
Gakuto-kun's Twisted Life

In this novel (story), our protagonist Gakuto Hanyuda, has an insane and crazy life as he and his friends go on crazy adventures and mishaps. But little does anyone know... Gakuto meets more than meets the eye. Gakuto-kun's Twisted Life is an original story of mine that is inspired by Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid and various manga and light novels.

AngeloX · Eastern
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Chapter 2

At class 1D

May 14th

Narrator POV

(Bell rings)

"Ah, the bell rung." Mr. Hashimoto said with relief. Unbeknownst to him every one of the students were just as relieved as well.

"Make sure you kids finish your work before the weekend or otherwise... free homework." He exclaimed with a grin.

As the other students began to pack up and head home for the day, Gakuto himself was about to head towards the door, but he is suddenly approached by the blonde haired Ryusuke.

"Hey buddy, do you want to get something at the convenience store?" 

The brown haired Gakuto began to continue to just walk away.

"Huh..." He blurted in shock.

So, Ryusuke began to beg and annoy Gakuto through the hall, the lobby, and eventually the outer entrance of the academy.

" Please, please, please, PLEEAAASSSEEEEE!" Ryusuke continued to beg.

"Grrr... okay, FINE!" he snapped at the blonde.

"Now shut the the fuck up!" Gakuto yelled as pointed at Ryusuke with a vein on his head.

"YAY!" Ryusuke cheered while jumping in the air.

Gakuto's POV

As me and the dork were about to head to this convenience store he was eager to go. 

"Gonna miss out on curfew are you?"

a familiar voice interrupted us.

I turned around to see who it was and unsurprisingly it was my older brother, Ryota.

"You know dad will be pissed , right?" he added with a serious look on his face.

"Eh. I'm used to it." I responded back with no emotion.

"Good afternoon, Hanyuda-san." Ryusuke greeted while bowing his head.

"Good afternoon. to you too, Jin'nai-san. But please call me Ryota." my brother said to Ryusuke with a slight smile, He then turned his attention to me back with his serious face on.

"Anyway, if that's what you want, then go right ahead. I'll be heading back home with my friends. See you when you get back." Ryota told me as he went back to his friends.

I could only look back at him in disappointment, knowing the consequences that will come later.


As me and Ryusuke walked through the streets to go to the convenience store, we also began making conversations along the way.

"So, Gakuto, are you enjoying your first year at Imai?"he asked me.

I really didn't know how to explain his question. My only reason for this school or school in general, has been nothing but a loose end. 

"Yeah...?" I really didn't know what else to say to him.

"Well, I sure am!" Ryusuke immediately shouted at me in joy, this guy sure is a handful.

"Once I graduate junior high, I'll go to high school, once I'm done with high school, I'll got a university to get a bachelors degree, then I'll be able to help my parents and sister." He explained to me very fast with stars in his eyes.

I could only look at him in cringe.

But hey at least he's planned his future ahead. I alone could honestly cared less about mine. After all I am a Hanyuda, so my chances of getting a great life are low.

'But, I wonder though...' I thought to myself, but before I could get lost in my mind, Ryusuke suddenly shakes my shoulder and pointed up at something.

"We're here!" he exclaimed with his usual smile.

I looked to see what he was pointing at and sure enough, it was the convenient store, which was called "Snack N Go Quick Mart". A pretty stupid name but whatever.

Me and Ryusuke enter the mart and as you would expect from a conscience store, it had snacks, drinks, supplies, slushie and much more.

"Hi! Welcome to Snack N Go." A young woman greeted us, and if I had to guess she looks like she's in her early 20's.

"Oh, hi." Ryusuke greeted back at her.

After that we went around exploring the store. We went to see which chips, which drinks, and which candies to get.

"Hey, do you think I should get these?" I asked Ryusuke with a red bag of chips.

"Yeah. They're really good" he commented back.

Suddenly the door jingle went off, and went to check and saw two men wearing dark clothes. Luckily they didn't see me, but I know I still had to do something.

"Hey, I'm gonna look around for something. You can buy your snacks." I said to Ryusuke with a stern look.

"Oh, uhm... okay." He sheepishly replied.

As soon as he went to go buy his stuff, I saw the two guy just talking amongst themselves, when they saw Ryusuke they just stopped waved at him, and he waved back. When he finally left the store. The guys did what I expected them to do, they pulled out some pistols and held the cashier hostage.

"Alright darlin, hand over all the cash and maybe we won't have fun with you tonight." The first guy said as I can also hear him lick the cashier.

She began to whimper while the other guy laughed. 

'What a bunch of MOFO's' I thought in disgust. '(Sigh) looks like it's show time.' I began to grab a 16 oz can of soda.

"Why can't we can fun with her now? After all the only customer just left." The second guy gloated with pride.


I started to shake the soda to get their attention. And it worked because one of the guys groaned.

"I thought you said all the customers left?" The first guy said in disbelief to his ally.

"I thought! Ugh... I'll go check it out." Second guy said as he cocked his gun ready to come at me.

As soon as he found me he immediately pointed his dumb toy at me. 

"Hey! You! On your knees and drop the can!" He yelled at me with anger in his tone.

Now, this is it my only chance.

Well there you go, chapter 2! Well I had fun and stress making this, but sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger. Anyways next chapter will be released after spring break. Sorry but I want fun and peace as well. Anyway I'm starting an audition to make and audiobook on my series. If anyone is interested? click the link below:


Also share this story to anyone, if you can, if you. do, then I'll be so happy.

Make sure to follow me at my social media:


Instagram: angelox_va

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