
Gaia: The Tormented Loser's Second Chance

John ; A self-proclaimed loser, John's new life into the unknown world of Gaia, a fantasy world where he himself has a second chance to redeem himself.

GoatedWriterOfTime · Fantasy
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9 Chs


John is OBSESSED with anime. He spends countless hours watching his favorite shows and movies, becoming completely absorbed in the richly-imagined worlds and captivating stories. Whenever he feels down, he turns to his collection of anime to lift his spirits. He often finds himself wiping away tears of emotion as he becomes fully immersed in the emotional journeys of the characters on screen.

In addition to watching anime, John also enjoys playing MOBA's. He is an avid player, spending hours each day strategizing and competing with other players online. The game provides a welcome distraction from the difficulties he faces in the real world, such as the bullies at school who try to bring him down.

Despite these challenges, John finds solace in the escapism provided by his love of anime and gaming. They allow him to forget about his troubles and enter into fantastical worlds where he can be whoever he wants to be. He cherishes the moments when he can lose himself in these worlds and forget about the problems of the real world.

John sat at his computer, feeling more depressed than ever. He had been chatting with his online friends for the past hour, but they seemed distant and aloof. Despite his attempts at conversation, they barely responded to his messages.

"Hey guys, what's up?" he typed, feeling a sense of desperation.

"Not much, just hanging out at home," Demitrius replied, his words curt and dismissive.

"Same here. I've been meaning to go out and do something, but I just haven't had the motivation lately," Ebeneezer added, his tone equally cold.

John felt his heart sink. "Yeah, I know the feeling. I've been stuck at home for weeks now. I just can't seem to motivate myself to do anything."

"Well, maybe you should try to do something about it," Demitrius said, his words filled with impatience.

"Yeah, it's not healthy to be cooped up all the time. Have you tried joining any clubs or groups? That might be a good way to meet new people and try new things," Ebeneezer suggested, his tone lacking any real concern.

John felt a surge of anger and frustration. "No, I haven't really thought about that. I guess I've just been feeling really down lately and haven't wanted to socialize."

"Well, maybe you should try to snap out of it and do something productive with your time," Demitrius said, his words dripping with condescension.

"Definitely. It's important to take care of yourself and not let yourself become isolated," Ebeneezer added, his words lacking any real empathy.

John felt tears welling up in his eyes. He knew they were right, but he just didn't have the energy or motivation to do anything about it. "I know, you're right. I'll try to make more of an effort to get out and do things. Thanks for the advice, guys."

"No problem, John. We're here to support you and help you in any way we can," Demitrius said, his words lacking any genuine warmth.

"Yeah, don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. Let's all try to be more active and engaged in our lives," Ebeneezer added, his words sounding more like a dismissal than a genuine offer of support.

John sat at his computer, feeling angry and frustrated. He couldn't believe the shitty advice that Ebeneezer and Demitrius had given him. They clearly didn't understand how hard it was for him to even get out of bed some days, let alone go out and join clubs or groups.

He felt like they were judging him and belittling his struggles. He decided that he was done with their so-called "support" and that he would try to take care of himself on his own. He decided that he would go outside and buy some groceries, even though the thought of leaving his room and facing the outside world made him anxious.

He knew that he needed to start taking care of himself, even if it meant relying on his impatient mother's food packages and living in a room that smelled extremely bad after not having showered for days. He was determined to make a change and take control of his life.

John was walking back from the supermarket, feeling a sense of accomplishment and determination. He had pushed himself out of his comfort zone and taken a small step towards taking care of himself. He was determined to keep moving forward and break out of his isolation and depression. But as he crossed the street, he didn't see the truck speeding towards him.

He was lost in his thoughts, and he didn't notice the danger until it was too late. The next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground, feeling a searing pain in his chest. He could hear the sound of screeching tires and people shouting in the distance.

People rushed to John's side, trying to help him. They called for an ambulance and tried to stop the bleeding, but it was too late.

John was already gone.

As they waited for the ambulance to arrive, they could smell the foul odor emanating from his body. Some mothers covered their children's eyes and noses to prevent them from seeing or smelling the gruesome scene. "Oh my god, what happened to him?" one woman asked, her voice filled with shock and horror. "He must have been living in filth for weeks," another man said, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "Poor soul, may he rest in peace," a third person said, making the sign of the cross.

He tried to speak, but no words came out. He could hear people shouting and calling for help, but he couldn't see anything. He felt a strange warmth and lightness, and then everything went black.