
Gamble of Fate

Li Yang grew up as an orphan, facing constant bullying and adversity. However, as time passed, he uncovered his innate talents which set him on a path of achievements. Using his intelligence and sheer determination, he climbed the corporate ladder and eventually secured the position of the CEO in a major company. Just when life seemed to have taken a turn for the better, Li Yang made a startling discovery that his family lineage still existed. This revelation thrust him into a tumultuous conflict between his newfound family and formidable adversaries. One of the most harrowing challenges he faced during this time was the kidnapping of his beloved wife. In this world, battles are not fought with traditional means; instead, participants use special cards to summon monstrous creatures as their champions in combat. As he delved deeper into these conflicts, Li Yang unearthed an alarming truth: the world stood on the brink of potential destruction.

welsoon · Fantasy
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169 Chs

Chapter 19: Ambitions Awakened

Li Yang's heart wrestled with its desires. As he sat in his opulent office, gazing out at the sprawling city below, a gnawing feeling of discontent took root. The higher he rose within the Phoenix Group, the clearer his true ambition became. Being a top executive was no longer enough; he coveted control of the entire conglomerate. Not just for the power it promised, but for Lan Xi. In his eyes, securing the Phoenix Group was a testament to his love and commitment to her.

His plan started subtly. He began by fostering relationships with mid-level managers, understanding the grassroots operations of the conglomerate. By attending informal gatherings, luncheons, and off-the-record meetings, he started gaining allies. Each interaction was a calculated move, a chess piece advanced in his grand strategy.

Simultaneously, Li Yang began analyzing the Phoenix Group's financial statements and business models meticulously. He sought loopholes, areas of improvement, and potential vulnerabilities. His nights were consumed by this obsession, as he pored over document after document, piecing together a master plan.

He also began discreetly meeting with key stakeholders outside the company. Potential investors, influential business magnates, and even rivals. In whispered conversations over dimly lit dinners, he promised growth, expansion, and unparalleled success under his envisioned leadership. He painted a picture of a Phoenix Group that was unstoppable, innovative, and at the forefront of the industry.

However, the linchpin of his plan was the employees. Li Yang believed that by winning their trust and loyalty, he could commandeer the heart and soul of the Phoenix Group. He started holding secret meetings, where he listened to grievances, offered solutions, and promised a brighter future. His charisma and vision began to sway many, creating a growing faction within the company that saw him as the rightful leader.

Yet, with every step he took, the risks escalated. The board started noticing the shifting dynamics. Whispers of his clandestine maneuvers reached their ears. While some admired his audacity and vision, others saw him as a threat that needed to be neutralized.

As the weeks went by, the tension within the Phoenix Group was palpable. Two camps emerged, one rallying behind Li Yang and the other loyal to the existing leadership. The corridors of power echoed with hushed conversations, wary glances, and unspoken alliances.

Li Yang knew the road ahead was perilous. Every move, every alliance, was fraught with danger. But in his heart, he believed it was worth it. For power, for control, but most importantly, for Lan Xi. The Phoenix Group was not just a conglomerate to him; it was the canvas upon which he would paint his love story.