
Game Copy Supplier

[This is a story about using the IP of the previous life film and television drama to make a copy of the game in a parallel world, sling the entire industry] Gu Zheng traveled to the crooked parallel world of the science and technology tree, and the immersive holographic VR online game “Infinite Time and Space” has taken the world by storm. And with the open editor, everyone can participate in the development and creation of the game copy, and this game has unmatched vitality, and it has also made countless famous copy suppliers. And look at how Gu Zheng used the major famous film and television IPs in the past life to set off a copy frenzy in this game world. He is known as the master of plot, mecha design ghost, the father of Transformers, and the creator of the Marvel universe. The copy world he created has even surpassed the main world in popularity. The game props he designed are all very popular and make players crazy. He has repeatedly broken the price ceiling of game props. He is the man who has subverted the entire game industry by his own power! [Leave aside the clothes of the game, this is still a warm, loving, relaxed and humorous story! ] ----------------------------------------- I'm back, message to the readers Hey, everyone! Long time no see, right? I've had some personal issues and ended up taking a break for a while, but I'm back! I'm excited to pick up where we left off. I have a special request for you all: I'm planning to review all the chapters, but there's a small obstacle—I'm not fluent in English. So, I thought about asking for your help. If anyone is willing to collaborate, please comment on the paragraphs with any errors you find. I promise to do my best to correct each one. I appreciate everyone's understanding and support in advance. I can't wait to get back. Thank you

Rak_MTL · Sci-fi
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244 Chs

Game Copy Supplier

"Who and Zhengfeng are really too popular now. This scene seems to show me the ET exhibition hall back then!"

"But maybe next year or the next year, who and Zhengfeng will become the current ET, watching the rookie become the hottest company!"

"The current ET is no longer the glory of the year. In fact, many game companies that used to be popular are like this. When there is glory, there is a day of decline!"

"Yes, infinite time-space copy suppliers are like those stars in the entertainment industry. There are always new traffic stars born, but sooner or later the former traffic stars will go downhill and be replaced by other stars!"

"Oh, but no matter what, at least people have been brilliant. Don't be like our company. Although there have been some achievements in these years, they have always been in a state of being tepid and tepid. It is also a feeling of failure!"

"It is also said that who and Zhengfeng made several times more money this year than our company's five years of establishment!" The staff of the exhibiting copy suppliers from other countries and regions discussed in the exhibition.

One by one looked at the crowded scenes of Who and Zhengfeng in the exhibition hall, envious.

In the Who and Zhengfeng exhibition hall, a large group of reporters gathered around the object covered by the black cloth and took pictures continuously, as if their cameras had a perspective function.

The reporters looked ruddy and excited. Although they didn't capture the real face, it's not difficult to tell from the height and outline. It should be the currently very popular anime "Mecha Warrior Gundam". Who does this mean? The next copy with Zhengfeng is "Gundam".

Although the reporters are determined in their hearts, they are in professional ethics and know that they can't say anything to death, so all kinds of "suspected Gundam?" "Who and Zhengfeng's next copy is Gundam?" and other similar news headlines with question marks appeared. In the major media.

For a while, it also caused heated discussions among players and fans. Although the report did not give an exact answer, everyone was basically convinced that it was Gundam.

"Eh? Is this car to be updated for Fast and Furious?" A reporter from China noticed the yellow coupe on the side of the exhibition hall, and his work card showed his Chinese name as Hou Zhengqiang.

The yellow coupe of this car was parked next to the Dodge Charger, but it looked like a new model not seen in "Fast and Furious".

Hou Zhengqiang came to Camaro to take a closer look, and then looked at the brand logo: "It is a brand of gravity. It seems that it is a new model that will be commercialized in speed and passion!"

Although he felt that this car should be a new model added by commercial cooperation, Hou Zhengqiang still felt that the appearance of the car looked very beautiful, which made him very interested.

This car model is very realistic, just like a real car, the door can be opened, and the interior interior is completely real.

"Can I take pictures of the car's interior?" Hou Zhengqiang asked the staff next to him.

"Yes, but please don't go inside!" the staff member said.

"Okay, I just take a few photos, and I won't touch anything inside!" Hou Zhengqiang said. Immediately after the staff opened the car door, he stood on the side and bent over and looked at the car's interior carefully. It looked good.

He took a few photos at random, and suddenly a special sign at the center of the steering wheel of the car attracted him.

It was a badge-like logo, which roughly looked like a human face mask, but it looked like a piece of polygonal geometric figures of different shapes, forming a look similar to a human face mask, which was very peculiar. .

This was the first time he saw this badge logo, and it was completely different from the car logo.

"Is it the exclusive logo customized for this model?" Hou Zhengqiang was puzzled. He couldn't think that this logo was exactly the logo of Transformers.

"Lao Hou, what are you shooting?" a fellow China reporter asked.

"Maybe who and Zhengfeng will release a new plot version of "Fast and Furious" at this carnival, look at this car!" Hou Zhengqiang pointed to Camaro.

"Yes, this car hasn't appeared before!" The fellow reporters also noticed, and the two talked in Chinese, seeming to confirm their guess.

Later, Hou Zhengqiang's companion immediately wrote an article about the possible plot update of "Fast and Furious" and published it.

Although the attention of "Fast and Furious" related articles is certainly not as high as the new copy, but with the huge fan base of this copy, it can still bring a lot of traffic to my articles.

Moreover, articles about who and Zhengfeng's new copy are all rushing to report. The competition is high and the diversion is serious. It may not be as effective as their own report.

Although the opening ceremony of Infinite Space has not yet begun, various reports have swept the global media. Among them, the reports about who is with Zhengfeng Studio account for 60%, and who is the next copy of Zhengfeng? "Gundam" has also become a hot spot for many players.

However, all answers can only be announced after the opening ceremony.

Gu Zheng and the national anthem, Hu Guyue, Wang Di, and Wang Shishi spent most of the day strolling and eating. Only one hour before the opening ceremony, he arrived at the venue of the Infinite Space Carnival.

It is located in a stadium. The stage has been fully set up. At this time, a large number of spectators have been waiting outside the stadium, waiting for admission. The staff in the stadium are also doing the final rehearsal work, and the actors are ready. .

There will be a large-scale performance at the opening ceremony tonight, an awards ceremony, and a publicity display of the new copy.

After Wang Di, the national anthem, Hu Guyue and Wang Shishi were taken into the venue by Gu Zheng, they came to the staff seats of He and Zhengfeng Studio, which were in the middle and back positions.

As a nominee for this multiple awards, Gu Zheng's seat is located in the front area directly in front of the stage. At this time, the place is almost full. They are basically copy suppliers invited to participate in the opening ceremony. And the same nominee.

Gu Zheng and these colleagues simply greeted each other, greeted each other and said some kind words, just at this moment, a voice came: "Gu Zheng!"

The voice was a little familiar. Gu Zheng heard about his reputation, but saw Rong Xin coming from the back rows of seats. Gu Zheng was a little strange. Why would Rong Xin be here: "Eh, why are you here?"

"Hehe, I came to the opening ceremony for my dad!" Rong Xin smiled, but when Gu Zheng was puzzled, he immediately added: "My dad is a player of infinite time and space, I don't know if you have heard of it! "

"Aofeng is your dad?" Gu Zheng almost dropped his chin. Aofeng naturally knew that, one of the super krypton gold bosses in China, the army general of the Xingyao theater, the owner of Vickers the Strike, is also China The first Mark7 buyer that broke out.

Gu Zheng never expected this mysterious krypton gold boss to be Rongxin's father, but it's no surprise to think about it. Rongxin's father is definitely rich and idle, honor and status in the real world. I can't satisfy him anymore, so it's normal to make some false names in the virtual world and experience a different kind of life.

"Yes, he is invited to participate in the carnival every year, but as you know, he can't come to this kind of event. This year, I just asked him for this place. Come and take a look!" Rong Xin smiled.

The Carnival of Infinite Space will not only invite excellent dungeon suppliers, but also will invite top players to come to the scene. After the festival, a banquet will be held to invite suppliers and players to participate. Suppliers communicate, communicate, interact, etc.

However, less than half of the top players invited each year will come.
