
Galaxy Duel System

Humanity is on the hard way into the Alliance of the Sentient Races of the Galaxy. Lee Long takes the System and the special skill of the Duelist. The development of magic, technology, and Human civilization depends on his success. GameLit Novel in game-like words of any game and System genre. But doesn't need to heavily focus on visual statistics. I like to describe adventures with intelligent cats and space elves, orcs, and other fantastic sentient races. The System is important, and it serves as the ultimate support for Lee Long's development. But I don't overload the book with descriptions of game statistics. Chapter 75 begins part of the book in the genre of description of fights and adventures in the Game Locations with great use of game statistics and receiving artifacts and other useful trophies. * https://discord.gg/jfuF2Sec6s https://ko-fi.com/N4N148A2N

Andrew_Oak · Games
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103 Chs

Beginning of Dialogue between the Two Races

Maria explored two areas of the planet. She was convinced that the planet was well suited for the establishment of a secret shelter or a new colony of any sentient race. The presence of undeveloped sane tribes on the planet is not a disadvantage. The development of civilization requires the creation of one large settlement in which to successfully control the development of the planet. Savages can live in their reservations and enjoy rare contact with an advanced race.

The Scout returned to base and learned that Lee Long had made contact with the nearby Pudi tribe. The Pudi was the self-appellation of the tribe of local fluffy sentient beings.

"The Captain is in the territory of the Grey Pudi tribe. A meeting of the two sentient races is underway with success. The new fighters for love and justice are ready to stand up for the light ideals!" Usagi raised her hand to the ceiling of the compound.