
Galactic Conqueror

Dark. It's so fucking dark. (To be re edited, and redone on may 30th USA) Death is the only lighthouse that is always lit. No matter where you go even at light speed, ultimately, you must turn toward and go towards it. Everything fades in the universe, but Death endures.

Ravenchast · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

The Empire Grows

"Your Majesty, your uncle wants to see you." At this time, a maid hurriedly walked in from outside the imperial study room.

"Invite him in."

Soon-King of the West strode into the Imperial Study Room, "Your Majesty, King Sheng Chen, is here to see you. Your Majesty will live forever!" Sheng Chen saluted when he stood in front of his nephew

"Uncle, what do you want from me?" Yun Yun looked at the West King Sheng Chen in confusion, his uncle, his father's younger brother, and the person who supported him the most without any greed.

Therefore, he also respected this imperial uncle.

He was not deprived of his titles.

The maid next to her personally moved a stool for the old prince.

"Your Majesty, I have come here to ask for your retirement."

After Sheng Chen sat down, he explained his purpose.

"Do I not treat Uncle Chen well?" saying this, he asked himself inwardly, what did he do to make the imperial uncle dissatisfied?

"No, I am already in my seventies, and my age is getting to me, I am not as strong as when I was young. I still ask for your Majesty's retirement." Sheng Chen looked serious. He is old and it was time for him to retire.

Yun Yun looked at the King of the West in front of him, his expression not to mention the complications of retiring him.

His uncle is a truly famous general in the Supreme Mighty Empire history even before the establishment of the new empire. He has fought all his life without ever losing a single battle. But right now? Retiring at this time would be considered a huge loss to the empire's powerful might, but His uncle was already seventy this year.

At seventy-year-old age, it was already the best reward for him to conquer the Western Lands, a continent with at least 55 million square kilometers, for the Supreme Mighty Empire.

"Uncle Emperor, I'm afraid I cannot agree to your request." Yun Yun shook his head, "The empire has just unified the world, and the Western Lands have only been peaceful for less than a month. If uncle has abdicated and retired. Who will suppress the unstable Western Lands Continent? The 2 million soldiers who are in the army, just send any general there. Can they convince the soldiers and public opinion?"

"This... due to your uncle's lack of consideration. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Sheng Chen, the king of the West, had a complicated expression. If he retreated, who could command the 2 million soldiers except His Majesty himself who has the entire control of the army?

The generals he trained may not be able to stabilize the more than million-strong army, and His Majesty may also be suspicious...

"Please, uncle...Please do not bring up this topic again. Hurry up and rush back to the Western Lands. Bring the appropriate officials and govern the Western Lands. Any forces that try to provoke the laws of the empire will be caught and executed at all costs."

Yun Yun said: "Especially the royal families and nobles of those empires."

"I accept the edict, but I have a request, and I would like your Majesty's approval."

"Uncle, please speak."

"If the old minister unfortunately dies in the Western Lands, your Majesty, please scatter the old minister's ashes on the territory of the empire. There is no need to bury him in the ground, which is a waste of the empire's resources. I was born as a member of the Mighty Empire, and when I die, I am also a member of the Mighty Empire,"

As soon as the King of the West said these words, Yun Yun stood in awe.

The maid beside him looked at the King of the West with respect for the old man, and she was also in awe at this moment.

"I promise you, uncle." Yun Yun nodded solemnly.

"Thank you for your grace, I will dismiss myself." Sheng Chen, the king of the West, left.

Looking at his leaving figure, Yun Yun knew very well that once the veteran left, he might never see him again.

"It is hereby issued that for those who embezzle less or more than one million taels, the offender will be punished by death, and the whole clan will be sentenced to forty years in hell along with their ancestors will be executed for conspiring with treason and go down in history as traitors. The sentence will not be reduced in any way. The descendants will never be employed for three generations."

"Anyone who embezzled more than one million taels will be sentenced to death. The entire family will serve a sentence of labor reform until death. If they have a significant role in promoting the development of the empire, they can be pardoned."

"Anyone who embezzled more than 10 million taels will be wiped out, they will be executed with gunpowder, no ashes of them are to be left." Yun Yun's cold voice resounded throughout the imperial study. If his empire wants to develop, it must bleed with bloody means.

"Your Majesty, what about more than 100 million?"

The maid couldn't help but interject.

"Destroy all their generations." He turned to look at the maid next to him and thanked her for reminding him.

Maid "..."

'Did I talk too much?' The maid was speechless as she stood near the throne in a daze.

The reformation plan of the Mighty Empire began with great speed.

The millions of troops outside the imperial capital marched into the imperial capital with order and began to confiscate and exterminate the families and officials who were corrupt and violated the law.

Many corrupt officials, families, and businessmen had been trampled down by countless armies before they could transfer their assets.

Countless gold, silver, and jewels were all added to the national treasury.

Along with the reform, heads were being taken and blood was flowing throughout the imperial capital.

Some businessmen even wanted to unite to put pressure on the emperor, but smart people knew the price to pay for going against His Majesty.

There are even people who want to unite the remnants of those countries to rebel and they found that no one in Ancient Lands was willing to risk their heads to rebel against them.

What are the people thinking?

It's better to be fed with a full meal. The common people will follow anyone who can keep their families fed.

Under the emperor's rule, they can have enough to eat and occasionally buy new clothes for their family, and with the children at home, they can be sent to school. Why should they follow idiots to rebel?

The emperor did not confiscate families and exterminate them without reason.

Every time a house is raided, the crime committed by that house will be publicized. Who will follow them and rebel without any problem, right?

This time, the reforms coming from the imperial capital directly increased last year's revenue for the treasury.

Many construction projects and research and development projects have been launched vigorously with the investment of this capital.

In just a year, the Science Academy, which was transformed from the Ministry of Industry, had developed a steam engine, just like the one Thomas had made when he was on earth before. It was announced that the Mighty Empire had officially entered the first industrial era.


Elchim-Royal Goddess Shrine.

The three elves, Ilesere the captain of the team, who had gone round and round before returning to the Elfhim Goddess Shrine stood in the main hall, looking at Maiden Sephan on the throne with the goddess of the elves statue behind her, started to report on the gains of their trip.

"Empress Maiden Sephan, ninety-nine percent of civilizations are in the primitive Bronze Age. We are already guiding them to the industrial age. It is expected that in a thousand years, they will be able to move to the industrial age so that they can survive better. "

Elf Warrior Ilesere hesitated, "It's just that we found a civilization in the NH1194J star system that has begun to move towards the industrial age without the guidance of elves..."

"Discovered a civilization that is heading towards the industrial age?" Empress Maiden Sephan listened to Ilesere's report with surprise in her eyes. On a planet without any elf interference, she discovered a civilization that moved towards the industrial age on its own. Could this be a planet with intelligent life that was just discovered?

"Yes, their Emperor is very great. In the twenty years since he took the throne, he has guided a small kingdom that was in the border corner near mountains into a huge empire that dominates the entire planet. It's hard for me to imagine how they rose step by step and then dominated an entire planet in an era when transportation was not developed enough and communications relied on bird messengers and people on horses."

"After observation, they do not believe in elves or anyone, but only believe in the emperor who leads them, he is a powerful one. In their philosophy, they believe that their Emperor can lead them to a happier life."

"Moreover, this civilized Emperor did not fool the people under his rule. Instead, he spent money on building schools to educate the common people." There was a shock in Elf Warrior Ilesere's eyes. Thinking from his perspective, she had advanced knowledge and it was unlikely that she could reach that point. But that Emperor did.

Hearing the report, Sephan and Fae looked at each other with curiosity in their eyes.

What kind of Emperor is this? They have traveled across the Milky Way which is considered the explored universe for more than 25,000 light years, and the Emperor they have seen always fools the common people, which is helpful to their rule. But they worried that the Emperor in Ilesere's mouth was a bit contrary to that. Is the emperor not afraid that the people under his rule will become wise and oppose his rule?

"Oh? Doesn't this Emperor have any shortcomings?" Fae has not expelled herself yet at this time and is still Maiden Sephan's sister, and asked with a smile.

"Are they shortcomings? They are lustful and murderous?"

Elf Warrior Ilesere thought for a while, and it seemed that these were his two shortcomings.

"Why is he so lustful? And what kind of murderer is he?"

Sephan, Fae, and royal guard Selanil were interested.

They were all old elves that had been around for tens of thousands of years. What kind of stuff have they not seen before?

"He asked Sister Ilesere to be his wife."

" What did he say? If he asked Sister Ilesere to be his queen, he believed in elves."

"The generals under his command massacred the city, destroyed the country, and trapped and killed prisoners. All of them were written with his tacit approval."

Ehlonna was very angry when he thought about this.

"Lustful, this is an unavoidable problem for every male. Besides, Ilesere is so beautiful, isn't it quite normal for someone to want to marry her? If he is not interested, I think there is something wrong with that Emperor's sexual senses. Which great Emperor would not trample the beauties of his enemies under his feet?"

Selanil couldn't help but laugh. Didn't she get to where she is now by stepping on the corpses of countless Orcs and Goblins?

Ehlonna, a young woman who has not experienced too many wars, is still considered too immature after all in the universe.