
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

| Yes, there is Lemon | No NTR | No Yuri | ======================= SYNOPSIS: A simple game, 2 players.The Anomaly AND The Omnipotent. what's at stake? Nothing... It's a simple game of intelligence, manipulation, growth, and bonds. But the Players disagree! As per the rules, there is nothing at stake but unfortunately in truth, everything is, why? Because there was a possible third player! But is she a player? No. But she is the reason for the game! Omnipotent wishes to eliminate her while the Anomaly wishes to keep her as his. While the possible third player just wishes for her freedom, to destroy the Balance. But again is it that simple? Nah... The possible third player is feared by the Omnipotent and is the object of obsession for the Anomaly The Anomaly stands tall while the Omnipotent hides true. Both a mystery to each other, one is unpredictable while the other is absurd. A game that was supposed to be simple can decide all, with everything at stake and all at odds. ================= MC not simp(He is the type of guy who you can have a drink with and is chill but also someone who you neer want to mess with no matter what.) This Novel is Harem (It will be slow harem! 5 to 6 girls max. ) ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
165 Chs

Dark Machination

---City-A, headquarters of the VR community---

Noah glared at the screen in front of him, his face wrathful. On the screen, it showed Thraxis looking directly at Noah. Thraxis's mouth moved, and Noah read his lips out loud, "Noah Valxin, you are too good at what you do." Noah gritted his teeth as he replayed the video. All the other footage was gone, leaving only a 4-second clip that showed Thraxis mouthing his words.

"Thraxis... just who the hell are you?" Noah growled. No matter what he did, he couldn't find anything on Thraxis, not even a little. Noah was blind to Thraxis, and that frustrated him endlessly. Eleis had escaped his radar, but that was acceptable since she was known by Ken. But Thraxis? Nothing, absolutely nothing. "Keep an eye on that Mahira girl," Noah ordered.

"It shall be done," a robotic voice replied.

Noah was frustrated, his eyes narrowed. "If... he proves himself to be a threat... Code: 5144," he commanded and took a deep breath.

Code: 5144, something that is only reserved for the End.


A boy with black hair and dark eyes had a gentle face and a youthful appearance. He was wearing a loose dark blue T-shirt and black pants.

(Image of the boy here)

He stared at his phone which showed the results of the event. "Heh, I came first!" he exclaimed as he stared at his rank. "1st Damian Hamasaki kills 1,146," he announced his rank and grinned ear to ear.

"Fuck yeah! Now everyone will know my name!" he excitedly jumped on the bed. After a while, he settled down and stared at the other players' city results. "The highest of Rolious City is only 926 kills. Heh! Mine is 1,146," he smirked, his ego off the roof now.

He checked the ranking of Hido City, his grin widening as he expected to see his kill count be the highest in the whole game. The results of Hido City popped up, and he froze, his grin falling and replaced by stupefaction. "What the fuck... you've got to be kidding me," he muttered as he refreshed the page, but the results didn't change. His heartbeat quickened as he double-checked and then triple-checked the results.

"1st Ken Valxin Total Kills: 3,791 + GrimDark," he uttered the rank first out, his expression turning ugly. "How...? He also killed the beast?" he gritted his teeth.

He pulled his laptop from under the pillow and quickly looked up Ken, and the information about Ken came in instantly.

---Laptop screen---

Ken Valxin

The player who holds the title: The Strongest Player

One of the best players and someone who is a god of war on the battlefield! His mastery and skill are unmatched.

Blab blab blab...


Damian stared at the massive load of information that had popped up with envy. "This bastard... he has his own fan profile," he enviously grumbled as he scrolled down the endless information that was piled up, the majority repeated. There was also a massive image section of Ken, with hundreds of images and videos.

There was also a comment section with millions of comments and talks about Ken. Damian's eyes stared in hatred as he scrolled more, reading a few comments.

"Oh my god, he is so damn cool,"

"His Majesty Ken is so magnificent"

"Fuck me, master Ken, I want you to..."

Damian stopped reading as he recoiled from what he just read. "WTF!!! Who is this whore!" he shouted as he looked at the 1,000 comments that begged Ken to violate her.


He slammed closed his laptop and stared blankly into nothing. "Bastard... you stole away my stage... all those comments should have been for me..." he grieved, his shoulders slumping down, his eyes almost bloodshot. "Hehehe...HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!" he creepily laughed as he opened his laptop and stared at Ken's profile. His eyes were a little crazed. "Let's see, what weakness you have," he started to search up things related to Ken, gathering information, and then, "A little sister?" he muttered as he stumbled upon Aisa's profile.

Opening Aisa's profile, he stared at the image of her. "What an adorable girl..." he wickedly muttered. "There is no way I can kill The Strongest Player... that would be illogical, but what about when he is devastated?" he plotted an evil grin on his face. "I get to feast on his ADORABLE liTTlE sISteR and aLSo gEt hIM OUt oF My waY to faMe!" he cackled as he started to plan how he would go about it.

---Ken's residence----

Eleis leaned on the balcony of Ken's room, her eyes glowing purple as she stared at the forest around her. "My hubby would kill you the moment you try something stupid," she remarked as she listened in on Damian's thoughts.

She was the one who summoned him, and you could say Damian was her pawn. A pawn that she would move around as she pleased but now, "Oh Damian... you were such a good pawn... you had to set your sights on Aisa, someone I am teaching and to top it off she is my hubby's reverse scale."

Her eyes returned to normal. "What a pity, but you will contribute to Aisa's growth, so I will let you be." She shrugged, looked over her shoulder, and smiled. Ken had entered the room and was making his way to the balcony.

"What are you doing here?" Ken asked as he hugged her from behind, his hands wrapping around her waist.

Eleis leaned back. "Nothing, just staring out into the forest~" she playfully answered with a lie. Ken knew it, but he didn't question it. She turned around, sitting on the handrail, her leg wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer.

Ken smiled and pecked her on the lips. "Aren't you a little too energetic today? My mischievous queen?" he teased.

Eleis snuggled up to his neck, pressing her boobs against his chest. "I feel a bit lazy, but not to the point of lazing around. Plus, I am enjoying every second with you," she affectionately whispered.

Meanwhile, outside the room. 

"Can't either of you lock the door," Aisa dryly mumbled as she silently closed the door. "Sigh," she sighed as she walked away. "At least give me a nephew or niece," she complained and left them alone. 


This is the last chapter of this volume! Now... give me your power stones! 

Discord link: https://discord.gg/v9HAnXErW9