
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Cody:1 day left//

It was Ren standing at the door.

"What do you mean by 'yes? and what are doing here "said Max

"Hahaha I was answering your question and to the other question I ask that too you"said Ren

"Obviously,It because I wanted to see Cody of the last night before he goes of with this Leeside guy"said Max

"1 day left and ...and am going to see if I can back a true worrier and .."thought Cody

"Hey,Ren"said Cody

"Yes"said Ren

But then Cody looked down and looked up again

"Because I know what I am going is betraying my army and I won't care but there are two people I want no one fight but me and that is my friend Jack and my captain KK ,so I can gave them a honorable death(it means when a worrier is kill but is buried )"said Cody

"What are talking about everyone is going to honorable death,we just going to pour sand into one spaceship and at the end of the war we going to pour sand on top of the people "said Max and looked at Ren who sitting on top of a desk , reading a book

"Your talking like we are going to win this war"said Ren

"Well.."said Max

"I think your starting to forget how strong your family is or maybe you haven't seen they true power of the Rain "said Ren

"What does my family have do with that is?.. and there your family too "said Max

"Don't you know that your family is the one funding the all war area it even a funding head "said Cody

"What are talking about?"asked Max

"He means that the family is the paying the war area and because only the five flowers and the emperor allowed to make a war with any planet but the resources must go back to empire's court and the emperor is the only how can allow of one of the familys of the five flowers to war with a planet and when it a funding head it means that the head of the family is the who ordered the war to happen and the price increases and who is the family of Rain? "said Ren

"My.. father but why would my father want to go at with the bepoop planet?"asked Max

"Maybe it becomes he want the land "said Cody

"This sand planet which because cold sometimes no, that doesn't sound like father... maybe it do but no... much Ych is needed of a war ?"asked Max

"If it funding head?"asked Ren

"Yes, that why even asking the question"said Max

"Ok, sorry for asking,it about 10000000Ych to 200000000000Ych "said Ren

"What that much!"said Cody and then faced Max "Your that rich ?"ask Cody

"No,I am not that rich but my family is much more rich but father would not just throw away money with out knowing if he would win so what is his ace in the hole, what is it the neturl strike?"said Max

"No, that was banned and his ace in hole is not a weapon but a person "said Ren

"Who?"said Max surprise

"Sholeen "said Ren

Cody fall down of the bed because he was surprised

"What now are you getting sleepy ,it is time for babys to sleep"said Max

"No,I am not sleepy, it just that name Ren is that person a head captain?"said Cody

"Yes"said Ren

"Then there no way we can win !"said Cody

"Who is this Sholeen guy ?"said Max

"She is one of the reincarnate of Aria"said Cody

To be continued...