
Game Copy Supplier

[This is a story about using the IP of the previous life film and television drama to make a copy of the game in a parallel world, sling the entire industry] Gu Zheng traveled to the crooked parallel world of the science and technology tree, and the immersive holographic VR online game “Infinite Time and Space” has taken the world by storm. And with the open editor, everyone can participate in the development and creation of the game copy, and this game has unmatched vitality, and it has also made countless famous copy suppliers. And look at how Gu Zheng used the major famous film and television IPs in the past life to set off a copy frenzy in this game world. He is known as the master of plot, mecha design ghost, the father of Transformers, and the creator of the Marvel universe. The copy world he created has even surpassed the main world in popularity. The game props he designed are all very popular and make players crazy. He has repeatedly broken the price ceiling of game props. He is the man who has subverted the entire game industry by his own power! [Leave aside the clothes of the game, this is still a warm, loving, relaxed and humorous story! ] ----------------------------------------- I'm back, message to the readers Hey, everyone! Long time no see, right? I've had some personal issues and ended up taking a break for a while, but I'm back! I'm excited to pick up where we left off. I have a special request for you all: I'm planning to review all the chapters, but there's a small obstacle—I'm not fluent in English. So, I thought about asking for your help. If anyone is willing to collaborate, please comment on the paragraphs with any errors you find. I promise to do my best to correct each one. I appreciate everyone's understanding and support in advance. I can't wait to get back. Thank you

Rak_MTL · Sci-fi
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244 Chs

Game Copy Supplier

With full expectation, Lu Huowang opened the copy. The opening was a CG animation, a huge interstellar spacecraft sailing in the vast space.

In the distance is the scene that appeared in the introduction video, the extremely huge light blue gaseous planet, and the planet next to it that looks like the earth.

The picture suddenly zoomed in close to the terrestrial planet, and then from the perspective of flying, through the clouds and fog, rushing into the ground, the vivid, lush and primitive jungle appeared in the picture.

At the same time, the narration sounded: When I was lying on the bed of the Veterans Administration Hospital, I often dreamed that I was flying in the air, being free, but whenever I woke up, I always had to face the cruel reality...

The picture turned, and the moment a pair of eyes opened, the picture changed from the vibrant jungle just now to a dark and cold street. The protagonist of the game, Jack Sally, was sitting in a wheelchair with a vicissitudes of life.

The surrounding environment is covered by the steel jungle and the dirty air, which forms a sharp contrast with the vivid and green picture just now.

The opening animation lasts less than three minutes. Through narration and simple and clear animation clips, the identity and character of the main character of the game, Jack Sally, are introduced.

A Marine who likes sports and adventure, but paralyzed his lower limbs in the battle. Although the technology of this world has the opportunity to make him stand up again, he can't afford the high cost.

He lives in an oppressive and desperate life, and sometimes he doesn't even know what he is living for.

He is a person who likes to fight and hug injustice, so when he saw the barmaid being bullied, he shot out angrily. Although he is a handicapped person, even though he was thrown out of the bar in the end, he was still lying on the dirty and cold street, looking up to the sky. laughing out loud.

Because he feels that this is the real life, far more joyful than lingering, even if it is painful, even if it is death, it is better than the indifferent and ruthless people around, like walking dead...

This opening animation is of extremely high quality, clearly explaining the background of the game, the reason why Jack went to Pandora, the novel setting, and the vivid image and personality of the character, which makes Lu Huowang feel very substituting and want to Know everything that Jack will go through...

After an opening animation ends, Jack wakes up from the dormant cabin.

At the beginning of the game, Lu Huowang controlled Jack out of the dormant cabin, and the spacecraft staff came to help.

During the conversation with the staff, he learned that he was about to arrive at the planet Pandora in the Alpha Galaxy in Centauri.

Lu Huowang looked at the game's operating interface at will, using one of the standard science fiction interfaces that comes with the system.

The taskbar, inventory, character information interface, etc. are all common, and the game cannot choose to replace characters, which means that players cannot directly bring their own character image in "Infinite Time and Space" into the game. Only characters inherent in the game can be used.

This is a deduction item, but these are not one of the key factors that determine the quality of a game. Lu Huowang didn't care too much, and it was just a routine check.

The game continued, Lu Huowang controlled Jack to follow the system mission instructions to the designated location, took the Valkyrie 1-6 aircraft, and entered the planet Pandora. There were many mercenaries accompanying him.

Lu Huowang was even more excited, his eyes followed the aircraft through the atmosphere of Pandora and slowly approached the ground. At the end of his vision was the endless greenery and vitality.

A brand new planet appeared in the field of vision...

After arriving at the base, Lu Huowang followed the perspective of the game protagonist Jack and explored this human base, um... to be precise, a huge mining factory.

In the reinforced concrete covered site, you can see huge engineering vehicles, armed aircrafts, and humanoid mechas everywhere. The rows of tall chimneys in the distance are constantly emitting heavy smoke into the air, making people uncomfortable to see .

According to the instructions of the game mission, Lu Huowang once again came to the designated location to report, and met the highest commander of the mercenary here-Colonel Miles Quachi.

Through his lectures, he learned more about the dangers of Pandora and the intelligence about the Na'vi people.

Afterwards, he was taken to the biological laboratory, where he met the project leader of the laboratory—Dr. Grace Augustine, who likes to smoke, and the nutrient solution jar, composed of human genes and the Na'vi people. Avatar created by genetic fusion.

In the initial part of the game, there were no combat missions and no exciting plot, but this novel world view and unprecedented experience made Lu Huowang completely immersed in the game and unable to extricate himself, especially the first attempt to connect. When controlling the Avatar body.

Lu Huowang felt that he was the Jack who was finally able to stand up again, to run, to feel the earth, and to breathe freely, and he was happy for him as if he were empathetic.

With the start of the mission, the mysterious planet Pandora finally slowly appeared in front of Lu Huowang.

The magnificent mountains and waterfalls, the luxuriant vegetation, the unprecedented birds and beasts, and the gorgeous and colorful Pandora made Lu Huowang even unable to blink.

He is like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and like a kid entering an amusement park. He is new to seeing everything, and he is curious about everything. Take a look here and there, as if there are surprises everywhere, and in fact it is true...

As a copy review editor, Lu Huowang has seen too many copies, and there are also all kinds of bizarre worlds.

But no world is as delicate and real as Pandora.

Even if there are the same strange mountains and rivers, there are also towering giant trees, and there are also novel creatures, but those elements seem to be pieced together, which always feels abrupt.

It's as if it's on a face of life-scale, with the big eyes of a female character in a Japanese comic cartoon.

But this world perfectly combines dream and reality together.

This may also be determined by the details. The world is as large as mountains and rivers, and as small as a flower and a grass, all strange and real, and conform to a specific ecological law, rather than abrupt existence.

Walking in this jungle, in a trance, as if you really are on a real planet Pandora, without the rendering of music and sound effects, without exaggerated art performance, everything is so incredible, but so real.

"What a powerful design team, how many people can conceive such a real and extraordinary worldview." Lu Huowang exclaimed in his heart.

Just relying on this dreamlike but real worldview is enough to attract countless players, even if the gameplay and plot are worse, it seems to be tolerated.

However, what Lu Huowang didn't expect was that this game was also very brilliant in terms of plot.

With the development of outing missions and the advancement of jungle adventures, the difficulty of the game increased rapidly, and Lu Huowang also felt the danger of Pandora for the first time.

When he accidentally disturbed the huge hammerhead thunder beast group, and then was chased by the ferocious death beast.

Lu Huowang knew that the world was beautiful and dangerous, and he died in the game for the first time.

But it is like a mandala flower, dangerous but fascinating.

The death mechanism in all copies of Infinite Time is unified. You cannot resurrect immediately after death. You need to wait for a certain time. As the number of deaths increases on that day, the waiting time increases step by step, and the maximum number of deaths per day is limited.

However, the game mall provides items that instantly resurrect with full blood, and items that increase the number of deaths. This is actually the so-called game krypton point, the most basic rule of unlimited time and space, and a mechanism that all copy developers must follow.

Of course, this is a good opportunity for developers and platforms to achieve profitability, and it does not add too much unfairness to players.

After all, if you have money, you can rely on krypton gold to quickly advance the game, and you can also rely on time to clear the game without money.

But Lu Huowang is a review editor, they can use some backstage cheaters to make the character invincible, and quickly pass the level to try and review.

However, this time Lu Huowang did not make the character invincible, but immediately tried to clear the level after resurrecting the character.

In fact, there are instructions for the escape route in the game. You only need the player to control the game character, run, jump, and avoid obstacles perfectly. With the help of surrounding plants as cover, you can successfully avoid the big mouth of the death beast, and finally come to the waterfall. There, by jumping down, you can completely overcome the danger.

In fact, it is not difficult to say, simple is not easy, but the process is thrilling and exciting.

After escaping from the pursuit of the death beast, the difficulty of the game once again escalated, and the task required him to survive, but the danger warning level was rapidly increasing.

He knew very well that night was coming, and the jungle at night was bound to be perilous and even more terrifying.

Lu Huowang looked at the character skills that had wild survival skills to use, and only simple items such as multi-function knives and matches were left in the inventory.

He only needs to follow the skill guidelines to collect wooden sticks and use the multi-function knives on his body to cut long spears as a self-defense weapon, and then look for tree oil that can be used to make torches, and then make torches to light them before dark.

But Lu Huowang did not rush to complete the task, but happily controlled the character to open the jungle exploration mode.

The more he explored, the more shocked Lu Huowang's heart was. In the past, in games with larger maps, except for several key scene maps, there were repetitive or similar landscapes and plants.

But here is different. With the changes in the topography, even the soil, sunlight, and moisture, the types, shapes, and sizes of the plants growing on it vary greatly.

Except for some plants and trees that are similar to those on the earth, many herbs, flowers, mushrooms, etc. have their own unique appearances that fit this worldview.

And as the environment changes, the insects, reptiles, and mammals that live there are also different.

These animals also really opened up Lu Huowang's vision, as if he was visiting a wild zoo in another world, such as flying animals that looked the size of a palm but looked like pterosaurs on the earth, hanging upside down on trees.

It looks like a monkey, but it has colorful skin, and animals with four limbs and forearms are jumping between the trees.

It looks like a deer, but it has fan-shaped membrane-like horns on its head. It is translucent, with bright colors and patterns. It looks like the gorgeous tail of a peacock from a distance. It is extremely beautiful.

The countless peculiar creatures made Lu Huowang amazed, completely indulged in them, and once forgotten his own job review, if not for the timely reminder of the system, he was afraid that he would be sightseeing in this jungle for a long time.

However, touring in this jungle also has a price. Lu Huowang encountered various beasts and poisonous snakes more than once, and died several times in succession.
