

Iriasu is a half-Japanese boy that moved away from Japan when he was very young, due to mental problems and personal problems Iriasu wants to return back to his roots and experience high-school there but he is unable to, he isn't used to live in Japan but he wanted to go there since he was a kid, he could only see Japan only through images and tales from his dad. Thankfully a once in a life time chance came to Iriasu that allowed him to travel to Japan. Will the boy make the most of his 3 year experience there?

Illo · Realistic
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45 Chs

Double-edged sword

After going home I took a shower and put on my good clothes since I had to see my date in a little, I took my bike and I quickly went to the mall

<Yua where is she?>

I texted Yua, I waited for a bit and she responded

<She is at KFCC, go pick her up, she told me had a date plan!>

She texted me once again saying that, I guess I will go but now I'm kind of nervous, what kind of friends does Yua has? And why are they interested in me?

After some minutes of walking, I arrived outside the KFCC shop and I didn't seem to find her friend

"Hey there! Are you by any chance this dude?" She said as she showed a picture of mine that I uploaded on social

"Ehm... Yeah, who are you?" I asked the weird girl

She had curly orange hair and bright brown eyes that matched the crazy color of her hair

"Didn't Yua-chan tell you? I'm Temono Ichika!" She said as we shook hands

That's a weird way of introducing yourself but okay...

"Want to go to the movies?" She asked me

"I-I guess..." I awkwardly replied

The two of us silently walked to the cinema that the mall had and watched a drama movie that was playing, it was called "Do re mi" it was a music movie, for some reason she insisted we watched this

The movie was boring but that wasn't the problem, the problem was the girl, I barely know her and we are on a movie date, we haven't even talked about anything yet, how can she feel comfortable?

"Did you like the movie?" She asked me as we walked out of the cinema

"It was mediocre, and was leaning toward bad, to be honest..."

I told her that on purpose, if she liked the movie then I would come as a bore hopefully and this date will be over quicker

"Me too! I heard good things about it so I wanted to see it myself but it was very generic and predictable too!" She answered with enthusiasm


"Where do you want to go now?" I asked her hoping she said home

"You have a bike, right? How about we go for coffee at a coffee shop I know?"


She must have seen my recent photo, I uploaded a photo of me in biker's gear and a motorcycle, I took this photo before coming to Japan but I decided to post it since it looked cool, turns out it backfired on me

I hopped on the motorcycle and I made Ichika wear the helmet to be safe, both of us hopped on the bike and we took off to the location Ichika told me, it wasn't even 10 minutes away on foot but I guess going with a motorcycle is cooler

"I will have the usual!" Ichika said to a girl taking our orders

"I want a chamomile tea with milk!"

I told the lady, and she then left

"European style huh? Why don't you try Japanese tea, I promise you will like it!" Ichika told me with a smile, she spoke English this time

"Judging from your looks you are not Japanese either, right?" I asked her in English too

"Oh of course! My mother is from England and my father is from Iceland but my mother is where I took my hair color!" She said as she played with her curly hair

"How did you end up coming here then?"

"My parents came here for work, I'm not very good at Japanese but I try to learn as fast as I can, you seem very fluent, did you study the language before?"

"Nah I'm half-Japanese and my father knew Japanese so he taught me a little..."

Ichika looked surprised

"You are bi-racial? You don't look half-Japanese"

"Yeah I get that a lot, what about you? I haven't seen you around and usually, I remember people that stand out" I told her

Our drinks shortly arrived, Ichika then took a sip out of her iced coffee and then asked me

"Now that we got a bit used to each other I would like to ask you something, you don't have to do as I say but I think it would benefit you too!" She said as she smiled in a weird way

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"Have you ever noticed Yua's boyfriend?" She asked

"Yeah what about it?"

"Haven't you noticed their age gap? His connection with her brother and his position in the soccer club and his reputation around school, or the way Inei is treating him?"

"Look I don't know where are you heading with this"

She looked at me and smiled

"You see he used to be my boyfriend before Yua came to Yusuke high, but as soon as Inei saw the opportunity to make his cycle of friends look better he would even sacrifice his little sister's love life to do that, pathetic isn't it?" She asked as she looked outside the window

"Inei wouldn't do something like that"

"How do you know? I personally knew him from when I was younger, I used to come to Japan and met his family, that's why I enrolled in the school"

Ichika's words seemed genuine, plus I don't see a reason to lie like that

"I'm quite confused, what's your point? Why are you telling me all this?"

Ichika laughed

"I have a plan to make them break up, how do you feel about that?" She asked me as she took a sip of her coffee

"How am I supposed to feel?" I asked her as I stared into her eyes

"I don't know... You seem quite close to Yua, you know going to the library to study with someone isn't the ideal thing you do with any friend if you know what I mean..." She said with a smirk on her face

"So what? Do you think I have feelings for Yua?" I asked

I wasn't so sure about my feelings either

Yua isn't such a bad girl, she is cute, smart, and smooth to interact with, if you ignore the fact that she is spoiled and aggressive toward others, then she is not someone you can't catch feelings, but I have experienced even the bad side of hers but I can't bring myself to hate her or even have a bad opinion of her

Maybe I do like her, I don't know anymore

But she doesn't feel the same, she has a boyfriend, an aggressive one too, but now this girl is telling me she knows a way to make them break up

"What do you have in mind?" I asked not expecting something insane

"You see boys are boys so if Meo sees me have fun with someone else then he will start to get jealous, so what do you think? Are you up for acting?" I understood what she meant but I wasn't so sure if I wanted to do it

"Won't Yua become sad? You know breaking up with someone impacts you in some kind of way, even if you don't like them so much, plus her reputation will kind of get destroyed, being dumbed by someone isn't exactly the ideal way to end a relationship..." I told her ironically

"Yua doesn't love him! I told you, they haven't even kissed, trust me we are doing her a favor, plus Meo is an asshole, he doesn't deserve Yua or me, when he dumps Yua I will dump him back"

I sighed

"I don't know... It sounds kind of messed up, I mean who are we to mess with the lives of others?"

"What? All of a sudden you are a saint? I can't forget how easily you attacked someone with enough force to cause permanent damage to them"

"Watch your mouth! I did that for self-defense, plus what are you about to do will either be good or terrible, but in the end is a double-edged sword, if we succeed then Meo and eventually, Inei will be pissed at us and if things aren't as you say Yua will be sad, I don't see winning something out of this plans of yours"

I said as I started glaring at her, she looked a bit cornered after that, but after some thought, she smiled and told me something with an evil smile

"A heartbroken girl is an easy pray for you..."

I can't believe she told me something like this about her friend

"Are you even hearing yourself?" I yelled

Some people inside the coffee shop turned their eyes on us

"Don't yell you, idiot!" She said as she pulled me back into my seat

"If you are afraid then you could tell me, not scream like that, anyway, I have a lot of guys willing to take this role if you don't want to, but since you look like a good guy I figured that I could help you get with Yua but I guess you don't want to" She said as she readied her stuff


"Oh? Did you have a change of heart?" She asked me as she stood up

"I will do it but promise me one thing..." I told her, and she asked me what so I told her loud and clear

"If something bad happens to me or my friends after that plan of yours then I will tell everyone about your little plan, to be honest not a lot of people like me but to those that do I don't want anything bad to happen to them, you heard? Those people are my treasure, Yua was the only person that took her time to talk to me and even do things with me, so besides telling everyone that it was your idea I will also find any other opportunity I can to ruin your life in this school, either by using my connections with the principal of the school or the president of the school council!"

Ichika looked intimidated

"I know him too"

"Your father isn't best friends with him so I doubt he will value your family as much as mine"

I told her after thinking a little she accepted my terms, so after we left this coffee shop we were officially fake dating, we even posted it on socials so we could spread the word

Before I left Ichika I took her number and added her on LINE so we could communicate easier, I then returned to my house and before I knew it, it was about 7 P.M, having nothing better to do I started doing some light work out in my room, played some video games with my brand new pc, showered and slept

~Why did you accept her deal?~ Yu-kun asked me

"Why? I don't know why?"

Yu looked at me with doubt

~I'm a part of you, you know... I know why you did that, you have feelings for Yua, that's why!~ He told me, if he is me then why I don't feel the same?

"You must be mistaken, Yua is a good girl but I don't see her this way"

Yu smiled

~I know your last relationship wasn't the best but that doesn't mean you have to reject your feelings, you know not all girls are the same...~

I don't partially care about what happened with Jessica, a girlfriend I had prior to coming here but he did have a point

"I don't know, half of the girls I talked with are a bit manipulating, Aoi, Ichika, even if they look nice and act nice they are not, they simply try to gain what they want by using others, truly a horrible way of doing things, well Ichika is also helping her friends by doing that, but the "She will be fragile after a breakup" part was messed up..."

I spoke with honesty with Yu

~You think she doesn't really want to help Yua but get back with her ex right?~ Yu asked me, I nodded

"Well I can't disagree, Ichika is a weird individual but I'm sure we can deal with her, worst case scenario you become the bad guy, best case scenario she is honestly trying to help Yua and no one gets hurt"

Yu said, I guess he is right...