
Gakuto-kun's Twisted Life

In this novel (story), our protagonist Gakuto Hanyuda, has an insane and crazy life as he and his friends go on crazy adventures and mishaps. But little does anyone know... Gakuto meets more than meets the eye. Gakuto-kun's Twisted Life is an original story of mine that is inspired by Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid and various manga and light novels.

AngeloX · Eastern
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Gakuto's POV


As I woke up from the couch, I immediately got up and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. However, when I entered the the kitchen, I see a fair lady in pajamas and an apron cooking up something.

"Right, I'm still in the Jinnai residence." I thought to myself in disbelief.

When the lady turned to look at me, she suddenly dropped he spatula and began to scream and walk back.

"TEPPEI!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Where's Sora when she promised she would clear this up?" I bluntly thought.

As the lady continued screaming and throwing stuff at me a loud masculine scream came.


Soon a tall but not so buff man entered the kitchen, and look at his possible wife, and then he looked at me pissed.

"Hey, punk! Get the hell away from my wife this INSTANT!!!" he growled at me.

"Hold it, I can explain-" I tried to persuade to them but it was hopeless.

Teppei soon grabbed a knife from the counter. I immediately got into a defensive stance, and Teppei clearly looked offended and got into one as well. It was silent for a bit, until, He made the first move and charged at me.



"STOP!!!" two familiar voices shouted in unison.

We all looked to see who it was and sure enough it was Ryusuke and Sora.

"Kids, GET BACK, this guy is clearly dangerous!" he warned the two as he returned to charge at me with the knife.


As soon as he got into close range, I grabbed his armed hand and performed Aikido on hime and threw him near his family.

"gah, ugh." he grunted as as he was rolling at the same time.

They all looked completely shocked as to what I did.

"Oh my god..." the mom muttered in horror.

"Shizuru, call the police, NOW!" the guy, Teppei, commanded his wife named Shizuru.

"No, STOP!" Ryusuke ordered his dad as he walked towards me.

"He's my friend." he informed his parents who are now shocked as to what he said.

"Huh?" they both said in unison.


Ryusuke's POV

We all sat down at the dinner table to tell everything. After a few minutes of me and Sora explaining all about Gakuto-kun and how Sora invited him to stay due to the storm. Our parents finally began to understand everything little by little. And after a lot more explaining and apologizing they finally understood. However, I didn't mention the cop chase. Nor do I plan to tell them.

"So... this boy, "Gakuto-kun" is really your best friend?" my mom asked me.

"Yes." I nodded.

My mom then got up from her chair and walked uptowards Gakuto-kun.

"Hm?" he mumbled in confusion.

Suddenly, mom went in to give Gakuto-kun a hug. We were all a bit shocked from it.

"Thank you..." she said in relief.

Then dad himself went in for a hug while sobbing at the same time.

"Thank you, Hanyuda-kun, thank you for being my son's friend throughout first year!!! I'm so grateful!" he shouted to Gakuto-kun in tears of joy.

"Is this really coming from the same guy who tried to kill me with a knife?" Gakuto-kun deadpanned at me and Sora.

Me and Sora just chuckled at his expense. Gakuto-kun then grew more frustrated.

"Now that that's cleared out. Let's have breakfast!" she told all of us.

But just as mom was about to go back to the kitchen. She stopped and turned to look at Gakuto-kun.

"Would you like breakfast too, Gakuto-kun?" she asked him with a smile.

I looked over to Gakuto-kun, who's stomach was already growling in hunger.

"Sure." he merely nodded.


After setting the table, mom came in with our breakfast prepared. And we all sat down to get ready to eat.

"Itadakimasu" we all said as we began to eat.

While we were eating, my little sister, Sora, looked over at Gakuto-kun.

"Soo, Gakuto-kun, do you happen to have a little sister as cute as me?" she asked him with a huge grin on her face.

"I have an older brother named Ryota and a younger brother name Manabu. That's it." he replied to Sora with his casual bored face.

"Awww..." she pouted.

Just as we were about to continue to eat. Sora looked at Gakuto-kun again, this time with a surprised face.

"Hey, wait, are you saying that THE Manabu Hanyuda-san is your younger brother?!" Sora shouted at him in disbelief.

We were all taken a bit surprised at Sora's change in behavior. I know that Gakuto-kun had an older brother, but never a younger one...

"Yeah. Why? Are you friends with him?" he asked Sora.

"Weeelllll... more like a bystander to his "actions"." Sora said to him in a nervous and disappointed look.

My parents soon developed nervous looks, I myself became a bit freaked out. If what they've both said is true, then Gakuto-kun's little might be... evil.

"Well now that we had a good talk and breakfast, I think it's time you three kids should start heading to school." mom announced to the three of us.

"Right." me and Sora said in unison.

"Sure, whatever." Gakuto-kun merely said.

We then began to grab our schoolbags and Sora went to wear her yellow cap. Right when we headed for the door though, dad came in to stop us.

"One more thing." he said as he stopped us.

The three of us turned to look at him.

"Hanyuda-kun..." dad approached him.

"Yeah." Gakuto-kun replied.

Then, out of the blue, dad went in fora hug, and once again, started bawling his eyes out like a baby.


"Again, isn't this coming from the same guy who nearly killed me with a KNIFE!" he asked us in disappointment.

Me and Sora looked at each other and began to snicker, much to his dismay.

"Deja vu?" I asked her.

"I know, right?" she said back.


Narrator's POV

After leaving the Jinnai residence the three kids set out to go to school. While walking to their usual route, Sora heard a familiar jingle not to far from where they are.

"crepes...?" she whispered under her breath.

"huh?" the two boys said.

"CREEEEEEEPES!!!" Sora sprinted off.

"Sora! Wait!" Ryusuke shouted but was unfortunately ignored.

"(sighs)" Ryusuke looks down in disappointment.

"What are you waiting for?" Gakuto asked to him as he then sprinted off.

"Hey! wait!" Ryusuke shouted to him but again, was ignored.

"Come on!" he then sprinted off to catch up.

As the two boys continued their search for Sora they stop to catch their breaths.

"She a fan of Crepes?" Gakuto asked.

"You have no idea..." Ryusuke deadpanned.

"Huh... look!" Ryusuke pointed as he spotted his sister, who was just a road away from the crepe truck.

"Big bro, Gakuto, don't worry I'll buy you guys crepes as well!" Sora  joyfully shouted as she ran to the truck recklessly.

"SORA, NO-" Ryusuke shouted in fear.

Just then, a truck's horn was heard coming close to Sora. The young girl turn in fear to see the truck just a few feet close, and all the little girl can do is close her eyes and accept her death... but then...


an unknown person dashed and grab her from being crashed (and probably isekai'd) from the truck. As they both rolled over and bumped the truck, Sora looked to see as it was non other than Gakuto-kun himself.

"Gakuto-kun..." she said in awe.

Ryusuke, the crepe truck workers, and several bystanders all looked in shock and disbelief as to what happened. Gakuto simply look at the crepe truck workers with his usual bored face and said:

"can we have three crepes?"


The three continued to walk to school with crepes now in their hands. Gakuto began to eat his, while Ryusuke and Sora were still shocked and confused as to what happened.

"Ugh, why did I get a crepe? I forgot I don't like sugar that much." he remarked to himself.

"Sora, I will definitely tell mom and dad about this when we return back home." Ryusuke said as he broke his shocked mode.

"What?!" Sora shouted in disbelief.

"Yes! What you did was reckless and beyond threatening." Ryusuke continued to argue with his little sister.

"I-" Sora nearly said something but eventually gave up knowing he was right. "I'm sorry."

After a few minutes, they finally made it to Imai Academy. They made their way to the gate and walked to their respective buildings.

"Well see you after school, big bro." Sora bid her brother farewell.

"Yeah, see you. But don't forget, you're gonna be in big trouble after school." he reminded her.

"Yeah, yeah." Sora went to walk to the elementary building but stopped to turn to look at Gakuto.

"Oh, thanks again for saving me, Gakuto-kun." she smiled. "How can I ever pay you back?"

Gakuto began to think for a minute. But eventually he came to a conclusion.

"How about try to become friends with my little brother, Manabu." he said to Sora with a slight smirk.

Sora's smile then turned into that of a shocked expression.

"Uck..." Sora then started to twitch her fingers. "Well, uh, I'll try... see you after school, big bro." She nervously ran off.

"Come on, let's go to class as well."

Soon the two boys made their way in the halls of the junior high building. Gakuto still had his crepe in his hand with a small bite on it.

"Do you think she can pull it off?" Gakuto asked Ryusuke without looking at him.

"Maybe." He replied, he then looked at Gakuto's bitten crepe.

"Are you gonna finish that? You know we can't bring food to class? let alone eat." Ryusuke remarked at Gakuto with a worried expression.

"Uhh-" before he could finish his response, somebody pushed him and caused some cream from the crepe to splatter all over his uniform.

"owww..." a slight feminine voice said in pain.

Gakuto and Ryusuke looked to see it was a blonde haired girl.

Heyo! Yes, I am not dead nor am not putting this novel on hiatus. I was really busy with college and life and work. With my finals coming Tuesday, I think I can finally focus on my novel a lot more, but I can't guarantee anything. Also the auditions for my audiobook I think I may have to extend the deadline or just cancel if I can't get anymore auditions.

If you're interested here's the link: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/gakuto-kun-s-twisted-life-audiobook

Also share this story to anyone, if you can, if you. do, then I'll be so happy.

Make sure to follow me at my social media:

Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/angeloX1678VO

Instagram: angelox_va

Make sure to like and add this story to your library as well out of generosity. :)

Also be sure to check this story out on Quotev too: https://www.quotev.com/story/16383619/Gakuto-kuns-Twisted-Life/1