
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Cody:the rules of the tournament

Cody work up at a very back place "What going on where are am I "there was no you in the dark but then came a person Cody knew but tried to forget.

"Your a monster you kill with no honour and said"you said it yourself you want them to feel pain as you kill them "said the person Cody want to forget and it hands and legs and head suddenly falls but he someone continues to speak "And you want to call a great worrier like Aria hahaha A I monster like you that killed his own father"

Cody was afraid and in tears. He wanted to run away but his legs wouldn't move.Blood spread and the floor become red.

Cody work up with wet all over his body and found himself in the cave with a lake ,the lake shined on Cody's brown face and the entire face..."Where is the light coming from? ah ,my head .....was that was a dream ...was the Divorcedplay a dream all so ?"

Cody looked round his body and he holds his neck and finds the that black thing.The black thing was thin and black in the middle of it was a circle red it remained Cody "Wen's chain "

Wen was a dog that Cody's friend and his sister had, it was a small brown puppy with black circle around it eyes . It was every cute.Cody want and stole a chain from a some dog and give it to Wen so if they stole Wen and say it not Wen then Cody and his friend will have prove .He remained it well playing with Wen and his friend up to the three suns fall and rise again but then sad time came and Wen died."So in honour of him I will can this chain Wen "he smiled.

"You finally woke up "said someone but there was no one but Cody knew that voice is was a rusty voice and sounded like he was laughing at him .The only person who can do is ...

"Master Leeside!!,came right now.We don't have time for joking around "shouted Cody in anger

"How am I joking around?"asked Master Leeside still nowhere to be found.Cody looked left and right"All I am seeing is rocks and water but no old man"

"Look at you.You are f**k playing hide and seek!!"shouted Cody as he was mad

"Hide and seek is not a joke.If you think hide and seek it a JOKE then sorry,kid but your not cut out to be a comedian"said Master Leeside his voice spread everywhere

"I know that it not a joke I was just saying and I would be a great comedian"said Cody mad.He felt like he was talking to a ghost or to himself .

"Oh you think you can be a great comedian ?"said Master Leeside

It started getting dark."The suns are going down is it that late but it feels likes it morning because I am not hearing shouting fesex " and shiny of the lake disappointed.

"Yes,I know I can be "said Cody

"Like you said you can be a great worrier "said Master Leeside

"I will became a it when you tech me"said Cody

"Then what if you fail and die"said Master Leeside

"Fail...then that means my mother was rights "thought Cody and said"No,I will not die and if I do then it was it is "

"Why are you not worried about fail.This mean two things that you are so strong that you know you well not fail but we both know that not it . Leaving us with one reason being a worrier is not are dream "said Master Leeside

"Where is Andrew? and where are you ?"asked Cody and thought"We don't have time for me there is a lot of things to do "

"Looks like you fail your first test"said Master Leeside

"What are you talking about now?"asked Cody confused

"I made this test .To see if you can pay attention in a fight even if there is a lot of things happening around you and you failed"said Master Leeside

"how could I have known that ?"asked Cody

"You kept saying name of the test .I am hiding and you are looking or seeking me but you keep paying attention things out side of here which is what I wanted you to do but not like that "said Master Leeside then kept quiet and said"but like you said you haven't become a great worrier so I give a other chance to find me "

In one second Cody pointed up where the hole of the cave where the light came from and said "Find you "

Then Master Leeside fall down from where Cody pointed landed besides Cody like some kind of action hero and said "That was fast.How did you know?"

"Well, you kind of told me when you said 'you keep paying attention things out side of here which is what I wanted you to do but not like that 'so I started pay attention to the inside first but the I thought want can enter in the cave and that was the light and where did the light come from?And this was a cave meaning there was a hole but I look left and right but all I saw was rocks and a lake .Then I saw that the light was going but the fesex had shouted and they all ways shout at night meaning it was not night so it means the light was blocked and I ask again where does the light came from? the top "said Cody smiled.

Master Leeside smiled and said"You did well I thought you where had no brain but you proved me wrong "and took a smoke and took out the scroll from the tournament"Now let see who we can win this tournament "

"Yeah!"shouted Cody

"Don't be loud.Don't forget they are looking for us"said Master Leeside in a playful tone

Cody kept quiet

Master Leeside cleared his throat and said "Everyone knows reason for this and if you are able to win the tenr that thing in neck well show you where the thing you want location..."

"So it will tell us the location of where the war is going begin and don't say tournament then busy calling them "this" it really it professional"thought Cody

"How to play:

They are 51 player in this game and kill 46 player must be killed meaning only 5 plays must live.The player have all of Norfolk to in fight .If you get out of Norfolk the tenr will turn of but if you came in it will turn on again but it doesn't count as killing because you didn't kill them..."

"But if we can get on of here that easily then people who don't want to fight can just get out easily but they said we MUST kill 46 players and only 5 must live but how if the number of players that did not kill stays the same means that this game will not end ....so that means we just have to get them back and then kill them"thought Cody

"If you look at your tenr it has a number in the red circle that the number of people still alive and if you came close to player the tenr will start beeping.."

Cody looked at Wen and saw that they are 42 peoples left "So people are still play even if they are being haunted by the Kingsmen or the Kingsmen must be killing them"

"If anyone says the name of the owner of the game you will be killed "

"So we must not say Ren 's name meaning I nothing will happen to me because I call him Ren not the king or King Norfolk "thought Cody with a smile


1.Time is limitless "

"That a lie because the war will start in 100 days meaning that much time I have"

Then Master Leeside closed the scroll and said"And that all"

"What that the only rule!?"shouted Cody

But Master Leeside ignored him and just smiled and said said"Now it time to teach you "

To be continued...