
Gakushuu Asano + Karma Akabane= Pure Chaos

"Ace-kun!" Gakushuu sighed in frustration as he turned to face the excited redhead. "What do you want?" "Come on, don't be so salty! It's not my fault you got sent to E class!"

Pheonixare_803 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Master Lock-picker

When Gakushuu got back to the penthouse suite, the first thing that struck him was that it was quiet. Way too quiet. Akabane's car was in the parking lot that the building had, so Akabane was obviously at home. He noticed that there wasn't a single trace of Akabane's belongings anywhere in the suite. The master bedroom was also the only bedroom. The only other place to stay would be the living room, but there wasn't anything there. Akabane didn't move out, because the man who had collected their fees didn't inform him of anything. Akabane's things weren't anywhere else in the penthouse suite. There was only one place left...

Gakushuu rushed to the master bedroom, inserted the key, and turned it. Just as he feared, Akabane was sitting on the large, king-sized bed, his things spread out messily across half the room.

"Why the hell are you in here?" Gakushuu exclaimed, quickly picking up his belongings that Akabane had tossed aside.

"Well, you locked this place, so I obviously picked the lock. And since this place is for sharing, I want half the room. Be glad I didn't toss your things out the room and block this room."

"Wow, thank you so much for your kindness of throwing my things aside!" Gakushuu snapped sarcastically. "And how do you want us to share this room? Do you want us to share the bed or something?"

"Take the couch."

"I am not taking the couch!" Gakushuu yelled. He had just come back from a long meeting with his clients and just wanted to shower and sleep in his bed. "You take the couch!"

"Then I guess we're sharing the bed."

"Sharing the- Are you crazy? No! Absolutely not!" Gakushuu sputtered.

"Why not? It's not like you like me or anything. Do you?" Akabane leaned in closer, staring at him hard.

"Of course not. Where did you even get that idea?"

"Then you don't need to be so against it. I assure you, I don't snore." Akabane tilted his head at him. "I never realized how easy it was to get you all riled up, Ace-kun."

"Whatever," Gakushuu muttered. He rearranged his things, grabbed his nightclothes, and slipped into the bathroom, throwing an "I'm not easy to rile up!" behind his shoulder.

Akabane scoffed. "Sure you aren't."

Gakushuu took a quick bath, washed up, and changed into his nightclothes. Akabane was lying on his side of the bed, tapping away at his phone. Gakushuu was too tired to care what Akabane was doing, so he simply flopped onto the bed, pulled the blanket to cover his body, and tried to sleep.

After a few minutes, just as Gakushuu was about to doze off, he heard a couple of soft clicks. Gakushuu turned around to see Akabane taking selfies of the two of them. "What the hell are you doing?"

Akabane grinned. "Hashtag: I'm sleeping with Mr. Student Concil President! And... sent to all of the former e-class students."

"What?" Gakushuu shot up, all traces of weariness gone as he tried to grab Akabane's phone. "I didn't allow you to take pictures of me! And they'll get the wrong idea!"

Akabane snickered. "Come on. Don't you want to let your former classmates know what's going on in your life?"


"Hashtag: I'm the top!" Gakushuu flung a pillow in Akabane's direction before hurriedly grabbing his own phone, which was starting to chime. He had just received a lot of messages from his former e-class classmates and Ren. Gakushuu sent a message to all of his former classmates that said 'We simply wanted the same penthouse suite, so we decided to share it, before calling Ren and locking himself in the bathroom.

"Asano! Is it true? Are you really sleeping with Karma Akabane? Did Karma Akabane really top you?" was the first thing Gakushuu heard. The second thing was that there was screaming in the background. "Koyama fainted when he saw the picture, and Araki and Seo are fangirling in the background. They're saying something about how you two always had it going on, and that there's a thin line between love and hate, and you guys must have overcome it, and-"

"Ren, stop," Gakushuu said firmly. "I did not sleep with Karma Akabane in the way you think. We wanted the same penthouse suite, so we agreed that we'd share the suite. Since the suite is made for one person, it only had one bedroom. Neither of us was willing to take the couch or the floor, so we're sharing the bed for the rest of the year unless one of us moves out before then."

"A year?!" an ear-splitting shriek came rang through the phone. "Araki, there's still plenty of time for them to get together!"

"Get together? We're not going to get together. We hate each other! The tension-"

"The sexual tension between you two so needs to be released," Araki's voice was amused. "Even if you two don't get together, I assure you that you two will at least have a one-night stand."

"What do you mean, sexual tension?!"

"You know, you two being rivals and all," Seo giggled. "Opposites attract. Karma Akabane is a rule-breaker, someone who slacks of in studies, and you're totally the opposite!"

"Don't forget that they're pretty similar," Arakis said. "They both love to mess with people, to rile each other up, then totally crush you."

Gakushuu ended the call a few moments later because he couldn't bear to listen to all the talk about him and Akabane getting together. He unlocked the bathroom and got out. Akabane was sitting on the bed with his usual smirk. "Enjoy your call?"

"No," Gakushuu growled. "You know that everything you texted wasn't even true."

"How could you say that?" Karma grinned at him. "We're both sleeping in the same bed, and when I took pictures of you, I was technically above you, so yes, I was on top. Besides, I doubt that you're a top."

Gakushuu leaned in close, so close that he and Karma's face was barely an inch apart. "Don't assume if I'm a top or not, Akabane. You just might be mistaken."

Akabane blinked in surprise for a moment, before a fire seems to rise in his eyes. "You wish."

Gakushuu lay back down on the bed and tried to go to sleep as he heard Karma having a loud call with Nagisa Shiota on his phone. He groaned and buried his head deeper into the pillows. He would never sleep at this rate.