
GALAHAD: The Royal Knight Chronicles

Once a prosperous and thriving kingdom, the Celerian Empire suffered greatly under the rule of its new King, Alistair Vladen. Under the tyrannical rule of their ruler, it's people cry out in agony, bearing their burdens in anguish. However, even in this time of despair, a tiny ray of hope lingers, a hope that a "savior" would rise to liberate them from the clutches of tyranny. *** Years after the assasination of his family at the hands of the now King Vladen, Rhys Galahad, sole survivor of the previous Royal family and rightful heir to the throne, sets out to reclaim his birthright and return tranquiliity to the fallen Celerian Empire . Aided by friends he makes along the way, Rhys' path is set to be a long and treacherous one. Will he make it through? Enjoy PS: Hope you all enjoy my first book on this platform. The story might be rather slow-paced, especially with the first couple of chapters but it gets better with time, trust me.

am_d_knight · Fantasy
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7 Chs


What does it mean to be a Knight?

The answer to that question has been lost for ages. It's a lot more than just clading yourself in armor that "glistens like polished stars" or going around swearing chivalry or the likes. The true answer to that question…well, even I don't know that. However, my father once told me, to be a knight means being able to rise to the challenge. To face the darkness squarely… even if it's so much easier to just look the other way.

Honestly, back then, I didn't understand what he meant, at least not until THAT day.

My name is Rhys Galahad… and this is my tale....




The clattering of hooves and the shouts of war. The raging flames encircling almost every nook and cranny of the entire kingdom. A stark contrast form the peaceful and tranquil kingdom from earlier that fateful day.

Amid the chaos littered everywhere, a boy, no less than ten years old stood, watching the home he was born and grew up in, go up in flames. Even though his clothes were a bit tattered, the quality of his garments were enough to mark him as someone of noble birth. Even though he tried to put on a brave face, his golden eyes betrayed him as radiated fear and confusion. He stared on, many thoughts racing through his little mind.

"Young prince?" Someone called, drawing the boys attention. He turned around to see a man riding up to him on a horse. Save for his face, his entire body was clad in shining armor which glistened under the moonlight as he held firmly onto the reins of his horse

He was a Knight.

"You're not supposed to be here. it's not safe." He cautioned " Where're the queen and princess?" He asked, looking round incase they were somewhere nearby. Part of the duties of a knight was ensuring the safety of the royal family before all else.

"They're..." The young prince began, but the rest of the words got stuck in his mouth as he broke down immediately. The knight, a man in his thirties, understood what he was trying to say immediately. He bowed his head, his face contorting into a mixture of sorrow and anger.

He had failed in his duty.

"My father..." The young prince muttered, his voice shaking even inspite of his efforts to stay calm. " ...Where is he?..." He asked the knight. "His majesty is currently battling the threats in the throne room" The knight provided an answer to the young prince's question. "Don't worry," He said, patting the young prince's head reassuringly "Victory will be ours".

Victory? The prince wasn't convinced. This didn't seem like a war they could win. However, in situations like this, it was better to have hope at least. Without as much as a second look at the knight, the young prince dashed passed him and made directly for the throne room. Inspite of the knight voice trailing after him, he refused to look back,

"So long as his father was alive, they had a chance of Victory!" He thought.

Approaching the throne room, the place was in shambles. The walls were broken, the smell of blood and burning filled the air. Getting closer, the sounds of swords clashing filled the air, shock waves resounding. Approaching the broken entrance, a massive shock wave reverberated through the entire place, throwing the young prince backwards.


"What was that?" He wondered as he got up and made his way into the entrance. Through the black smoke from the fire, he could make out two figures crossing blades with each other. As the smoke cleared, one of the figures came into full view.

Even though he had sustained a couple of injuries, his features were still notable, His striking golden blond hair, with eyes of the same color, his blood stained royal garments draped over his tall athletic frame seemed to sway along with his sword which he swung fiercely at his opponent. However, even with his his fierce slashes, he seemed to be falling at a disadvantage as one of his opponents attacks had struck him on his left shoulder.

"FATHER!!!!" The young prince called out as blood seeped from the blond man's wound. Without as much as a second thought, he rushed over to his father's side.

"DONT COME CLOSER! RHYS!" The King shouted at his young son, who had only taken two steps forward. In his new position , his father's attacker came into full view.

Ink black hair with piercing red eyes, the imposing man stood at no less than seven-feet-tall, his bloodshot eyes giving him a rather terrifying aura.

So this was his father's opponent, the prince, identified as Rhys, thought. Those red eyes tilted in Rhys' direction, sending a massive chill down his spine. This man was terrifying, He thought, every atom of his being wanting to leave that spot immediately, however his body was too paralysed with fear to move. Without as much as a second to spare, the man lunged directly at Rhys.


Just before he got his hands on the hapless kid, his father intercepted with a sword. "Hands off my son. " He growled. Turning to his still frozen son, He stared him directly in the eyes. His golden eyes shining with an otherworldly light.

"You need to go. GET AS FAR AWAY FROM HERE AS POSSIBLE!" He warned his son. His father's voice seemed to have jolted him out of his initial paralysis as his knees gave way, causing him to slump to the ground. Gathering the rest of his strength, he took too his heels, putting as much distance between him and the castle as his little legs could permit.


The piercing scream of a man in agony rang through the entire castle, stinging the young prince's ears. That must have been his father. He thought. Hot tears streamed down his face as he forged ahead, not like there was much he could do anyway.


No sooner had he left the castle that the sound of clattering hooves followed suit, the sound seemed to the growing louder with each passing second.

They were after him as well.

Run faster, that was the only thought on his mind, he was the only survivor of his family now, if they caught him as well, it was over for them all. With that thought in mind, he pressed harder as he made his way down the hill on which the castle stood.


in his haste, he had missed a step, causing him to fall down the hill. "Ugh! Ugh! Agh!" Came his related grunts as he tumbled down the slightly steep hill, sustaining bruise after bruise.

Finally reaching the bottom of the hill, he staggered up, examining himself for possible injuries. His garments had been battered from the fall, but that was the least of his worries right now, he had sustained slight bruises all over his body and was in unimaginable pain, both physically and emotionally. Taking one last tearful look at the castle, the place he was born and grew up in, which had now gone up in massive flames, he turned his back walking further away from it dejectedly.

It's over...

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