
Gacha Kingdom Building

Earth has changed and with it so has humanity. Follow Miwen as he makes use of his Gift, Gacha Kingdom Building.

uwuzer · Fantasy
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179 Chs

The Night Before The Invasion (R18)


-This chapter contains sexual content, reader discretion is advised-

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a good time yesterday, but I ended up going a little overboard.

Given everything that happened and the ability to control Anna like that, it's no surprise I lost myself a bit, but to go as far as to take all of her firsts in one go was way too much.

I don't think she minded it too much, if anything, she certainly seemed like she enjoyed every single minute of it, but yeah, if there's a next time, I'll be sure to treat her with more care.

That's only when it comes to her though... after all, I've yet to forgive the two kittens for what they were up to last time.

Even though I woke up later than usual already, my focus was solely on what I had planned for the night.

But since I still had some time during the day, I decided to deal with some things after doing the rolls on the Gacha.

Out of the 12 daily tickets I got, I spent 2 on Spellbooks for Beatrice, and the rest went towards skills.

[Appraisal] got 2 level-ups, alongside [Mana control] and [Enhanced Drop Chance], which was pretty good overall.

Out of these three, [Appraisal] is the most lackluster since I've yet to encounter a monster that is capable of blocking this skill as it is, meaning there's little to no benefit in these levels, at least in the short term.

In the long term, however, it might become unprecedented since I don't get a lot of information handed over to me when in events, aside from their brief descriptions.

[Mana control] is always good and [Enhanced Drop Chance] is godly, so I'm pretty happy with this distribution.

I would've liked to have gotten some new skills to open up possibilities, but since I've got quite a few repeats this time, the tickets that were left ended up landing on skills I already had, for better or worse.

[Sight Enhancement], [Swordsmanship], [Physical Prowess], and [Mana Shield] were the last skills to get upgraded through the Gacha before I faced the event on the horizon.

All of them are nice and might make a difference depending on how everything goes with the Merchant.

So, feeling pleased with the results, I left the house for a bit.

I never would've expected to come back to a completely different mood though.

During the morning, Ellie was a bit more assertive than what I've come to expect of her, and Beatrice seemed to be quite friendly towards her, but as soon as they came back from my room, it seemed like they couldn't even look at each other in the eye.

The other factor that is strange to me is the way Anna has been intently looking at Licia for a while now, paying attention to her every move.

I don't think there's any bad blood between them, hell, Licia even let me sleep with her, so, I can't help but wonder why she seems so interested in Licia all of a sudden.

Maybe she's uncomfortable thinking about her position given what happened yesterday...

Before I made any judgment, I decided it would be best to gather a bit of information to help me clarify things.

Miwen: "Hm... did something happen while I was gone?"

I couldn't avoid looking at Beatrice, Ellie, and Anna, who froze up immediately after my question, reinforcing my suspicion that there was something going on.

Claire: "I don't think so, most of all we just kept lazing around~"

Mia: "We're not kids you know? Nothing's gonna happen just because you went away for a while."

Claire: "Eh? Did you get worried we might've hurt ourselves without you around? Are you an old man or something?"

At least these two are acting as their predictable selves... But honestly, I wasn't really worried about them to begin with.

They usually dance to their own beat, so as long as there's something interesting for them to focus on I doubt any trouble would arise.

Miwen: "C'mon, it's not like that. I was just curious about your day. What about you guys?"

 I made sure to direct my question towards the suspicious trio this time.

Ellie: "Um...Y-you should be more careful..."

She started fidgeting as she tried to find the right words to express herself. In the end, Ellie didn't really manage to say anything specific, but before I could question her further, Anna interjected.

Anna: "Exactly! You need to pay attention so that no one messes with what's yours!"

Beatrice: "Eh? But... it's fine if it's only once..."

Anna: "If it stops at the first time, sure, but I feel like it won't..."

Suddenly something seems to have started between Anna and Beatrice, and while the two were discussing, Ellie hid her face with her hands.

I glanced at Claire and Mia, who signaled to me that they had no idea what was going on. Licia also seemed to be confused about it all.

Licia: "Is there something you'd like to tell us about?"

Anna: "N-not really?"

Beatrice: "Y-yeah there's nothing happened, so don't worry about it..."

If they had any intention of sounding convincing, I can say that they failed for sure.

... but it also doesn't seem to be anything major.

It's probably fine to leave it like this until they decide to talk about it.

Ellie: "I might be a little tired... is it fine if I go back to the kingdom?"

Miwen: "Sure, good night."

Ellie: "Hm... you too..."

It didn't take long for the others to also start going back after Ellie, leaving me, Licia, and Claire home alone.

Claire: "That was kinda weird..."

Licia: "Maybe it's because of what happened yesterday."

Claire: "Oh... it's probably why."

I get why they'd think that, but since during the morning everything seemed fine, I think there might be another reason for their strange behavior.

Licia: "Do you wanna do something about that?"

Miwen: "It's fine, I already have my hands full today..."

We had just entered the room, but I couldn't wait to get things started.

Miwen: "Licia, I wanna use your mouth."

She didn't even try to question it and immediately went down on her knees.

I've been having sex with her for a while now, so she already knows how to service my dick best.

To start with, she gives it a few strokes, making it hard. After that, she puts her tongue to action, liking the shaft and using her hands to further caress it.

We seem to have great compatibility, and she knows how to please every nook and cranny, so among the girls I've done it with, when it comes to technique she's by far on top.

I can't help but admire the contrast between her usual gentle self that everyone sees during the day and the rough girl that she becomes exclusively for me at night.

After liking my entire cock, she puts it inside her mouth, adding a new warm feeling to the mix while she slurps and sucks on it.

From her lips to her throat, her entire mouth is used to please my dick. She only lets it go when she starts to choke on it.

Licia: "Gah... bwah... hah... sorry... I'll get back to it."

Miwen: "It's fine, We'll head to the bed now."

Over there Claire was already in her underwear, and I began to take off my clothes while kissing her.

Miwen: "Hmn... why don't you show me what you two were up to yesterday?"

Licia and Claire: "Eh ?"

Though I could tell, I wasn't able to actually see them, so I was a bit curious.

Both of them seemed a bit surprised by what I said, but soon enough they started to make out.

In the beginning, they were doing it in a very shy way, but it didn't take long for them to get in the mood and start being passionate about it.

As a guy, I gotta say that what was unfolding before my eyes was pretty hot.

Miwen: "So Licia was on top last time too?"

Claire: "Hn... yeah... she used ice magic to... Nnh..."

Licia seems to have gotten a bit embarrassed about what happened and used a kiss to shut Claire's mouth.

Miwen: "I see, then... this time you're on top Claire."

Claire: "Hmn... but I can't really..."

Miwen: "Don't worry, I've got you covered."

Using my own ice magic I create the same thing Licia must've used last time, an icy dildo.

Licia: "Um... w-wait... I didn't make one that big."

Miwen: "Consider it your punishment then."

Licia: "Why?!"

Miwen: "Making a move on my girl, obviously. C'mon Claire, she's all yours."

I don't mind her doing Claire at all, but I should at least take this chance.

Besides, with Claire being on top, I had for the first time seen her outlast someone, as Licia couldn't handle her for long and ended up cumming pretty fast.

Given the shape I created and how it was also inserted inside Claire, she also seemed to be close, but...

Claire: "Kyann! W-what are you doing?"

Miwen: "Your punishment."

Claire: "WHY?"

Miwen: "Letting a playboy make a move on you, now relax or else it's gonna hurt."

As you'd expect, I took the opportunity to play with Claire's ass as she focused on Licia and had her pussy completely occupied.

It was the perfect time to do what I'd been holding back on for so long.

Claire: "Take it off! It's not a hole meant for that!"

Licia: "I still want more..."

Claire: "Ahn..."

Before Claire could escape from Licia's pussy grip, she leg-locked Claire, pressing her to come back inside.

The biggest difference between them is how much Licia can take before she's done, and Claire was about to find out how hard it is to satisfy her completely.

As for me...

While they were doing each other, I kept expanding Claire's anus until it was wide enough for me to insert my cock.

And the sensation in there was simply sublime.

Her pussy was already tight and cozy, but this hole was on another league, I could barely move with how much it clamped down on my dick.

Thanks to both of her holes being full, Claire's asshole kept strongly sucking my dick, to the point where it felt like it was gonna tear it off.

Yet, this greedy hole was pretty soft, and every time I'd bump the tip against her walls, she would scream in pleasure.

In the end, even though she was the one supposed to fuck Licia, her strength gave out and she used Licia's body as a cushion.

All the while, Licia kept caressing her breasts and kissing her, up until Claire and I started cumming.

Claire: "Ahh... I can't believe you did that, idiot, dumbass."

Licia: "Here, here... calm down alright?"

Claire: "Hnh.... you also... didn't help... ahn..."

As soon as I had finished, I asked Licia to comfort Claire the way she had done before, prompting her to go down on Claire's pussy.

Seeing that, my cock that was throbbing the most it ever had after conquering the sacred hole it had its aim on, couldn't keep quiet and urged me to put it inside Licia too.

Of course, I gave in completely to my instincts and started fucking Licia while she was licking Claire's.

Licia: "Ahn... ahh.. as I thought... this one is the best..."

This girl certainly knows how to get me going... if not for the event tomorrow, I would certainly like to keep at it with them all night.

Alas, knowing that I'd have to keep my energy, I only did a few more rounds with them, surprisingly enough, as the three of us embraced each other, even though the night wasn't as long as usual, somehow, it felt sweeter than any other.

sorry it took so long to post this chapter.

I'm in the last semester of university, and exams/projects are coming up, making it really hard to find time to work on the story.

I tried to rush this chapter a bit just to tell you that, even though I may get slower with updates for about a month, I'm not dropping the novel as I have a lot of fun writing it.

that's it, thanks for reading ^^

uwuzercreators' thoughts