng attaches great importance to this matter. From the arrangement to the lyrics, to the selection of the singer, and the production of the MV, he is personally involved. , Highly involved.

The purpose is to bring his favorite music to the League of Legends players in this world.

Today is the first League of Legends global finals, which is of great significance to the game itself, the event brand, and Gu Zheng. This theme song will also serve as the finishing touch to the finals.

This time Gu Zheng chose the theme song of the previous League of Legends S9 finals "Nirvana". As the world's first League of Legends theme song, the lyrics and music are completely reproduced from the music of the previous life.

However, in the choice of singers, Gu Zheng used Gao Xilin, a very famous female singer in China. Her voice is very unique, and she can control songs in two different languages, Chinese and English. It is also Gu Zheng layer by layer. Decided to choose her after selection.

Of course, in addition to the theme song, Gu Zheng also copied his once favorite League of Legends "War Song" to this world, and plans to use it as the BGM for each S game championship battle.

He hoped that in this world, whenever the "War Hymn" sounded, he would be able to gas and slow money, and his mind would automatically show up one after another wonderful duel, one after another exciting scenes.

He hopes that these melodies can be incorporated into the bones of countless people who love League of Legends, and become the sound that echoes in their ears on the path of pursuing their dreams, inspiring them to continue to fight forward.

Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment has a dedicated music production team and department, as well as professional recording studios and equipment. After all, each game involves a large number of music works, and most of the music is produced by the team of Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment.

Even the music in many games has won many music awards, and is loved and sung by countless gamers and non-game players.

Those nice songs and moving music have already become the label of Zhengfeng mutual entertainment games.

Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment was once called a music company delayed by games by players.

When he came to the recording studio, Gu Zheng met the singer Gao Xilin. She was actually just a girl in her early twenties. Although she was not tall and looked a little thin, the girl's voice was very powerful and had a high range. Almost all songs can be controlled.

And his biggest feature is that no matter what music, even if it is a song that is badly sung by everyone, through her unique voice and singing, he can sing her own taste and sing freshness.

This is why Gu Zheng chose her.

"Mr Gu is here!"

"Mr Gu is here!"

"You guys are busy!"

"Hello, Mr. Gu, we meet again!" Gao Xilin happily stretched out her hand and shook hands with Gu Zheng. She is a loyal League of Legends player, and League of Legends is also her only favorite game.

However, because of her busy work, she can't play games for many times, but she likes watching games very much. She has watched almost all the games in the second half of the League of Legends Professional Development League before.

Gao Xilin was really excited for several days to be selected to sing the theme song of the League of Legends Global Finals. She was even happier than when she won the number one title song of the year.

Of course, her agency is also very happy, because the audience of this song is not basically domestic like before. As the theme song of the first League of Legends Global Finals, this song will inevitably be popular all over the world, and Gao Xilin I will definitely take this opportunity to increase my global popularity.

Therefore, the price quoted by their brokerage company to Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment this time is far below the normal level, in order to be able to get the qualification to sing the theme song without fail.

"Hello, Xilin!" Gu Zheng smiled slightly. It is not the first time that he has seen Gao Xilin. In reality, Gao Xilin looks more slender than in the lens, and his appearance does not have the exquisite coolness and coolness of the filter. a feeling of.

On the contrary, it is more approachable, just like the sister next door, with a gentle smile.

"You continue, don't be affected by me!" Gu Zheng sat down on a chair beside him, and everyone continued the previous conversation. The music producer and Gao Xilin were doing some final running-in and communication.

Soon the recording of the song began, and the moment the familiar melody sounded, Gu Zheng's memory seemed to be brought back to the earth of the previous life, back to the autumn of 19!

As if it were a fable, this "Nirvana" theme song also sang the title song of the Huaxia team. The FPX team defeated the G2 team 3:0 and won the championship. He still remembers that game.

Of course, there are many games and famous scenes that also make him remember deeply. It belongs to his youth and belongs to his best moment of memory.

"What are you willing to give, although the scars are hidden by you, but there are thousands of words in the ears, "Stop and don't move forward"..." Gao Xilin opened her voice, and Gu Zheng's hair stood up, the girl's voice It's really nice. Although the theme song is the Chinese version, it is still very nice.

Like the limit of the blade's flurry of desire

Mixed thoughts are waiting for your decision

The storm is coming

Just today

Where are you going...

As the melody gradually reached its climax, Gu Zheng's blood boiled over his whole body, and the fond memories of the past flashed back in his mind. He believed that this piece of music would surely sing the audience and be carved into the hearts of all players in this world.

In the future, when music sounds, they will definitely feel the same as themselves, passion, youth, glory, miracles...

Gao Xilin lived up to expectations and performed this song perfectly, which made Gu Zheng very satisfied.

Afterwards, Gao Xilin sang the translated version again. The unique voice and standard European and American pronunciation also made the performance of this song passionate.

A few days later, the League of Legends Global Finals finally kicked off, bringing the focus of countless players around the world back to Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment.

And Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment also took advantage of the heat of the S game to announce that it will release the latest two games of Zhengfeng e-sports at the grand ceremony of the S game championship night.

As soon as the news came out, the players were very excited. The new speed of Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment's games has always been second to none in the industry, and almost all of them are classic and exquisite.

So whenever Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment has news of a new game coming online, it is good news for players.

"There are two more e-sports games online? This speed is okay!"

"Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment is absolutely productive!"

"If you don't hurry up to release new games, how can you stabilize your position in the industry? Now companies are like wolves and are vying for the market share of Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment!"

"I don't know what kind of two new games Zhengfeng Huyu is this time, I look forward to it!"

"Well, it is officially said that it is a game that is different from the previous three gameplay and positioning, and it seems to be two new games!"

"Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment's creativity in gameplay is really okay!"

"I'm so excited, today is really a double happiness, the S game is about to begin, and Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment has a new game to be launched!"

Players have responded enthusiastically, looking forward to the launch of Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment's new work, and many colleagues are also looking forward to it.

Since Zhengfeng Mutual Entertainment opened up the craze for e-sports games, companies have imitated and followed the unique and popular gameplay of "League of Legends" and "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" and made more or less money.

Therefore, many companies have tasted the sweetness and look forward to the development of new gameplay by Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment, so that they can follow the trend and make a wave of quick money, and even say that if the second creation is done well, they can even get a big cup. soup.
