
Galatea: The Last Whisperer

When the last whisperer is murdered, the fate of Athyria hangs in the balance. But a glimmer of hope arises in the form of a young girl, Galatea, who discovers that she has the ability to see and communicate with the fayes of Aelfrey. Suddenly, she finds herself thrust into the role of the new whisperer, with the weight of an entire land on her shoulders. Gala quickly learns that she cannot do this alone. With the help of the stern commander in chief, Alvaro, the two set out to rediscover the lost dimensions and reunite Athyria under the guidance of their sacred goddess, Dylareia. But they soon realize that they are not the only ones with an interest in this journey. As they journey through the different dimensions, Gala and Alvaro encounter unexpected allies and foes, each with their own agendas and secrets. But as their journey progresses, Gala begins to suspect that the true enemy may be closer than they ever imagined. As she grapples with her newfound power and the responsibility it brings, she must also navigate the complex relationships and intricate politics of the different beings of Athyria. Can she rise to the occasion and fulfill the prophecy, or is Athyria doomed to remain divided forever?

Missy_Castillo · Fantasy
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134 Chs

Balls Got Kicked!

Alvaro gawked at Gala with a beaming expression, he even almost clapped his hands with how bad-assed she look for throwing the prince off with her wings.

"Remind me not to cross with your friend, I didn't expect such bad-assery from an amiable looking woman like her." Thrarumli whispered to him.

He gave him a proud smile, "I know, right? She is really a full of surprises."

Meanwhile, the prince was grunting heavily as he struggled to go back up.

Gala's eyes smouldered with hate and menace as she paced slowly towards him. "What was the perfect thing to do for a perverted man like you?" She hissed as she towered over his kneeling figure.

The prince looked up and gawked at her with no remorse at all, he chuckled manically at her. His expression was looking like a man who had gone crazy. "You think so highly of yourself, woman. I am Prince Dundeas and —"