
Gamble of Fate

Li Yang grew up as an orphan, facing constant bullying and adversity. However, as time passed, he uncovered his innate talents which set him on a path of achievements. Using his intelligence and sheer determination, he climbed the corporate ladder and eventually secured the position of the CEO in a major company. Just when life seemed to have taken a turn for the better, Li Yang made a startling discovery that his family lineage still existed. This revelation thrust him into a tumultuous conflict between his newfound family and formidable adversaries. One of the most harrowing challenges he faced during this time was the kidnapping of his beloved wife. In this world, battles are not fought with traditional means; instead, participants use special cards to summon monstrous creatures as their champions in combat. As he delved deeper into these conflicts, Li Yang unearthed an alarming truth: the world stood on the brink of potential destruction.

welsoon · Fantasy
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169 Chs

Chapter 127: Radiance and Gales

As the sun began to dip, casting a warm orange hue over the sprawling arena, the audience's anticipation grew. Whispers of the next contender's reputation spread like wildfire. Lysandra, from the revered South Heaven City, was about to make her move.

Facing her was the 83rd ranked student, a robust lad named Matthias, with raven-black hair and piercing green eyes. By his side stood his card monster, the Inferno Golem - a massive creature of molten rock and flame, its fiery eyes reflecting its burning spirit.

Lysandra, with her flowing silver hair and deep blue robe, seemed undeterred. "Matthias," she acknowledged, her voice gentle yet firm. "I've heard tales of your Inferno Golem. It's an honor to face you."

Matthias smirked, confidence evident. "Let's see if your Radiant Pegasus can withstand my Golem's heat," he retorted.

Without any more words, the duel commenced. The Inferno Golem, with its immense strength and blazing fury, charged at Lysandra's Radiant Pegasus. However, the Pegasus, living up to its name, emitted a blinding light, creating a radiant shield, deflecting the Golem's fiery onslaughts.

Lysandra, with her acute sense of strategy, directed her Pegasus to take the aerial route. The Pegasus, soaring high, rained down beams of radiant energy onto the Golem. Matthias, quick to react, ordered his Golem to use its volcanic eruptions, sending molten rocks hurtling towards the Pegasus.

The battle raged on, each contender giving their all. But eventually, the combined might of Lysandra's tactics and the Pegasus's radiant beams overpowered the Inferno Golem, sealing Lysandra's victory.

With Lysandra's win resonating through the arena, it was now Feng Xuan's turn to challenge. She selected the 84th ranked student, a young woman named Isolde with cascading auburn hair. Beside Isolde stood her card monster, the Mystic Serpent – a sleek creature of shimmering scales and hypnotic eyes.

Isolde, with a graceful nod, said, "Feng Xuan, I've been awaiting this duel. Your Wind Cog is legendary."

Feng Xuan merely smiled, replying, "And your Mystic Serpent has its own tales. Let's see whose story continues."

As the duel unfolded, the Mystic Serpent unleashed waves of ethereal energy, trying to ensnare the Wind Cog in its mystical aura. Feng Xuan, however, with her bond with the Wind Cog, summoned gusts and cyclones, disrupting the Serpent's energy flows.

The Wind Cog, resembling an intricate clockwork creature powered by gales, used its winds to push back the Mystic Serpent. Isolde, displaying her deep connection with her monster, urged the Serpent to counter with its own vortex of energy.

The audience watched in awe as the Serpent and the Wind Cog danced around each other – a mesmerizing display of power, precision, and strategy. The duel's climax came when Feng Xuan commanded the Wind Cog to create a massive tornado, trapping the Mystic Serpent and draining its energy.

The dust settled, revealing Feng Xuan and her Wind Cog as the victors. Isolde, graceful in defeat, congratulated Feng Xuan. "Your reputation is well deserved," she admitted.

The audience erupted in cheers for the day's thrilling battles, eagerly discussing the day's events and speculating on the next chapter of this grand tournament.