

In the world of Marvel, a carefree spirit armed with the power of gacha arrives, embracing life to the fullest and embarking on a thrilling journey of enjoyment and self-discovery. English is not my Native language so if you find any problem with it please tell me. (It's important to note that the cover used in this novel does not belong to me. If the rightful owner expresses a desire for its removal due to copyright concerns, I shall promptly comply and respect their intellectual property rights.)

UNTAINTED_MASK · Anime & Comics
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Chapter – 6 Aunt May

I've spent the past few years trying to make up for what a shocking uncaring jerk I was for most of my life. Trying to help people I previously wouldn't have given a damn about. Running around in a costume, trying to lend a hand and sometimes getting it slapped down for my trouble. And yet I keep coming back for more. Occasionally I wonder if it's worth it... occasionally? hell, constantly. But I keep coming back anyway. Go figure.

—Miguel O'Hara

As I stir from my slumber, I find myself back in the familiar surroundings of my hotel room, just as I had left it the night before. Eager to gauge my progress, I instinctively call forth my character panel to see how far I've come.

Name : James Smith

Race: Human

Character Absorb:

Fully Absorb:


Luther Strode

Goblin Slayer

Akira Hayama

In Progress:




Summoned Characters:




Weaknesses :


Upon reviewing my character panel, I realize that the integration process is already complete for the absorbed characters. This could be because they were comparatively weaker than my current strength,

My current strength stands at an impressive 2 ton, a significant leap from where I began when I first acquired these abilities, which was just a strength of around one ton.

'Hey, system can you show me what abilities I got from each character'


Peak Human Condition

Master Martial Artist

Genius-Level Intellect

Skilled Intimidator

Expert Interrogator

Master Hacker


Indomitable Will

Luther Strode

Killer Physiology

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability


Healing Factor

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Speed, Agility, and Reflexes

Accelerated Probability

Superhuman aim and eyesight

Superhuman Hearing

Equipment : Mask

Goblin Slayer

Trained Combatant



Goblin Knowledge

Lock Picking

Physical Conditioning





Akira Hayama

Acute sense of smell

Spice Mastery

Aromatic Cooking

'Quite a lot of abilities I have, well let's not waste our time, shall we?'

-- (Scene change)

As I walk along, I realize that the person I'm about to meet is none other than Peter Parker aka Spider-Man. With a sense of anticipation, I knock on the door and wait for a response.

Knock knock

"Hey, just give me a second," I hear a voice from the other side. After a few moments, the door opens fully.

"Ah, James, what are you doing here?" Aunt May asked, surprise evident in her eyes which quickly turned into joy upon seeing me.

"I wanted to meet you, so I came," I replied, holding a bouquet of flowers for her.

"Come inside. If you had told me you were coming, I would have made something for you, child," Aunt May said warmly.

"Well, that would ruin the surprise," I chuckled, closing the door behind me.

After chatting with Aunt May for a while, as the evening approached, the person I had been waiting for finally arrived.

"Aunt May, I'm home," said Peter Parker.

"Peter, come inside. I want you to meet someone," Aunt May beckoned.


Peter's Point of View:

As I arrived home, I heard laughter echoing from inside. I knocked on the door and entered, calling out, "I'm home, Aunt May." She quickly responded, asking me to come and meet someone.

Approaching Aunt May, I saw a man seated beside her. He was dressed in a sharp tuxedo, a white shirt, and wore glasses. Something about him seemed intriguingly out of place, with his vibrant brown hair and a muscular physique that seemed almost ready to burst out of his clothes. His smile was captivating, and it was evident that he wasn't your average person.

"Peter, meet James. And James, this is my nephew Peter," Aunt May introduced, a warm smile on her face. I extended my hand for a handshake, and James reciprocated. As our hands met, my spider senses started tingling, signaling that there was something off about this man. I knew I had to keep my distance.

"Are you okay, Peter? You seem a bit tense," James asked, showing concern.

"Just tired from college preparations," I quickly responded, trying to brush off the odd feeling.

James continued the conversation, asking about the college I was going to attend. I answered with a smile, "Empire State University on a scholarship, Sir."

"That's great. And please, no need to call me 'sir.' Just James is fine," he replied in a friendly manner.

Our talk continued, and eventually, James mentioned that he had to leave. Aunt May suggested he stay for dinner, but he declined, citing some paperwork related to his new house on 57th Street.

"I'll take you up on that offer next time," James assured Aunt May before taking his leave.

As I watched James walk away, I decided to tail him discreetly, curious about his intentions. I figured I could use the excuse that I had left my notebook at Nat's house and needed to retrieve it.

With Aunt May's reminder to return for dinner echoing in my ears, I began to follow James. After a while, I changed into my Spider-Man costume, making rooftop tracking much easier. It was like a second nature to me to navigate the city this way.

As I tracked his movements, an uneasy feeling settled over me. Something about James seemed off – his attire, his demeanor I just can't put the finger on it.

As I observed James confidently advancing toward the dimly lit alley, a nagging feeling of curiosity compelled me to follow suit. We arrived at a three-way intersection, his path didn't change anything as he keeps moving forward I also follow him. However, my attention was abruptly diverted by a ruckus from across the intersection a group of thugs were harassing a girl, and my heightened senses picked up on her distress.

My internal conflict grew more as I stole a quick glance back at James, who remained on his path. The dilemma gnawed at me – should I persist in tailing James or break away to help the girl in need? Wrestling with my thoughts, I ultimately decided to temporarily shift my focus from following James to the girl and swing into action, to assist the distressed girl.

I hope you enjoy this version of Peter Parker.

Did you know that Peter Parker got into Empire State University with a scholarship?