
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

Ken the Anomaly dies in an orchestrated event and finds himself in a play that is beyond Earth in the literal sense. In that place, he meets Thraxis the omnipotent, who offers to play a game with Ken. A Game full of hidden intentions but filled with fun and challenges that both enjoy. Thraxis gives Ken a being that is sealed away as a system that in a way is someone that could overthrow Thraxis. And Ken as the Anomaly was able to suppress the system. The game begins: With the player being Ken the Anomaly, Thraxis the omnipotent, and the Eleis the system. All major players who play simple games that could decide the dominance of everything ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · Fantasy
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61 Chs

The system loves her job but Ken hates it...

A green grenade appeared in Ken's hand making him grin, "How strong is this? And what is the range?" He inquired as he got into a low stance with the sword and the grenade. 

The Andrewsarchus's face scrunched up as it snarled at the Ground Drago which was backing off slowly. 

[It's a condensed one so only has a range of 4 meters in radius, as for the effectiveness, you would need to not breadth it in and you should be fine] 

The system answered casually but the last part made Ken's mouth twitch, "So, I would die if I breadth this gas in... but this monster would have its nose useless for a bit... how big is this gap"

[If that thing had a level then about 50 to 60, just to put it out there they are the Chihuahua of the monsters]

"So.... I would be going the monster by getting rid of one of them..." 

[Yes, but do not underestimate this Chihuahua, it is still way stronger than you in all stats. And they are great hunters] Ken nodded and started to observe the situation below. 

The Andrewsarchus started to walk and little fast and the next second it was gone. 

"KHHHHHH!!!!" The Ground Drago howled in pain making Ken look in shock as the Ground Drago's lower jaw was missing... it was ripped out. 

And the next moment its neck had a massive chunk of flesh missing. 

Ken rapidly pulled the pin and then threw it straight at the Ground Drago and before it could land, "KHHHHHH!!" the Ground Drago howled again, and this time because the Andrewsarchus was tearing its remaining jaw. 

BOOM! WHoossH! 

The stink grenade landed right beside the Andrewsarchus and burst, it noticed the grenade and jumped back but it was too late for that.

Its sharp nose had caught the smell, "GRCCKKKKKK!!!" it started to writhe on the ground, clawing its nose making it bleed profusely. 

Ken using the tree branched lunged himself downward with his sword aiming for the nose. 

He landed and using that landing motion he slashed with all his might and cut into the Andrewsarchus's already clawed-out nose then followed it by pushing the sword as deep as possible but, 

The Andrewsarchus's writhing made it difficult and Ken was kicked back slamming on the tree. 

Ken barely retained his consciousness and got up and watched, he couldn't do anything but watch now, and he grinned. "I guess this is over now," He muttered as he sat down and watched the Andrewsarchus that made the sword deeper making it bleed crazily. 

After almost 10 minutes, it finally gave out. 

An in-game notification popped up. 


🎉 Congratulations!!! 

You are the first player to kill a monster that was Titled! 

As you have killed a Titled monster you will be given the title: 'The Hunter of Aggressors

It was detected that the monster you killed was above the player's capability! 

You are given the title: 'The Strongest Player

With a bonus of a sub-class creation~! 


Name: Ken Valxin. 

Level: 19 → 27 | 87% done!

Class: None | Pick a class!!! 

Title: Anomaly, The Hunter of Aggressors, The Strongest Player

{The Hunter of Aggressors:

Effect 1: If in any case there is an aggressor present then the first attack you make will do 10% more damage or if the aggressor makes the first attack then you will gain a 10% extra defense overall.

Effect 2: Aggressor detection, can identify the aggressor no matter the distance}

{The Strongest Player:

Effect 1: When fighting a player you will gain an extra 5% on all your stats.

Effect 2: If you are the team leader, your whole team will gain an EXP boost of 10%.

Effect 3: If anyone searches for the strongest player online, then you would show as the result.}

Power Level: 237 → 312

Magic level: 10 


"These are very good.... except for the third effect... Why do such effects even exist...?" Ken dryly muttered as he reread the effects again and again, with each time getting more disappointed. 

[It is to make sure that people all over Blue Vail come and challange you~!] The system merrily said making Ken's lip twitch, he got up and stretched a bit.

"Damn, my back hurts..." Ken muttered to himself as he retrieved his sword. 

[Umm... It's to make the game balanced... but you are already level 27, and the second player with the highest level is 13...] 

The system out of nowhere weakly said making Ken pause, "Huh? Only 13? Are you kidding me...?" he was stupified. 

[What do you mean by only 13!? You skipped the whole lore, talk, and introduction that was 2 hours long!!! All the pros learn about the world first!! Do not rush in!! You already know about the world and it shity darkness and light side!!! But the pro players don't!!!] 

The system furiously shouted making Ken look away with a plain face. 

[Just for that, I will give you a quest...]

Ken raised a brow in question but before he could voice out anything a quest screen popped up. 

He read it and his face darkened. 

[I love my job~! ❤] 

The system lovingly whispered. 

"And I hate it..." Ken hopelessly retorted


Kill an Andrewsarchus (0/1)

Reward: 30,000 System points and Daily quest

Penalty: -10000% contagious luck for 1 hour.]

"The chances of me finding another Andrewsarchus... is so low that I would bet that I will have reached level 100 before it..." Ken complained as he looked at the dead body of the Andrewsarchus. 

[Hey now, there is no time limit~!] 

The system happily said, enjoying Ken's misery. 

Ken Ignored the system collected the Fang and the claws of the Andrewsarchus and went to retrieve his bag. 

He completely ignored the dead Ground Drago, who was already dead from the blood loss and the smell. Ken wasn't risking his nose for just the loot of the Ground Drago, so he left it be, not to mention he couldn't really tell where the smell started or ended, so he was more than 10 meters away from it the whole time he was there.


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