
Gakuto-kun's Twisted Life

In this novel (story), our protagonist Gakuto Hanyuda, has an insane and crazy life as he and his friends go on crazy adventures and mishaps. But little does anyone know... Gakuto meets more than meets the eye. Gakuto-kun's Twisted Life is an original story of mine that is inspired by Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid and various manga and light novels.

AngeloX · Eastern
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

Gakuto's POV


I started to shake the soda to get their attention. And it worked because one of the guys groaned.

"I thought you said all the customers left?" The first guy said in disbelief to his ally.

"I thought! Ugh... I'll go check it out." Second guy said as he cocked his gun ready to come at me.

As soon as he found me he immediately pointed his dumb toy at me.

"Hey! You! On your knees and drop the can!" He yelled at me with anger in his tone.

This is it, my only chance.

"I won't say it again, pal! get on your knees, or I will fucking shoot you!" he yelled at me with his gun still pointed at me.

"I only have one chance at this, if I don't do this now, I'll die either way.' I thought to myself as looked at the second guy with a serious look.

"That's it! I'm gonna count to three and if you don't do as I say... YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!!!" the second guy yelled with the top of his lungs.

Here I go...


My only...




"Hey, wanna see a trick?" I asked him calmly with a slight smirk on my face.

"Huh?" The second guy exclaimed with his guard down.

I tossed the can in the air made it spin very fast at the same time. The second guy looked at it and when it landed at my hand again... was all over.


I opened the can of soda directly at his face.

"Agh!" "Ahh!" The second guy gurgled as strawberry soda sprayed all over him.

"What's going on-"

Before the first guy could finish his sentence, I jumped up and kicked the second one at him. And the two of them ended up smashing the shelf of tobacco where the cash register is.

"Ta-da" I apathetically blurted out as I drop the soda can and walked to the counter.

Sure enough the two thugs were unconscious. I turned over to the cashier who now appeared shocked than scared now.

"First time getting robbed?" I simply asked her with a slight smile on my face.

"Yep. And hopefully my last." she awkwardly told me with disappoint look on her face. Which I gotta admit looked cute on her.

"Well, I wouldn't bet on that... uhh..." I looked at her chest which had her ID with the name... "Karin."

"Karin" simply pouted at me for the insult but I could care less anyway.

"So, can you just scan my stuff?" I told her with little patience.

"Sure." Karin said as she had the scanner on hand ready. "but only on the condition..." she stops on track and then pointed at me. This can't be good. "that you come back here on a daily basis!" Karin shouted with a huge grin.

"Huh?" My face turned completely confused as to what she just said. Does she really want me to come back here every day?

"No offense. But why do you expect me to come back everyday?" I told her with confusion still on me. "What's in it for me?"

"Well let's see..." she said as she was thinking of some kind of reward. "Oh... if you come back every day I'll let you have a free amazake can and a second one 50% off!"

I was clearly flabbergasted as to what she was offering to the table. She must be an idiot thinking that will work.

"What makes you think I like amazake?" I said clearly giving her a piece of my mind.

"Well you're trying to buy 4 cans of it right now, are you?" She responded to me with a smirk.


" Fine, deal." I went in to shake her hand, but before we could touch and shake. I pulled back. "But, on the condition that I come here occasionally ."

Karin started to pout again before eventually sighing in defeat.

"Very well, deal."

We finally shook hands as a deal of protection was formed.

"As you might want to call the police before they wake up." I reminded her.

Narrator POV

As Gakuto left the store, he spotted Ryusuke playing a cat on the sidewalk.


Both Ryusuke and the cat got startled with latter running off. Ryusuke start to turn nervous.

"Oh, Gakuto, hey..." he then start to get serious. "Hey! What took you so long?"

"I'll explain at the park." Gakuto said as he began to walk.


At the park, the two boys began talk and eat their snacks that they bought. Ryusuke would constantly joke and tell questions, while Gakuto would look down at the ground but would constantly respond to Ryusuke's questions.

Ryusuke: "Okay, okay, would you date the class president for 1000 yen?" he asked Gakuto a question of a lifetime.

Gakuto: "No." he bluntly said with no hesitation.

Ryusuke deadpanned at his friend's reaction.

Ryusuke: "Jeez, is there any girl in our class that you kinda have a crush on?" he asked his emotionless friend.

Gakuto: "No."

Ryusuke: "Any girl in the school?"

Gakuto: "No."

Ryusuke: "Any... uhm... guy-"

Gakuto immediately threw a can of unopened amazake at him, clearly cringed and offended.

Gakuto: "Look. I'm not in the mood for love, what I am in the mood for is graduating, that's it!" he yelled in frustration.

Ryusuke: "sorry." Ryusuke said scared.

Gakuto immediately looked down and turned sad.

Gakuto: "No, I am. Sorry."

Ryusuke: "It's okay. Tell you what, how about tomorrow when we get out of school we go to the arcade. After all that's what friends are for, right?" he told his friend with his casual smile.

Gakuto then began to form a small smile on his face.

Gakuto: "Yeah.." he said softly.

Ryusuke then began to form a grin as to what Gakuto is doing,

Ryusuke: "Are you smiling?" he jokingly said.

Gakuto: "No." he said back with his casual bored face.

Ryusuke then began to laugh while Gakuto rolled his eyes.

Gakuto: "Well, it's getting pretty dark, we should call it a day."

As Gakuto was about to walk away, Ryusuke grabbed his shoulder and looked distressed.

Gakuto: "What?" he asked in confusion.

Ryusuke: "Hey Gakuto, do you think it's possible we can make more friends?" he said to him nervously.

Gakuto: "What do you mean?" he commented.

Ryusuke: "Well, I mean I enjoy spending time with you, but it would be awesome to have more people to hang out with don't you think?" Ryusuke said to Gakuto with curiosity.

Before Gakuto could say any thing back, a flash of light shined at them. The two boys could barely see what's going one, but they could instantly tell if was an officer.

Officer: "Hey! What are you two doing this late at night?!" He demanded in anger.

Ryusuke: "RUN!"

The two boys began to run as fast as they could away from the officer, who was hot on their trail. Gakuto could've instantly ran away and leave Ryusuke alone for bait, since he's way faster. But, something inside him told him otherwise.

As the two boy's continued to run to the exit/entrance of the park. Ryusuke suddenly falls from a hole at the ground.

Ryusuke: "(groans) help!"

Officer: "(from afar) hold it right there."

Gakuto now had to make a choice: will he save Ryusuke and escape together? Or will he leave him alone and escape the law?

Gakuto: "(grunting)"

Finally chapter 3! Sorry I took forever to making this one I got caught up with work and homework. But don't worry I'll get started on making chapter 4 Monday. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and sorry for another cliffhanger. But what I can I say, how do I get the people's attention?

Make sure to follow me at my social media:


Instagram: angelox_va

Make sure to like and add this story to your library as well out of generosity. :)

Also be sure to check this story out on Quotev too: https://www.quotev.com/story/16383619/Gakuto-kuns-Twisted-Life/1

sorry if I took forever to update. Been busy with college and life but here it is chapter 3, enjoy.

AngeloXcreators' thoughts