
Game Copy Supplier

[This is a story about using the IP of the previous life film and television drama to make a copy of the game in a parallel world, sling the entire industry] Gu Zheng traveled to the crooked parallel world of the science and technology tree, and the immersive holographic VR online game “Infinite Time and Space” has taken the world by storm. And with the open editor, everyone can participate in the development and creation of the game copy, and this game has unmatched vitality, and it has also made countless famous copy suppliers. And look at how Gu Zheng used the major famous film and television IPs in the past life to set off a copy frenzy in this game world. He is known as the master of plot, mecha design ghost, the father of Transformers, and the creator of the Marvel universe. The copy world he created has even surpassed the main world in popularity. The game props he designed are all very popular and make players crazy. He has repeatedly broken the price ceiling of game props. He is the man who has subverted the entire game industry by his own power! [Leave aside the clothes of the game, this is still a warm, loving, relaxed and humorous story! ] ----------------------------------------- I'm back, message to the readers Hey, everyone! Long time no see, right? I've had some personal issues and ended up taking a break for a while, but I'm back! I'm excited to pick up where we left off. I have a special request for you all: I'm planning to review all the chapters, but there's a small obstacle—I'm not fluent in English. So, I thought about asking for your help. If anyone is willing to collaborate, please comment on the paragraphs with any errors you find. I promise to do my best to correct each one. I appreciate everyone's understanding and support in advance. I can't wait to get back. Thank you

Rak_MTL · Sci-fi
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244 Chs

Game Copy Supplier

In the female dormitory of an art college in Sichuan and Chongqing, Zhou Xiaoting watched the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" game story video with tears. This video was made by the netizen "I Love Yuntianhe" using the game video.

She was seen as a TV series of the fairy man of the year. She learns to dance. She learns more **** weekdays and rarely spends a lot of time playing large-scale VR games.

Recently, some roommates are playing, and everyone around them also said that "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is good. If you don't play games and watch the plot, it is the most exciting fairy drama of the year.

Later, after watching some videos on the Internet, he was deeply attracted by the stories inside and began to pay attention to the game.

But they really didn't have time to play games and study clearance strategies. They just saw someone sharing the game plot video on the Internet and watched it as a TV series.

"It's over, there's nothing in the future, this person hasn't updated the latter!" After watching the latest game plot video, Zhou Xiaoting said intently, and the tears that had just been touched still remained in her eyes.

At this time, the plot happened to be a climax, and it was also a very touching part of the plot-Liu Mengli said "I like you" to Yun Tianhe and then, without any response from Tianhe's wooden head, jumped into the barrier of the demon world.

She wanted to know what happened next, whether Liu Mengli and Yun Tianhe would be together, and the fate of the protagonists.

So she quickly began to collect videos on the Internet to see if she could find the follow-up plot shared by other people, but after looking for it, she saw a video with very high volume.

It was called "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" and was posted by a blogger named Ziyang Evaluation. Zhou Xiaoting quickly clicked on the video to watch it.

"Big guy, I'm Ziyang. Recently, many fans @Wǒ, asked me to make a video about the whole story of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy". I collected information from various parties and even got some setting information from the official. , I have sorted out all the story lines and plot explanations of "Legend of Sword and Fairy". Due to the large amount of content, it may be produced in several installments. I hope everyone will pay attention first."

"First of all, we must first understand the background of the story, which will help you understand the story later.

The Qionghua School in the game is a sect that is good at making swords, and is determined to become immortal. The dream of generations is to cultivate immortal body.

Finally one day, a big cow-level figure in the martial arts discovered that if he wanted to cultivate into a god, he had to reach the Kunlun Mountain, where the sky fell, which was the legendary holy land for becoming a god.

However, in order for the Qionghua faction to rise to such a high sky, it must have strong spiritual power. Unfortunately, they don't have that great spiritual power.

However, those old guys discovered a big secret, that is, there is an invisible demon world--the fantasy world in the game, which happens to pass over the Qionghua School every 19 years.

This demon world possesses immense spiritual power, enough to make the entire Qionghua faction rise to the heavenly holy land.

So they thought of a way, which was to cast two swords, one yin and one yang, named Wangshu and Xihe respectively, and then use the powerful power of these two swords to move from yin to yang on the Yuntai. Inspired by internal force, forming a sword pillar into the sky, making the demon world appear, and forming a spiritual power net to bind the demon world, and then rush into the demon world to seize spiritual power!

After three generations of hard work, these two terrifying swords were finally made.

One is cold at the cathode and the other is hot at the anode.

They tried their best to finally choose one yin and one yang to be the host of these two swords. The female host of the most yin is called Suyu, and the male host of the most yang is called Xuan Xiao.

The two worked hard day and night, waiting for the demon world to come again.

And they have a mutual friend called Yun Tianqing, who is naughty and unrestrained. These three are very good friends.

Perhaps it was because of the long-term love, Suyu fell in love with Xuan Xiao, and Xuan Xiao also loved Suyu.

The reincarnation of 19 years has arrived, and the demon world once again comes to the sky over Qionghua faction.

Suyu and Xuan Xiao manipulated two swords to form a sword net and bind the demon world net. Then, the Qionghua faction rushed into the unprepared demon world, and the two sides fought a battle, and the scene was not ordinary tragic.

More than half of the Qionghua faction was killed and injured. The head of the Qionghua faction was killed in battle. The demon world also suffered heavy casualties. Only two of the six demon generals remained. The master of the demon world fought against the head of the Qionghua faction. After killing the head of Qionghua, he was also seriously injured. .

However, the biggest gain of the Qionghua faction this time was to know the source of the powerful spiritual power of this demon world-it was the large amount of amethyst in the demon world.

Therefore, they planned to rush into the demon world again to **** the amethyst stone.

However, Suyu, the host who holds the Wangshu sword, believes that such looting and killing by the sect is actually contrary to the essence of Xiuxian.

Relying on taking away the spiritual power of others to make oneself into a fairy is a kind of thought that has become evil, which is contrary to the immortal way she pursues in her heart.

Moreover, seeing the deaths and injuries of the Demon Realm and Qionghua faction so tragic, she felt heartache, people who had the same ideas as her, and her good friend Yun Tianqing!

Yun Tianqing really did not want to see the two sides fighting like this. The disciples of the Qionghua School who looked like crazy demons, even the children of the demon world, were like a slaughter. Yun Tianqing couldn't bear it, so he secretly rescued him in that battle. The young girl of the lord of the demon world.

As a result, he was discovered by his colleagues. He was considered a traitor and eventually had to escape from the Qionghua faction.

Suyu also fled with him. She also took Wang Shujian away, but Xuanxiao, the host of Xihejian, dreamed of becoming an immortal and always stayed in Qionghua, so he was unwilling to go with Suyu, and Very angry at Suyu's departure.

This hurt Suyu's heart greatly, and the relationship between the two broke. After Yun Tianqing and Suyu escaped, the sword net formed by the two swords was immediately broken, and the demon world counterattacked and took the opportunity to break away from the bondage. The Qionghua faction suffered more deaths and injuries.

However, the extremely yang Xihe sword lost the neutralization of the extremely Yin Wangshu sword, and it also began to bite back. Its host Xuanxiao was swallowed by the heat of Xihe, and became mad, and added a new palm of the Qionghua School. Instigated by Men Suyao, the elders of the Qionghua faction had to freeze Xuanxiao in the forbidden area.

However, Suyu who fled was not well, and she was also bitten by Wang Shujian, suffering from the cold all day long, but fortunately there was half of Yun Tianqing.

Yun Tianqing gave the young girl of the lord of the demon world he rescued to a county magistrate surnamed Liu in Shouyang for adoption, and brought her a piece of jade called the emperor emerald to cover up her evil spirit so that others could not detect it. This girl is Liu Mengli, one of our heroines!

Yun Tianqing took care of Suyu carefully. In order to protect her from the cold, Yun Tianqing visited famous mountains in the world and found a yin and yang purple fault that could protect her from the cold, and helped her withstand the cold.

Yun Tianqing was finally moved by Suyu. They lived in Qingluan Peak and gave birth to their son, Yuntianhe.

However, even if there were yin and yang purple faults to protect against the cold, because the cold hurt Suyu too much, she died shortly after giving birth to Tianhe.

Yun Tianqing was also invaded by the cold because of his luck in helping Suyu withstand the cold, and died when Tianhe was less than 10 years old.

The long sword they left to Tianhe is Wangshu sword...

Halfway through, Zhou Xiaoting was interrupted by the video call. She saw that it was from her boy and girl friend, so she didn't hesitate to...hang up the video call...
