
Gallery of Truth

In a world where boundaries exists, a girl has broken all laws to exist with 3 goals in mind, to survive, to get out, and to meet the unknown person from her childhood and current helper from ERA 2. With the help of her selected partner, she goes around the universe trying to uncover the secrets of her existence as a "bug" while trying to run away from the goverment due to her past crimes. As she meets people along the way, she untangles the strings and led the way to the truth, and lies. But no matter what, these photos were still a lie, yet the gallery is the proof it exists, and the proof it was true. (Warnings!) Gore. Pedophilia. Necromancy. Blood. Full detail of gore. Dead dove do not eat I want to upload on AO3 but I don't know how. Abuse. Rape. Sexual Assault. Cursing. Detail of how someone's dong got chopped off.

Candycane_X · Fantasy
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12 Chs


"What would you change if you have the power, Neoma?"

The girl flinched at the sudden call of her name.

"Nothing. I already have the best life I could have."

She spoke.


The taller girl said.

"My life is at the peak of it. I have good grades, good parents, good friends, good lifestyle, and no pain! There is nothing to change."

She smiled.

"What about your career? What would you want to be when you grow up?"

The other said.

"It's still the same. I want to be a writer!"

She said with glee.

The other girl chuckled at the statement.

'She is still happy as ever.'

She thought as they walked around the school grounds.

"My dad is here, bye!"


The girl then got up to her dad's motorcycle and put her helmet on.

The girl's dad then drove away.

'Hmmm, what will be our dinner for tonight?'

As they arrived home, the girl put her bag into one place.

She changed her clothes and did her assignment.

She then went to her phone.

"I should write another chapter."

She opened a tab and went to a website.


"This story isn't even real..."

She chuckled at the website's name.


A message.

<{MAYU!!!}>: NEOMA!

<{MAYU!!!}>: @Neomathebbgirl

<{MAYU!!!}>: @Neomathebbgirl

<{Neoma38}>: What?? 😭


<{Neoma38}>: I'm doing it!


Neoma smiled and began doing the new chapter.

'Chapter 15'

Damn that's a lot.

Sirens were blaring.

Uh oh.

Alrighty time to pack!

She just stuffed all her gadgets and some fighting equipment.

'I need food.'

She just grabbed everything in the cabinet and stuffed the poor bag.

Alright it's time to go!

She hopped in a portal and went back to ERA 4.

'Phew, the Virtual Crew almost caught me, their memories must've been wiped out by now.'

And in fact, it was not. She didn't go pass the middle timeline.

ERA 4 is a place where humans, or basically just the souls to live. Without the souls, Virtual Timeline cannot live.

Virtual Timeline is where the bodies, or the "Shells" live. They are made to protect the souls.

The souls and shells cannot meet and live in the same timeline. They go through the "Middle Timeline" to meet and see the other version of themselves.

The Virtual people or the shells are often called "The Numbered" as they are named as numbers.

Everyone in ERA 4 has a numbered version of themselves, which they can meet at the Middle Timeline.

The Numbered and The Souls co-exist for the other to survive.

A connection is formed at birth where a selection is held.

A numbered has to protect the soul.

In an alternate timeline, the soul is the numbered which they are protecting the souls who was once the numbered.

The numbered cannot survive without the souls and the souls cannot survive without the numbered.

Neoma, herself has a numbered version of herself.

And I guess she had caused some troubles in the rules.

Seeing as how she met the ERA 4 version of her protector...

And the fact that the workers of the Middle Timeline is chasing her...

She definitely did something wrong.

And she just remembered that she did not go through the Middle Timeline.

She needs to go through the Middle Timeline for the system to think that she was just meeting her numbered self.

'They remember me....'

"Alright time to sneak in the station!"

Yeah... She will just sneak back in the station to make them forget...


No worries! She is used to it!

The pattern and workers are still the same, and she still remembers the passcode.

The passcode have not changed since ERA 2.

Not gonna lie it's kinda getting boring passing through 100,000 armed men with 5000 different cameras and 146 obstacles that could lead to death and another 100,000 armed men with 5 different stages that has 100 obstacles each with infection and viruses everywhere and lazer beams and blinding light.

Honestly it was kinda easy passing them knowing what their tacts was since she kinda had a war against them.

Well it wasn't her fault! Right?

Nah she was just in her rebellious phase.

Well, emo phase.


Long story short, she got mad at the Middle Timeline Management 'cause of some dumb reason (Slavery and abuse) and did war crimes at the age of 5.

Honestly it was such a dumb reason to be mad, it was so normal.

Anyway she was about to connect her phone to the data base after screwing some guards over and passing through some obby while introducing herself and just writing the plot of her whole backstory.

Okay she has now access to other timelines and can now chat on the universal chat.


<{Neoma38}>:Yo 46.

<{Neoma38}>:If you seeing this.

<{Neoma38}>:We need to meet up at the middle timeline.

<{Neoma38}>:dont ask why i can chat you, i did some few things and got my hands dirty but all is fine.

And as 46 thought to herself what atrocious things her counterpart did, Neoma was already interfering and talking to another alternate version of herself.

"Yoooooo ERA 3 version of me! How you doin bud?"

"Wha- who are you?"

"I'm you bud, different era."

"Wait- really?"

"Yup! I snuck in the office to get some power."

"Wait what? Why did you have to sneak in?"

"Just because."

"What?... Aren't we supposed to be working for them? Since we took an entrance exam for it?"

"Oh! I messed up the interview so I did not work there. Good thing I messed it up."

"Oh... Should I mess it up?"

"Either way you'll mess it up, you are still me after all. Even when during that time I really want to go there, I'll still mess it up."

"Oh okay- wait why?-"

"Oh it's because I met with other timelines which was not the rules and yeah-"

"Honestly, I'm kinda proud of future me."

"As you should be- or well, as I should be."

"Yeah but I need to go back to ERA 3 bud, can't stay here any longer, I need to do something."


"Yep, I'll mess it up."

"You will either way, your memories will be erased and the same thing will happen again, unless someone interfered the future of yours. I only interfered with the past, well basically BEFORE the interview, if someone interfered with the present- or your near future DURING or AFTER the interview, your doomed i guess. Either way, i'm still you, so I guess I should keep an eye on you for the moment. "

" Wouldn't you get sidetracked? You are here to do something like tax evasion or whatever, and you are about to get caught 'cause this is literally the office of the Middle Timeline and if it has something to do with alternate timelines, expect Middle Timeline to go after you. "

"Honestly, since I' m talking to you, they know I'm here and is going to mess your future up, so basically your "present" later. So yeah I might as well just protect my past for the time being."

"Well sure I guess- let's go."

"Alright captain!"

ERA 4 Neoma said to her past.

"So what am I supposed to call you? ERA 4 Neoma?"

"Call me 38. I'm- I'm not a numbered... But I don't have- a "Numbered" version. Though I do have a person that is my counterpart- well no... Not actually my "counterpart" is myself. I split myself into two so that in the Virtual side, I will be seen as online. If I only logged in as one with no Numbered Counterpart, Middle Timeline will find me more suspicious."

"Wait, are you split right now?"

"Yes, the one controlling my body is 46, my guardian. But she contacted the ERA 2 version of me, and made a connection, so ERA 2 version of me is now controlling my other body, but I'm the real 38."

"Dayum this is getting confusing. How are y'all doing this?"

"Well I'm not as dumb as before."

"Is this the definition of 'To win, you got to drag yourself down with them'?"

"Well I'm speaking the truth."

"What proof do you have that the ERA 2 of you is the one controlling your body?"

"I don't have proof, but I trust her. She doesn't have to prove anything."


"I like her. As if she's a different person, I don't remember me being like that."


"I want to find out who she is. Even if her actions was a lie, even if she is a traitor, my feelings and the help I got is true, and that's what matters."

Thank for the support!

Candycane_Xcreators' thoughts