
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

Ken the Anomaly dies in an orchestrated event and finds himself in a play that is beyond Earth in the literal sense. In that place, he meets Thraxis the omnipotent, who offers to play a game with Ken. A Game full of hidden intentions but filled with fun and challenges that both enjoy. Thraxis gives Ken a being that is sealed away as a system that in a way is someone that could overthrow Thraxis. And Ken as the Anomaly was able to suppress the system. The game begins: With the player being Ken the Anomaly, Thraxis the omnipotent, and the Eleis the system. All major players who play simple games that could decide the dominance of everything ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Ken meets Siria.

Ken walked through the City of Hido, making his way to the Adventure Association. He observed the lively atmosphere of the city with a small smile.

He maneuvered through the crowds in a smooth and silent way, making sure to avoid getting into any kind of drama, and arrived in front of the Adventure's Association.

Ken went in and headed straight to the quest counter. The Association was pretty quiet; there weren't many people here, just a few, but they either stared at Ken or didn't even bother to look.

The same clerk who registered him stood with a smile upon seeing Ken. "Are you here to take a quest, Mr. Ken?" he politely asked as Ken got in front of the counter.

"Yes, a quest near the mountains or preferably the dry lands," Ken didn't waste time and directly stated.

(Image of the Clerk)

The Clerk nodded and pulled out a stack of paper. He started to select a few and placed them in front of Ken, who gave them a quick scan.

"These are the quests that can be taken for beginners. You will have to complete a certain amount of quests or prove that you are strong enough to handle yourself in order to take any quest other than beginner quests," the Clerk explained as he placed the 8th quest down.

Ken nodded in understanding as he picked up the quest. 'Get the Red Fire Lily from the mountains... Reward: 20 silver...' Ken read the quest and looked at it with confusion.

"What's with the reward? It's not bronze but silver..." Ken couldn't help but ask as he passed the quest to the Clerk, who brought out a register and checked the details of the quest.

"The reward isn't wrong. The Red Fire Lily is one of the most difficult quests, but anyone can do it, as it has no danger. Plus, no monsters live near it. However, they are located in tricky places and only grow in tall mountains or near volcanoes. And due to that, no one is willing to take this quest," the clerk explained as he pointed out the details of the flower.

"I will take it," Ken made his decision, and the Clerk nodded as he passed Ken the quest paper and wrote down the quest and Ken's name on the register right below the information of the quest details.

Ken left and started to make his way through some alleyway. He stopped in front of a shop that looked sketchy and went in unhesitatingly.

Ring ring!

The sound of a doorbell rang as he entered. "Oh, a customer~!" An excited voice came from the counter, catching Ken's attention.

Ken smiled as he looked at the person at the counter. "If it isn't Siria, the Queen of VR Gaming."

"Ho ho ho!? Someone recognized me~! And that someone is sure handsome as well~! Is it my lucky day!!" Siria bashfully and teasingly exclaimed as she got up.

"Yep, it's your lucky day, but not in the way you imply. You're still single," Ken bluntly remarked, his tone playful.

"Ugh... you didn't have to bring that up...." Siria growled as she faked being hurt. "Back to business! So, what have you got for me?" Her playful and teasing tone changed, becoming casual and relaxed.

Ken walked up to the counter, placed his bag down, and indicated for Siria to open it. "Wait wait wait! Where did you get a bag like this? There's no way anyone can make such high-quality bags..." Siria skeptically looked at the blue bag, which was a modern bag of excellent quality and appearance.

"No comment," Ken stated, making Siria give him a 'really' look, but she didn't ask further and opened the bag. The moment she did, the smell of blood spread like wildfire.

Siria's eyes shined as she looked at the contents of the bag. "I would prefer to cut the heart myself, but it doesn't really matter!" She exclaimed in excitement as she picked up a chunk of the heart, not minding the blood that spattered on her clothes and the floor.

She looked back into the bag, and her eyes narrowed. "The fang and claws of the Monster Chihuahua: the Andrewsarchus," she announced in surprise as she picked up the fang that couldn't fit in her hands.

"You are so lucky... you killed an Andrewsarchus that was with its baby. Where did you kill it?" She curiously asked as she picked up the claw and examined it.

"Well, this is one of the reasons I came here. I found its home about 20 kilometers..." Ken answered and watched Siria's expression turn serious. "Also... a baby? You're telling me this thing is a baby?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, it is a baby that has almost reached adulthood, but it's still a baby. An adult Andrewsarchus is much larger, almost 5 to 7 meters tall, and they are obnoxious. They will kill anything that moves in their eyes when they are hungry. But when they aren't hungry, they howl like mad or sleep,"

Siria explained as a small magic circle appeared in front of Ken.

"This is a truth speaker spell. It will tell me if you are lying or not. This matter is serious. Andrewsarchus doesn't leave their young ones alone for long, so the mother Andrewsarchus should still be around. The female Andrewsarchus is the most obnoxious, so it is better to get rid of them as fast as possible," she explained, and Ken shrugged.

"There was a baby Andrewsarchus about 20 Km from the city, and I killed it," The magic circle glowed green, and Siria looked annoyed. "Is that all? Or do you need more confirmations?" Ken asked, not minding the small interrogation.

"No need... sigh... I will give you 50 gold for the heart and 400 for the fang and claws. As for the information you provided, I will give you armor and add in 7000 gold," Siria offered, making Ken's eyes widen in shock.

"What? Do you think Andrewsarchus are cheap monster? They sell for around 100k gold, and once in an auction, it was almost 800k gold. And if there are more baby Andrewsarchus, then I will possibly make millions here, so it's only fair," Siria remarked, breaking out in a wide grin.

"Well, thank you..." Ken awkwardly thanked, anticipating what was coming next.

"Hmm, you know what~! I will add Sate as well~! How about it~! Do you want to go out with this big sister~?" She offered bewitchingly, biting her lips.

'I knew it...' Ken already knew this was coming. "Ahem... you don't have to worry. You will be single for a few years more," Ken indirectly rejected.

"Ugh... Come on, I was only teasing... you don't need to bring me being single to defend yourself," Siria faked being hurt, making a pained face while looking away as if she was heartbroken.

'I will at every turn... you are the fox type, never docile,' Ken mentally retorted as he shrugged, making Siria grow annoyed.

"Fine fine, I will go get your armor and gold. Take a seat," Siria stopped teasing and left the shop.

[Wow, she is really free-spirited.]

The system commented out of nowhere.

'Welcome back, and yes, she is. But if you get on her bad side, she is the witch you never want to meet,' Ken welcomed the system back, not surprised by her sudden comment.

[Oh well, I am only here for a bit. Check your pocket; there is a bracelet there. It's the danger tracker. And I am off.]

The system said, and then a system screen popped up.

[System offline.

You can use the system shop and buy stuff as well. If you want a quest, then make one yourself, but do remember that if you make the quest, then the rewards that aren't title or item will be deducted by half.]

And the system was gone...

"..." Ken stayed silent and waited for Siria to return.

And she didn't make him wait long.