
gacha summon'em all....and yandere too

it a story about a man trying to fix a god mistake while also finding out the mysterious portal use build a harem of yandere and other dere? "wait......how tha hell do you expect me to survive that"noysd said to me me:your problem i brush my shoulder "....you know....don't put my mom and sister in the yandere section alright"noysd said me:.....sure.......not i whisper the last sentence "hey i heard that!"noysd shout Me:like i care! I shout back "give me a break already if it just yandere i can put up but,other dere!do you know how many are there?!"noysd said Me:let me see....dandere,tsundere,kuun dere...etc I listed out "you know what...fuck this..give me your worse author" Noysd said with a confident tone and look Hello readers if you reading this...i know almost all of don't welcome to this shitty novel Oh...ya i don't own any character her obly my original charater...there will be a lot so have fun bleaching your eyes i will only upload when i feel like it

NOTtROPIKA6 · Others
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33 Chs

chapter 18:new skill part 4

"kohaku!? What are You doing here!?"haruka shout worryingly

"don't worry haruka i'm here to help"kohaku shout back too

"hmm hhmm!"fyn shout angrily

"tch..fine don't do anything drastic alright"haruka said while taking out a gun from his pant pocket and gripping his bat on one arm

"ok"kohaku said while taking her axe out

"hmm!"fyn said while running at them and conjuring up a lightning bolt

"what is that guy talking about?"kohaku ask while running at fyn

"he saying evangalion is kinda happy"haruka said while also running at fyn and extending hIs hand that holding the gun at fyn and...



...and haruka shoot

"hmm!"fyn said while cutting the bullet and shooting the lightning bolt at kohaku.haruka block it with his bat and got electrocuted

"ouch that hurt you alright"haruka said while shooting at fyn again


"Hmm!"fyn said while cutting all the bullet and chaging the surrounding area it a storm he then levitate

"back away kohaku!"haruka shout while backing away

"ok!"kohaku shout while also backing away

"SKILL:OPEN WORLD!"fyn shout....as the surrounding area in 1km enclose by a barrier








"shit we're trapped here...."haruka said while holding tight his bat and gun

"what do you mean?"kohaku said while scanning their surrounding

"....i need to use my skill...shit i need to chant this...summon helliard"haruka said as he hit the ground with his bat....suddenly a summoning circle appear and emerge from the summoning curcle is a big black(me:co-i mean)man With a big sword

"Helliard protect me and kohaku destroy any fire related or electric coming this way alright...i trust you on this"haruka said,then he sat down clap his hand together and chating some thing

"alright!....who are you?"kohaku said while asking the big black man with a big sword

"me....tha nam is helliard"the man shout while he swing his big sword down destroying the fireball

"hmm"fyn said angrily

"hey now that's kinda rude you know...."helliard said while picking up his sword jump at fyn

"how do you guys even know what this man is speaking?!"kohaku shout

"only boys can understand this"helliard shout back while swinging his sword at fyn

"o theé tis fotiás, evlógise ton ypiréti sou me ti dýnami tis flógas"haruka chanted....as the surrounding area start to turn into a volcano inside

"....."fyn look around seeing that he is surrounded.....and so he speak"absolute Cancel"fyn yell out

"shit he have That one skill!"helliard exclaim

As the fyn yell out the word the surrounded area within the 1km cancel any skill even the barrier is disappear,helliard himself is fading out,haruka skill he chant start to crumble

"kohaku back away right now!"haruka shout and he run to fyn.kohaku nod and back away while throwing her axe at fyn,fyn puch the axe and destroy the head axe and take the handle axe and throw it to kohaku piercing through kohaku heart killing her

"kohaku!"haruka stop running turn around to kohaku and run at her but his Left leg got blown apart.he watches kohaku fall down to the ground as he too fall to the ground

"shit!summon jokert"haruka said as a summoning circle appear and a man with a clown mask come out it

"hyo Ho ho ho~finally i got summon"jokert said while doing some stretching

"jokert distract theat guy!"haruka shout as he put his hand on the ground and break it and take the piece of rock and mold it into a leg

"sure~"jokert said as he start to levitate

"hmm"fyn said while making a hand pistol

"sound about right....dawg you're not him..."jokert said while making a stopping sign

"Hmm?!"fyn exclaim as he summon a mace from his inventory

"now now don't be so suprise.let dance shall we?









Hello reader sorry for the late chapter...i was kinda running out of idea of a story(not that it Has tho)because i kinda wanna make a new story....but...i need to finish this one first..sooooo...comment on what should happen next chapter so i can do this faster...that all byeeee~~~~

To be continued