
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

Author note: After very careful consideration (*Ahem Getting threatened to be kicked out multiple times, Ahem *) I have come to a decision to stop writing for a while. The first 66 chapters are free for a limited time! | Yes, there is Lemon | No NTR | No Yuri | ======================= SYNOPSIS: A simple game, 2 players.The Anomaly AND The Omnipotent. what's at stake? Nothing... It's a simple game of intelligence, manipulation, growth, and bonds. But the Players disagree! As per the rules, there is nothing at stake but unfortunately in truth, everything is, why? Because there was a possible third player! But is she a player? No. But she is the reason for the game! Omnipotent wishes to eliminate her while the Anomaly wishes to keep her as his. While the possible third player just wishes for her freedom, to destroy the Balance. But again is it that simple? Nah... The possible third player is feared by the Omnipotent and is the object of obsession for the Anomaly The Anomaly stands tall while the Omnipotent hides true. Both a mystery to each other, one is unpredictable while the other is absurd. A game that was supposed to be simple can decide all, with everything at stake and all at odds. ================= MC not simp(He is the type of guy who you can have a drink with and is chill but also someone who you neer want to mess with no matter what.) This Novel is Harem (The number isn't sure... it can just be 2 or up to 5. I will probably ask in the chapter in the future.) ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
177 Chs

Dungeon cleared and the little tiger again

Ken swung his sword through the air, the blue blood of the Cyclops splattering to the ground. He wasn't the type to sit idly by when on a time limit. Enhancing the sword once more, he grasped the blade, took a spear-throwing stance, and hurled it with precision.

The sword sailed through the air and plunged into the Cyclops' side. The beast let out a scream, its eye turning bloodshot. Moments later, blood began to drip from the massive eye as the creature's squirming stopped.

The Cyclops was dead, not even have a chance to resist to fight back. 

Two system screens appeared showing the completion of the quests, 


Complete a dungeon (1/1) ✅

Reward: A danger tracker for Aisa.

Penalty: -20 levels

Time limit: 1 hour



Complete a dungeon (1/1) ✅

Reward: 5k and Decision in the next quest reward!

Penalty: lose the ability to wield any weapons.


Followed by two more in-game screens, one of an achievement and the other his status. 


🎉 Congratulation~! 🎉

You are the first player to complete the dungeon! 

Rewarded with a skill: Quick Step 

A skill that will help you skip a step. 

Skip is limited by level. If the Skill level is 10 then you will be able to skip 10 steps. 

Dected that the player has completed the dungeon alone with a time of 51 minutes! 

Extra Reward: A class upgrade | Pick a class!!!!! Need to be in the city or a safe area to pick a class



Name: Ken Valxin. 

Level: 39 →41 | 3% done!

Class: None | Pick a class!!!!!!!!! 

Title: Anomaly, The Hunter of Aggressors, The Strongest Player

Power Level: 501 → 538

Magic level: 10 

skill: Enhancement, Quick Step


Ken gave a satisfied smile as he saw his gains. Shifting his attention to the Cyclops' corpses, he couldn't help but mutter. "A pity, I don't have a space ring..."

[Huh? You already have 5,000 system points, and a space ring is cheap just 2,000 coins, just buy it. And why do you even need it?] 

The system went back to her lazy attitude, still a little miffed about Ken finishing the dungeon but she didn't really care, the rewards weren't much and it didn't make much of a difference. 

"Simple, Cyclopses are rare and every part of them goes for a good price,"

Ken nonchalantly answered, relaxed no that the quest was over. He walked up to his sword and pulled out, making blood immediately pour out.

[Now what are you doing?] 

The system seriously asked as she watched Ken jump on its back and stab his sword into the left side of the Cyclops' back. 

"The Cyclops' heart costs a few gold coins in the market but selling it to an alchemist will get about a few dozen gold coins or potions." 

Ken started to carve out the back, cutting out the flesh, and slowly cut around the rib cage, revealing the heart that sat there with little movement, it was still beating but was slowly dying out. 

[You really don't care about getting your hands bloody...] 

The system commented, but Ken just shrugged and pulled the heart which was the size of a human head out. "My hands were bloodied when I was 6, this is nothing," 

[Hoo? I guess I was sleeping when that happened, I don't remember that, oh well, whatever. ]

The system sounded lazy, she had seen a lot from Ken who is a Valxin, the top of the top family, and in a sense the enemy of the whole world... so killing was just normal. 

Ken didn't bother to start a conversation, he jumped off the corpse and headed to the pond where he cleaned up his sword and dipped the heart in water, getting rid of the blood. He then proceeded to place the heart in the backpack and then cleaned himself of all blood. 

[You know the heart is going to be in pieces by the time you are back in the city?]

"I know but the alchemists don't care, they would crush it into a mash either way." 

Ken jumped off the pond, his clothes socked but the water would dry off, unlike blood. Ken sheathed his sword and left with his back, not bothering to stay any longer than needed. 

On his way, he took the same path, only being careful with the 8th floor which had the Earth Element but fortunately, he didn't come across it, making his journey back much easier. 

Ken was back on the first floor and walking down the exit when he suddenly stopped as he spotted a familiar little figure. The little tiger Luna was at the end of the cave, sitting and staring at Ken. 

Ken and Luna stared at each other, and after a moment Luna turned to her right and then looked back at Ken who without needing a sign understood that Sophy was present too and was waiting for him outside. 

"Troublesome... I would rather not meet her," Ken muttered under his breath but Luna perked her ears, catching what he said. 

She raised a paw and gestured to come making Ken raise his brows, he started to walk toward her, his step silent as usual, he didn't care if he had to meet Sophy again. 

After reaching the exit, Ken knelt down on one knee and patted Luna's head, Luna purred and licked his hand.

[This little one really likes you, probably because your presence is heavy and alluring] 

The system commented sparking Ken's curiosity, 'Oh? mind-expanding on that?'

[Didn't I already tell you? You are alluring to spiritual life forms like me. And it's pleasing for creatures that can sense spiritual life form like this little tiger to be around you.] 

The system explained, a little lazy but confident in her words. 

Luna gave Ken's hand a final lick before walking away, going to the right where Sophy was, she was sitting on a rock, and Luna jumped on her lap. She then proceeded to climb on her shoulders and started to lick her face. 

Sophy let out a small giggle as she petted Luna, distracting her. 

Ken noticed this as he stepped out of the cave, walked in the other direction, and then used his new skill 'Quick Step' to skip a step and appear behind a tree, then started to walk off only glancing back after he was far enough. 

Luna was still distracting Sophy, making her completely miss Ken's exit. 

"Luna, stop that~ That tickles!" Sophy hugged Luna and kissed her head, and Luna happily snuggled up, enjoying the attention, her eyes briefly going to Ken but focused more on taking up Sophy's attention for herself. 


Ken smiled seeing Luna cuddle up Sophy and walk off, not wanting to be involved with her... well, 2 months later they would meet again, and that too in an unexpected way. 

[That little tiger distracted Sophy as a side quest... she wanted the attention...]

The system laughingly said to which Ken chuckled. 

"Either way, I got away without some involvement with Nobles," Ken casually replied, not caring about Luna's motive.

Ken's journey back was mostly uneventful, with a few goblins falling to his sword without resistance. It was peaceful enough, until Luna suddenly appeared, hopping onto his shoulder and making herself comfortable.

Ken immediately drew his sword, body tensing in response to her sudden movement, but relaxed when he saw it was just Luna. He patted her gently.

[What the hell? How are you reacting so fast? You're not even level 100! You shouldn't be able to react like that at your current level!]

The system was stunned.

'Why wouldn't I? She's cute and fluffy. As for my reaction, it's normal. I'm a Valxin. My father trained me to my peak, so my senses are sharp. Why do you think my life was hell?'

Ken's response was calm, making the system hum in agreement.

[Fair enough.]

Luna wrapped herself around Ken's neck, purring softly. After a few minutes, Ken spoke up, "You should head back now."

The tiger obeyed, leaping off and vanishing without a trace, except for her lingering scent.

[I have a feeling you'll see that tiger again. And Sophy? She seems curious about you. You might meet her later too.]

Ken shook his head. "Luna? Maybe. But Sophy? I doubt it. I don't plan on staying in the city, and I'll avoid it if I can."

Ken gradually picked up speed as he jogged, leaving the area behind.

[You know what? I'm going to go pester Thraxis!]

The system abruptly went offline, leaving Ken with a final notification:

[The system is offline. If you have anything to say: I don't care.]
