

Iriasu is a half-Japanese boy that moved away from Japan when he was very young, due to mental problems and personal problems Iriasu wants to return back to his roots and experience high-school there but he is unable to, he isn't used to live in Japan but he wanted to go there since he was a kid, he could only see Japan only through images and tales from his dad. Thankfully a once in a life time chance came to Iriasu that allowed him to travel to Japan. Will the boy make the most of his 3 year experience there?

Illo · Realistic
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45 Chs

Yusuke high

Good morning to me, today is a new day, and specifically, it is Saturday, I got up and went to brush my teeth, looks like my aunt has already brushed hers since the sink is dripping a single drop of water once in a while, I brushed my teeth while brushing them I could see myself in the mirror, my brown hair and bright brown eyes, besides my bright eyes nothing else makes me seem like a foreigner, after washing my teeth I walked to the living room, where she was

"Good morning Iriasu-chan, did you sleep well?"

why is she still calling me Iriasu-chan? To be honest, I never understood all these things about honorifics but now that I'm in Japan I can't afford to call anyone by their first names, if I do they will probably be weirded out

"Morning Hikita, do we have food, or should I make something?"

I asked, she ignored my question, she was more focused on the way I said her name

"Iriasu-chan I know that we are family but if it's possible call me Hikita-chan or san"

"Sorry about that! I'm still getting used to honorifics"

I told her with a smile, she forgave me and our routine continued, turns out aunt ate the remaining instant noodles, I find it kind of weird, she is in her early 20s and she doesn't go into the trouble to cook for herself, I guess she doesn't really need to since she usually eats at her work, at least that was what my father told me, she worked as an office lady and in her office, there is a lunch room that makes traditional food for the workers, nice for her, now about me I'm boiling 2 eggs while watching TV with my aunt

"My favorite show has replays on the weekends so I can't miss any new episodes"

she told me, she likes to watch a romance show about a lady that works in a similar job as her, she has an interesting taste


"Now take a spoon and slowly take out your eggs and place them on top of a paper towel so they can cool down"

she told me, that before boiling the eggs my aunt told me to take a device she had bought that helped you boil eggs, boiling eggs is easy, to begin with, but I guess making your life even easier by setting a timer and a cooking method you want to make your eggs helps, I eat the traditional hard boiled eggs so I didn't want any timer but my aunt still insisted on using it, when my eggs finally cool downed I ate them quickly and started filling my backpack with the necessary things about registering in a school

"ID check! High school invitation check! wallet check!"

I started to check them out loud so I could make sure

"How about a helmet? You won't leave this house without wearing a helmet"

my aunt told me while passing by my room, that's right I forgot, when I arrived home I saw a helmet hanging in the garage, I quickly packed my stuff and went to the garage, I wore my backpack and then I wore my helmet too, I got on the bike and turned the engine on with the key my father gave me, I then pushed down the crank, there was no response, I tried again and again but still nothing happened

"HIKITA-SAN!!! When was the last time you turned on this thing"

I yelled, my aunt, slowly entered the garage and approached the bike

"Get off it for a second"

she told me, when I got off she hopped on the bike, and with a simple push she made the bike run, I'm a bit speechless and embarrassed at the same time, I had to find the way to turn my bike on with a simple push just like her, but this is beside the point, I have to go to Yosuke High, but first let me use a digital map so I don't get lost

"Alright I'm all set up now, thank you for helping me!"

I told her, as she was raising up the garage door

"Have a safe trip there and make sure the cops don't catch you"

"Wait what?"

I said but it was too late, I'm already on the road so I simply drove, the street is very empty at this hour so I can afford to speed up a little, the air was hitting my warm body cooling it down, summertime in Japan is rough but that's okay, back in Biol the temperature used to hit 36 degrees Celsius and with the humidity, it felt like 40, my way to school is going very smooth but of course, I had to jinx it, suddenly when I was driving in a narrow road a girl appeared from thin air, I pressed both of my brakes while horning at her, thankfully the bike stopped before hitting her

"Are you insane?"

She yelled at me, she looks furious

"I'm sorry I couldn't see you because of the road"

"I don't care you could have run over me! or over anyone, and judging by your voice you are not old, do you even have a license?"

she told me, I feel a bit bad but I saw a small detail that turned the whole argument against her

"You know this bike is an old model so it makes a lot of sounds anyone can hear it if they are at least 50 meters away from it but you, on the other hand, are wearing earphones so it's natural to not hear me coming"

her expression changed, she seemed cornered

"I'm not listening to anything, so how do you explain that?"

"Year right"

I said, I then turned up the gas and left, I can't afford to be late so I can argue with a stupid child, after some peaceful driving I arrived at the school, the school had a huge gate with its name written over it, I now understand why they call it one of the best in Japan, this school has about 4 floors, 4! WHAT DO YOU EVEN DO WITH 4 FLOORS? excuse my enthusiasm, anyways, I entered the gate with my motorcycle and parked it inside the school, the school entrance had a big area so you can park your bike, if I came with a bike then it would have been nice, after parking my bikecycle I entered the school, I took off my shoes and placed them into a open locker, Yosuke probably left it open for me, I wore the specialize shoes for the school and I started walking inside, I looked at a big map of the school, I could see where every classroom is located and I saw something that made me gasp out loud, the school has a music room, a gym that had a mixed volleyball with basket ball stadium, a nurse's office, a teacher's room, a library, a locker room that was located near the gym, a student council room, a science room, and finally an art room, I got a headache by only reading about the rooms, I can't imagine my reaction when I see them in person, after reading all this I went to the principal's office, and here he was Mr. Yosuke himself siting on a fancy chair

"Welcome to Japan Hikita-chan, do you remember your uncle? I used to play with you when you were little"

he told me, he called me by my family name, after my mother and father got married the 2 of them decided that the family name will become Hikita instead of Trunder my father's family name, he seems happy to see me

"Good morning Yosuke-sama, I am glad that you choose me for this project of yours"

"No it's all my pressure, you see your father and I were best friends when we were younger, we used to do all these stupid stuff together, we were basically brothers, I wish he could have come here too"

He told me with a big smile, many people know my dad but he looks very happy to talk about him

"Then I have good news for you, my father will come here for the holidays"

a big smile formed on his face

"Hahaha, then I will be waiting but that's enough about me, let's talk about you, why don't you tell me your full name and what you like to do so I can assign you to a class"

"I'm Iriasu Hikita and I'm a first year, I like to play soccer and volleyball, and my hobbies are working out and running or swimming, depending on the season"

I tried to throw a joke inside my presentation and thankfully it made him laugh

"You are like a mini version of your dad, oh... actually I have a picture of us, would you like to see us together?"

He asked me

"You really have a picture of you 2 together?"

"Not only us, here take a look!"

he then took out an old picture and showed it to me, I don't have any words, this picture showed 4 people, and all of them look familiar, I could recognize my father and Yosuke, but for some reason when I saw the girls that they were with I froze

"Do you recognize your aunt? She is this one with the blonde she really tried to act like a gyaru girl, and the other woman that is close to your father is non-other than your mother"

my mom looked amazing, with long black hair tied in a small tie and big green eyes, she was one of the most if not the most beautiful women I have ever seen, I'm very shocked about my mother's appearance, but my aunt's appearance was also weird, instead of her black hair she had blonde hair and also wore weird clothes, another thing that I could notice is that they all posed near impressive looking cars, I knew that my father was a sports car freak but I didn't expect him to own one

"Don't we all look cool posing in front of our cars?"

Yosuke asked me, he sure is acting friendly to a student of his, I wish all principals were like that but I'm not just another student for him since he has such a deep connection with my father, he even offered me to pay for my whole graduation after all

"Obviously, wait now that I remembered my father left me his old motorcycle, do you remember it by any chance?"

"Are you referring to his Yamaha FS1? He bought it from a guy when he was younger, does it still work?"

he asked me with a look of surprise

"Of course it does! That's how I came here"

he looked at me with a look of suspicion when I told him that

"What's wrong?"

"You know this bike is modified to a 125cc right, so you can't possibly own a license for that"

"Well in the papers it says that my bike is 50cc so I think I'm okay"

I told him with an awkward smile, laughed

"You really are a mini Domic, anyways, I have already assigned you to a class so you are ready to go to school, but before you leave take all of the books on top of this desk and also take this"

He said as he brought me a school uniform, the size is perfect and thankfully my backpack is big enough to fit everything in

"Make sure you give a quick read on your books because it's going be hard for you since you are not very used to the language, also if you have a problem with kanji then you can tell me so I can lend you a book about them"

Yosuke told me, I thanked him and was about to leave but a sudden appearance from a girl stopped me from doing so, the girl that got inside was about my age and she had purple-ish hair with dark purple eyes, they were the same eyes as Yosuke, it didn't take me long to realize that she is the same girl that I almost ran over, she probably saw my bike on the entrance of the school, I'm also holding my helmet so there is no way she didn't recognize me

"Wait are you..."

I knew that she would recognize me

"Father, why is this boy here?"

She asked him with an angry expression

"What do you mean Yua-chan?"

Her father asked concerned

"He was about to run me over with his stupid bike!"

she told him while pointing at me, that's it for my career as a student, it already ended before it even started

"Hahaha, are you serious? When I was younger I had a similar accident with his father when he first came here!"

What? He isn't mad? I almost killed his daughter

"Dad, you can't be serious are you even hearing what I'm telling you?"

the girl asked but her father was focused on laughing

"I'm sorry to butt in your conversation but I must leave my aunt is waiting for me at the house"

I left out of there without hearing an answer, the girl wouldn't have allowed me to leave without punishing me in someway so leaving was the best option