
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Cody :Wg and family of gods///

Cody was surprise to see an old bepoop man sitting with them.

This bepoop old man had beautiful hair that was messed up and big, so big that it was big then his big, and had tried looking green eyes. His clothing was a t-shirt that reached his feet but was still wearing pants under the long t-shirt and a small face with a small mouth, a nose, and eyes. "He looks like an old baby"

"Where did this old man come from? Was he always with us? But how came I didn't see him well I didn't see anything because of the mist "thought Cody and then smiled and looked at the old man and said "Sorry, I could'n see you in that mist "

The old bepop looked at the Cody for a moment like he was trying to remember something and said "What mist are you talking about? And where did you come from? Does Miss know you were here?" asked the old bepoop with confuse and worry in his eyes,

Cody was also confused at what he was talking about." Who is Miss, is he or she is a Drol of this place?"

Drol is bepoop who is sent by the king of that kingdom to build a settlement for the kingdom's people to live in and because the king can't supervise the settlement because they have an entire kingdom to supervisor so a Drol supervises the settlement in the king's place.

The King must be the one to authorize a Drol's law of their settlement.

"Mastar Leeside do you know what his talking about?"asked Cody still did not understand want he was talking about."But what the point of asking him?because he will just what will I give him

in return, but he's the one that said I must agree this OLD man"

Master Leeside hadn't answered Cody's question.He just looked at the opposite side."Why do I even try?"

Everyone kept quiet, not saying a word to anyone. It was silent in the inn.

The inn was well-built and clean, unlike the rest of the village.

It had two drixia on each side of four walls, with tables placed in a circle in the middle of the room and three tables on each side of the room and there was a bathroom's door by the order table.

The order table is, in the words, it where bepoop order food.

Drixia is a creature with hard Gray skin and sharp four legs that it uses to climb and when it opens it mouth, light came out.

A drixia is used for the light because of their mouth. They are trained to stay in the wall the whole night and all they need to give them is sand, but it is used by the poor people because it is cheap

Cody was sitting outside in the chair, and he was bored, everyone didn't do anything just sitting there. Cody stood up and want outside with the back door."There could be something outside that much more interesting than here even if I can't see anything "

Outside the inn there was still mist as always, Cody saw bepoop woman was trying to start the fire.

She was like any other bepoop woman Cody has seen in the castle, like she had horns coming out her back of the head and then bends to the front of her head. She had glass and had long flowing hair that covered the horns at the back. Furthermore, she looked 20 years old.

"I showed+ 5 years because bepoop woman looked younger than they should be and bepoop men looked older than they should be like when I first saw Oklahoma I thought she was my age but no, she was 21 years old."

She was digging a hole with her hands. A drixia was lighting the area where Cody and the woman bepoop.

The woman bepoop finally noticed Cody was sanding by her left side. She looked and a smiled.

She stood up and fixed her glasses.

She came closer to Cody, and he saw how tall she is, but not tall then Master Leeside.

"Hi, I am Rhiannon. What is your name?"asked Rhiannon with a smile

"Lucky, she didn't ask me why I was just looking at her and saying nothing "thought Cody, feeling awkward and said"My is Cody "

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Cody "said Rhiannon with her gentle smile

"She must be used to humans because she didn't say that what is your name human. That how other bepoop ask my name.They were asking my name will there also saying my name is human, but she does know Master Leeside and that white haired person sitting in the corner .I wonder what their relationship is like, "thought Cody .

"Would you like to help me with the fire, so I can make it much faster "said Rhiannon smiled and took out her aldald surprising Cody by showing off her muscles but they were not lager but they were lager then Cody's which he didn't have them.

An aldald means 'covered by the king' in the bepoop language .It was a large blanket that they covered themselves body with because it was easy to take out dust, then another clothing.

Rhiannon's aldald was printed blue on top was white stars and at the bottom were squares of differences sizes and then in the middle numerous dots.

Cody was also wearing his own aldald on top of his shirt. Which was not printed because he couldn't decide what he wanted to print.

"I have never touched fire well yes everyone has never touched fire, but I mean that I have never stared a fire and only looked at it at a distance because of my mother, so I showed just say no, but she is doing this to make my food, so I should help her "thought Cody but then remained that horrible day "I will just help her dig"

So Cody told her that and took out his aldald and putted it in the window.

"I don't know how to start a fire, but I can help with anything else"said Cody and looks up and saw the mist clearly "Yes, it finally went"

Then something else took his attention an old broken down mansion that was on top of a hill.

Then sees the three moons of intake planet, two were full moons and the last one was a half moon.

"It now night"said Cody smiled and quiet said "I didn't get to see the sun today"

To be continued...