
Game Across the World

Cultural fragments descended from outside the world of Gaem, and fate quietly changed… As a cultural carrier, games contain immense power, abilities and talents can be obtained in the game world! No resources, no contacts! But the game world is fair, and the coming role determines everyone’s future! The dungeon has its own golden house, and there must be Yan Ruyu on the battlefield! [Three years of games, five years of college entrance examination] [On how to pass the trainee practice copy] [One hundred postures for the clearance of the game doctoral copy] [Nordell Game Strategy Award] On the eve of the college entrance examination for another year, a cultural core was discovered and a brand new game world was born! Shen Chen, Salted fish player, game dead house, game design programmer! When he woke up from a dream, he came to this world, looked at the score sheet and made trouble. I was destined to miss the book, and eventually became a 996 civilian? No, the undead team has not completely defeated me, how can the game world that comes to bear me! what! How is the village called Beijun Village? How can talent have tenacity and blood anger? The greed of the knight? Bishop Faor, why are you ignoring me, what does indifference mean? No, Warcraft? Alliance… Is the so-called cultural core… Is Heishi step so strong? All parry and block? Does it mean to be impeached? see through? Wait online! anxious! How to fight Ratman Hogg! What is the lair of Sivana’s daughter Sivanas, watch out for the dragon’s breath! …It turned out to be so, the game has crossed the world! Why did cultural fragments come to this world? What is controlling all this behind? Chaos, natural disasters, insect swarms, and groups are coming one after another! I will cut off the black hand reaching out to this world

Abra_Gan · Games
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10 Chs

Nothing more real than gold coins


   A cry of pain and joy spread throughout the woodland of North County.

   Shen Chen almost jumped up when he saw that special value, but his tired body naturally did not support him to do so, and the result was naturally twisted to that young old waist.

   He rubbed his back waist with a strange expression on his face. The knight's greedy passiveness was the root cause of his inability to go to North County to learn skills and receive tasks. He was indifferent to this skill and did not report any hope from the beginning.

   But now it seems that the effect of this skill is much stronger than imagined. If a war wolf gives 11 copper, 1000 can get 1G (gold)!

Only then did he read the skill effects seriously. According to the literal meaning, 5% extra loot and 5% higher quality loot should be two special effects triggered before and after, one can make the boss drop more equipment, one But make the equipment dropped by the boss better!

   I just don't know what this high quality means, but does the original equipment have better attributes, or is it just replaced by a piece of equipment?

   He remembered the grievances of the past, as a non-chief, Titan, Flame of War, Thunder! I can only watch others take it eagerly, now it's time for me to be the emperor of Europe! (But what I want more is to directly upgrade an equipment type!)

"Seeing this effect, most people will ignore the small print below!" Shen Chen thought, "It is said that it is the small print, but didn't the goblins sculpt them with a microscope? There is no system reminder, who can see it! "

   The predecessor probably made such a mistake and went directly to trade and quests with NPCs. As a result, the talents put money into their pockets directly from their wallets.

   For the stubborn North County people, this is tantamount to conquering his valuable possessions from the merchant of Venice (Sherlock). It would be nice not to hate directly!

   Shen Chen felt a physical movement at this time, it seemed that his predecessor was complaining about something, and it seemed to be crying and resenting!

   He nodded immediately, and said to himself: "I have received your grievance. Isn't it just a few goblins? I will let the venture capital company pay their due price in the future!"

   After saying these words, Shen Chen immediately felt the fluctuation of his soul. He felt that something inseparable had gradually merged into his body, his mind became clear, and his tired body became much more comfortable.

The most important thing is that he suddenly seems to be familiar with swordsmanship, and he can do the most suitable maneuvers just by holding the weapon. This makes him very excited. For a traveler born in a city, the biggest weakness is Action essentials and combat experience now!

  Shen Chen suddenly had enlightenment, he and his predecessor had not yet fully merged, and if he wanted to obtain everything from him, he was afraid to complete all the regrets of his predecessor.

   Let's start with War Wolf. The current reputation is cold 2478/3000, and there is neutrality in the middle to reach friendly, which is a total of 3522 reputation. Each war wolf has 1 prestige, plus the diplomat effect, a total of 3202 war wolves have to be killed, which is not too much. Try to complete it in the 5 days of unblocking the magic stone!

   But he got a bitter face again. He spent a total of 5 days, 12 hours a day of uninterrupted killings, but only 3,600 minutes, which means that he can kill a war wolf every minute to achieve his goal.

   glanced at the system time, it took at least 5 minutes to kill the Blackrock War Wolf, and it took at least 10 minutes to recover his blood after resting, which is a quarter of an hour to kill one!

  If this continues, it is almost impossible to complete the task on time!

Shen Chen quickly threw this sullen thought aside. If he thinks so, the blame can't be beaten. He simply focuses his attention on the next Black Rock Wolf. Maybe with the increase in skill and level, The wolf's battle can also become simple and fast, so that it is possible to complete his plan.

   The process of leveling and spawning monsters was naturally arduous and exciting. After a few breads had finished lunch, Shen Chen continued to kill the wolves until the sun went west.


   He held back his fatigue and kicked the fallen war wolf corpse. This war wolf only hurt me 10 points of blood, which is much better than the previous battle.

With the constant fighting and practice, coupled with the influence of soul fusion, Shen Chen's combat experience and swordsmanship are also rising rapidly. Up to now, it takes only 2 minutes to kill the wolf, and the reduction in blood loss also allows him There is no need to recover for that long.

   "It's 11 copper again, now I have close to 15 silver!"

  Shen Chen's fingers flashed a few silvery white lights. The coins in the world of gods and demons were also structured in a regular manner. You only need to convert the copper coins into the system to withdraw the corresponding money.

   The world has been open for less than 5 days, and the maximum level is 5, and the money they hold is no more than 10 silver. It can be said that Shen Chen is already the richest of all players.

"Hey, there is still a piece of equipment!" Shen Chen was smiling and counting the money, and suddenly found that there was a shiny thing under the body of the wolf that had just been kicked away. According to the experience of past games, it is not out of stock, but what is it? !

   "Killing so many monsters, without a piece of equipment, I thought my greed talent was a bug, good guy, I finally have something."

   Shen Chen rubbed his hands. For a player, touching the corpse was a very sacred thing. He even poured out the few pots of water and washed his hands before picking up the item.

   "Grass!! The character has exploded!" Shen Chen excitedly kissed this colorful shield.

   The shield is not big, even slightly smaller than the tattered round wooden shield in the backpack, but the shield is different. It is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. The top looks like an inlaid dagger, which is very peculiar.

   Although the entire shield is in tatters, there is still a faint golden streamer flowing slowly on the surface of the shield, which is not ordinary.

Midas' experiment-dagger shield (bronze): off-hand weapon, 6-point armor, 6-point block, attack power 2-3 (attack speed 4.8), Constitution +1, strength +1, agility +1, spirit +1.

   Effect: After defeating any boss, these life essences will be refined, and an extra money and item reward will be obtained.

   The cooling time is 7 days. Every boss killed will reduce the cooling time by an additional 2 hours. (Repeatedly killing the boss is invalid. Only items of quality below silver can be made, and the level does not exceed 15.)

   The equipment requires level 3, the strength requires 4 points, and the durability is 60/60.

   In the introduction column of the equipment, it was written that before Midas completed his pinnacle work, The Hand of Midas, there were countless failed works. This shield once converted his arm into gold, so it was quickly abandoned.

   (Small print: No way, a greedy passive is still a non-chief, already considered a master non-chief, I had to put this piece of equipment here for everyone to admire.)

   Evaluation: There is nothing more real than gold coins. Even if you haven't ordered gold hands, you must first use gold shields to make up the scene.

   Shen Chen was ashamed, it turned out that it was not my luck, but the ninety-nine strange non-chiefs who made up for the drop! Rely on that, it's useless for me to use this talent. Will the nameplate of the little black hand be hung on my head again?

   But this shield is really good. The armor and block are more profitable than his current body equipment and attributes. It also has additional attack power. It doesn't matter if the attack speed is slow, at least it can be used as a supplement.

  The equipment with attributes is extremely difficult to see before level 6, let alone the total attribute of 4 points. For Shen Chen's urgent need for leveling and killing efficiency, it can be regarded as T0 level equipment.

  ...The abnormal state of the game is detected...The equipment system problem is detected...Improperly compensated for the drop system...Re-planning the drop...The pseudo-random drop mode has been activated...

Suddenly, the system started without movement. It directly modified the drop system in the world of gods and demons, and the pseudo-random mode once again gave the non-chiefs hope that UU reading www.uukanshu.com will not fall for a long time at least, There must be a drop.

But Shen Chen is still very upset. Shouldn't the talent fit the soul? Shouldn't I be the Emperor of Europe? When will I be rescued by pseudo-random? He once again remembered this hatred in the goblin who wrote the line. Body.


   "Ah cut"

This is a resplendent clubhouse. Not only goblin waiters in gorgeous clothes come here, but there are also blood elf girls from the northeast. By the side of the large and colorful swimming pool, a big-bellied purple goblin hit a big Sneeze.

   "Hey, I always think someone is thinking about my potion!"

On the beach chair next to him, the naked figure wearing a mask replied: "You...you are just drunk!" He took out a bottle of green potion and took a mouthful, "This tastes good." Great, do you want to... taste... every..."

   "Oh, you throw that **** away!" The purple goblin hurriedly shouted to the ogre on the side, "Take me to this ghost place!"

   "What are you talking about, I just...shake it before drinking...separately!"

   "That is my potion! I regret looking for this ogre!"

   "Boom!!!" A loud noise changed this luxurious clubhouse into another appearance.

   "My palace, what have you done!!" The earthy goblin heard the sound, but only saw a ruin, and his statue was considered to have collapsed.

   "Oh, time is money, my friend, I remember that I still have a potion material that I haven't collected!" The purple goblin slid a smoke, rode on the ogre, and quickly escaped with oil.

   And the figure wearing the mask staggered and asked: "Would you like a drink?"