
Galen Demons

After his adoptive parents are killed by demon hunters, Galen vows revenge when he is rescued by powerful demons, who teach him the art of power and manipulation. Galen arrives in Rocacielo City, where he meets Alex, a demon hunter whom everyone is afraid of. The two will discover the truth of who they are and unmask the entanglements of the past.

Charly93 · LGBT+
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47 Chs

8. Alex

Arriving at the house, dragging Daniel in a state that denoted joy and a touch of drunkenness. His laughter echoed in the air, intermingling with the notes of bachelor party songs. The atmosphere vibrated with an effervescent energy, as if every corner of the room was permeated with the anticipation of a new chapter in his life.

I guided my brother into the house, feeling under my fingers the texture of the meticulously prepared wedding decorations. Every detail was in place, as if the universe itself had conspired to align each element in perfect harmony. Fresh flowers adorned every corner, exhaling a delicate scent that hung in the air and mingled with Daniel's festive laughter.

As we walked down the hallway, I looked at the photographs adorning the walls, capturing precious moments from our childhood and times shared with friends and family over the years. A melancholy feeling came over me, as if those images were small windows into a past that was quickly fading.

The impeccable order of the house contrasted with the emotional turmoil bubbling inside me. Although I smiled and shared Daniel's apparent joy, my mind was in silent introspection. How had we arrived at this point, where my brother's life was about to change irreversibly? I was still someone immature who was looking for opportunity in love.

As I contemplated the elegant layout of the house, I realized that this was not only the prelude to Daniel's wedding, but also the beginning of a new stage for both of us. The inevitability of change was evident in every detail, and I, in the midst of the celebration, felt like a melancholy observer of the fleetingness of time and the inevitable transformations that life imposes on us.

Laughing, Daniel looked at me with complicity and, with a spark of curiosity in his eyes, asked me again about the guy I was with at the bachelor party. The festive atmosphere seemed to pause for a moment, creating a space of confidence in the midst of the boisterous celebration.

"Well, Alex? Tell me more about that guy. They seemed to get along quite well," Daniel mentioned, his voice slightly affected by joy and alcohol.

I smiled, trying to downplay the situation, as I carefully selected my words.

"Oh, it's someone new I met a few days ago. Interesting, you know. Not much to tell," I replied with a light tone, trying to divert attention from the peculiarity of the encounter.

The complicity between us intensified, as if our shared laughter was a bridge connecting past and present. However, hidden in my smile was a shadow of reflection, a palette of emotions that I did not share aloud. The arrival of someone new in my life just at this crucial moment seemed to resonate with a deeper symbolism, though I struggled to keep that reflection in the penumbra of my thoughts.

As we continued to share laughter and anecdotes, a sense of transience settled into my being. The house, so meticulously decorated for Daniel's wedding, became an ephemeral stage where individual destinies intertwined and separated as easily as laughter flowed in the air.

In the midst of the celebration, my mind wandered to Galen, I couldn't stop thinking about his demonic aura. Melancholy, silent but persistent, became my silent companion as I tried to dispel the shadows of introspection and focus on the effervescent light of the present.

Daniel, in his animated state, enthusiastically suggested that I should invite the boy to the wedding to get to know him better and celebrate together. My lips curved into a complicit smile as I revealed to him that I had already extended the invitation, planning to officially introduce him during the celebration.

The gleam of anticipation in Daniel's eyes reflected his desire to share this special day not only with me but also with those who were now part of my life. The idea of bringing these worlds together, the familiar and the newly discovered, added an additional layer of complexity to a day that was already steeped in betrayal.

As I toured the meticulously decorated house, my thoughts were immersed in introspective reflection. I recognized the importance of the event not only as my brother's wedding, but as a stage where I was to play my role with grace and poise. Every flower, every carefully chosen detail, spoke of the need to keep up appearances and meet family expectations.

Despite the apparent joy and shared laughter, a shadow of responsibility loomed over me. The duality of emotions intertwined within me, between festive anticipation and awareness of the complexities of personal relationships. As I immersed myself in celebration, I was aware that I was not only celebrating Daniel's union, but also navigating the tumultuous waters of family relationships and expectations.

The stage was set, the plot was unfolding, and I, among the principal actors, had to balance appearances with authenticity. In the house decked out for the occasion, my mind navigated between the visible details and the undercurrents of life, weaving a narrative that went beyond the glossy surface of the celebration.

Daniel, that mood-sensitive radar, noticed the concern reflected in my expression.

"Is everything okay, Alex?" he asked with that mix of curiosity and concern that only siblings can have. Despite his overflowing joy at the wedding, his eyes rested on mine, searching for answers that I was unwilling to provide outright.

I opted to respond evasively, trying to maintain the illusion of normalcy.

"Yeah, yeah, all good. I'm a little drunk too," I said with a smile that was intended to be reassuring. But deep down, I knew my words were only a superficial veneer over the deeper currents of my thoughts. I kept silent about the stupidity I felt in inviting Galen, not knowing if my attraction would be reciprocated or if it would turn into an unwanted complication in the midst of this celebration.

As Daniel continued his enthusiastic monologue about the details of the event, I decided to immerse myself in silent inquiry.

"The music must be vibrant, don't you think?" commented Daniel as I, on my own quest, took advantage of the distraction to subtly inquire about the demons and their possible connection to Galen.

"I know you hate my musical tastes, but a good band was hired this time?" asked Daniel, as my mind whirled in search of deeper answers.

"Yeah, sure," I replied distractingly, though my focus was more on deciphering the mysteries surrounding Galen and his presence in this crucial chapter of our lives.

Between shared laughter and toasts, I took every opportunity to unravel the riddle.

"Daniel, have you ever heard of people having demon powers? Just curious," I introduced the question in hopes of getting clues. As the conversation progressed, I searched between the lines for the connection between demons and Galen's enigmatic figure, as if I could decipher the future between the pages of a book.

Daniel didn't answer anything, before he could speak, his head moved forward and he fell asleep in my arms.

The duality of emotions hovered over me like a lingering shadow. While the house vibrated with laughter and celebration, I navigated the tumultuous waters of mixed feelings. The pressing need to protect my family's joy and harmony on this special day clashed head-on with the growing attraction to Galen, an undercurrent that was becoming more and more apparent.

Every interaction with my family became a subtle dance between fidelity to family traditions and expectations, and the magnetic fascination I felt for Galen. Every shared laugh, every toast, became little tests of balance as I tried to hide the emotional turbulence raging within me. The duality of my role as protector of the family and explorer of my own desires created an internal conflict that intensified as the celebration progressed.

The night wore on, leaving behind the echoes of laughter and merriment. With the house wrapped in relative calm, I decided to retire to rest. However, I knew that the next day would be crucial, full of surprises and decisions that could change the course of our lives. As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but feel Galen's passionate kiss on my lips, a memory that echoed in my mind like an enveloping melody.

That connection, ephemeral but intense, left a promise in the air, a promise of surprises yet to be unveiled in the next chapter of this intertwined story. My heart pounded to the rhythm of mixed emotions, and though I retreated to rest, a sense of anticipation clung to my being. The veil of night enveloped my thoughts as I drifted into restless sleep, preparing to face what the new day would bring.