
Galaxies Interwined

My body was consumed with rage. I used my telekenetic powers to pick up the nearby heavy wooden table and tried to bash it on his head. I screamed with everything in me. He easily smashed the table into pieces with the help of the plasmacaster mounted on his right shoulder. His icy blue eyes empty and void of any emotions. His jet black hair was slicked back perfectly. Not a strand out of place. "You betrayed me!!" "Your kind is delusional if you think we are going to let you destroy the peace we have worked so hard to establish. Your kind is filthy and greedy, you are beyond salvation and you refuse to mend your ways. You are not ready for this technology!" ======================================= I could sense her rage. Her vibrant purple eyes were glowing with a passion. Passion in hating my kind. Her bright pink hair was scattered wildly all over her face as if she was restraining the desire to destroy me and my planet. "Yes I did betray you" I spoke "We will be the ones to dictate the fate of our people. This is not some mere intergalactic war. This dictates the survival of our species. If you wish to establish peace in the universe then better give up on your dreams. Your insignificant planet cannot stand between the dreams of our people." Then with a grin on my face I continued "You call us filthy?" "Look at yourself, so barbaric and uncivilized. Your kind is nothing short of monstrous. An ugly mark that hinders the betterment of this universe" Her face contorted from rage to hurt at my statement. I could practically read all her emotions. "It is inevitable" I added lastly as I confined her in a high security lab chamber. Her telekenetic powers are of no use here.

Rosa_Scarlet · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Distant Future

Mortals in the year 3057 have advanced beyond imagination. Mortals as in specifically humans have continued to exploit Earth's resources to the maximum to satisfy the ever increasing needs of the human populace.

Although with the extreme advancements in technology they have stopped relying on many fossil fuels and have become pros at handling and using replenishable resources, the most used among them being solar energy but humanity knows very well that the sun is bigger, redder, warmer and angrier than ever hence, humanity urgently needs to find another habitable planet before the sun in our solar system runs out its nuclear fuel some 5 billion years later. Although our sun isn't big enough to trigger a stellar explosion like supernova neither will it ever turn into a black hole but it will soon become much more of a giant so that it finally gobbles up Mercury, Venus and subsequently Earth. At the end of its life it will become a tiny white dwarf star.

It might strike that if humanity still has billions of years left then why the hurry to find a habitable planet. When you start looking to relocate a whole planet which does not only include humans but rather other thousands of different species as well on whom humans are heavily dependent to continue their existence the problems start piling upon each other.

Scientists are well aware that they won't find a planet exactly similar to Earth and that they will have to go through some stages of adaptability and adjustments, still it will take a lot of time to prepare the planet so that the entire human race could relocate in a different planet and so that humanity continues existing against all odds, that is after a habitable planet is successfully found.

With the advancements in technology scientists were able to bring back a lot of extinct species with the help of DNAs strands. It was not limited to only animals but plant species as well. Spaceship technology has excelled intensively and still newer and better technology is being evolved everyday.

Travelling to any planet in our solar system is a common occurrence and people regularly take trips to Neptune, Jupiter or Venus to tour the planet and to gain a sense of adventure. Travelling to planets in our solar system has long been commercialized and is highly sought after with travel packages varying depending on how much you are willing to splurge. This was made possible due to the speed of our spaceships increasing immensely so that now we are able to travel through space almost at the speed of light. Scientists are trying to gain the key to travelling through wormholes without damaging human DNA in order to travel to far away galaxies which are still not within reach but so far there has been no success.

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This was kind of an introductory chapter. Characters will be introduced from the next chapter. I am extremely excited to show you guys what I have in store for this book. There are lots of mysteries to unravel and sharp twists in fate.

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