

In the world of Marvel, a carefree spirit armed with the power of gacha arrives, embracing life to the fullest and embarking on a thrilling journey of enjoyment and self-discovery. English is not my Native language so if you find any problem with it please tell me. (It's important to note that the cover used in this novel does not belong to me. If the rightful owner expresses a desire for its removal due to copyright concerns, I shall promptly comply and respect their intellectual property rights.)

UNTAINTED_MASK · Anime & Comics
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Chapter – 4 Trip to different world

"Sweet Christmas!"

— Lucas Cage

I find myself lounging in this luxurious 5-star hotel room, appreciating why people love such accommodations. But that's not what's on my mind right now. Tomorrow marks a month since my first gacha experience, and I have something to confirm. I set up my camera, ready to record the upcoming events.

With a bold and curious demeanor, I access the Gacha System and decide to use the Drama Setting Travel Ticket, aiming to explore a low-tier world with a drama genre. The Gacha System's tier classification has intrigued me, there are only three type of world Low-Tier, Mid-Tier High Tier, and I'm eager to see how this world's drama will unfold.

As I activate the ticket, a plethora of different world panels appears before my eyes. Anime worlds, manga realms, and even book universes are at my fingertips. I consider my options carefully, trying to decide which world will offer the most insightful experience for my journey.

Suddenly, one particular anime from my early years comes to mind. There was something about that story I wished to change, and now, with the Gacha System's power, I have the opportunity to do so. With my decision made, I confidently select that world and press "go."

In an instant, I find myself transported to a rooftop in Japan. I'm both excited and nervous, knowing that my actions will alter the course of the story.

As I walk through the square, I can't help but be captivated by the beauty of the starry sky above. The stars twinkle like a million shimmering diamonds, and it's a sight that never fails to fill me with awe.

My destination is the nearest hospital, where I have an important task to accomplish. With my laptop in hand, a valuable tool brought from my world, I attempt to connect with the hospital's server. It's not a sophisticated system which holds nuclear codes or top-secret files, but it serves my purpose well.

After some hiking and navigating the hospital's firewall, I finally receive the confirmation I was seeking – Sakura Yamauchi is here, and it appears she will be discharged this morning. I couldn't help but smile at my small victory.

As the day unfolds, I find myself following Sakura, who is preparing for a date with Haruki. My instincts tell me something is amiss as I sense an urgency in a man approaching her. Without a moment's hesitation, I step in, and intercept the man before he can pose any harm.

I manage to drag the man away to a safe location, ensuring that Sakura can go on with her date without any worries. Observing her, I can't help but admire her as she's living each moment to the fullest.

Once the threat is dealt with and Sakura is safe, I wait for the police to arrive and then vanish from there. As they apprehend the man, my thoughts shift back to Sakura and Haruki, who are now immersed in their date. Watching them from afar, I can't help but wonder about the impact Sakura has on Haruki's life.

I stand before the window, gazing through the transparent glass, pondering the complexities of fate and the choices we make. In this ever-changing universe, every action holds significance, and every encounter has the potential to shape destinies.' I wonder how Sakura will affect Harris life this time.' 'Sakura, keep living your life until the end, even if it's only for two months.'

"I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" is this super touching anime movie that centers around Sakura Yamauchi and Haruki Shiga. Sakura is this high school girl who's dealing with a serious pancreatic illness, and she knows her time is limited. But even with all that, she's this super cheerful and outgoing person, who wants to make the most of whatever time she's got left. The thing is, she doesn't want her classmates to know about her illness 'cause she doesn't want them to treat her differently.

Then we've got Haruki, who's this introverted and kinda reserved high school student. He's just minding his own business when he stumbles upon Sakura's diary one day at the hospital. And guess what? He finds out about her illness from her writings. Even though he barely knows Sakura, he's strangely drawn to her compassionate and positive personality through her diary.

As the story unfolds, Sakura and Haruki form this really unlikely friendship. Sakura encourages Haruki to live life more fully and appreciate the little things. They go on all sorts of adventures together, making beautiful memories along the way, even as Sakura's condition gets worse.

This movie has a way of messing with my emotions. At first, I thought it was just a simple slice of life story, but it turned out to be a roller coaster ride that hit me hard. And you know what? I didn't even have a girlfriend back then, but it made me miss someone so much who did not even exist in my life at that time.

Life is strange and unpredictable, isn't it? One moment, everything seems fine, and the next, you could lose someone you hold dear. It's those moments of loss that haunt you with regrets. Regrets for not being upfront and telling them how much they meant to you. It's like a constant ache in your heart, knowing you missed the chance to express your true feelings.

But I guess that's the lesson this movie taught me – to live life to the fullest and not hold back on sharing your emotions

This anime taught me something essential – to live life to the fullest. It's a lesson I want to embrace in this vast marvel comic universe. There's no time to waste, no room for hesitation. Every day is an opportunity to make a difference, to connect with others, and to express my feelings openly.

As I journey through this extraordinary world, I'll carry this lesson with me. It's like the stars above, guiding me on my path. I'll face the challenges ahead with a bold and upfront attitude. I won't shy away from my emotions, and I'll cherish every moment I share with the people I meet.

This universe is vast and unpredictable, and all I want is to leave my mark in its tapestry of stories.

In this novel, I aim to showcase the unique perspective of our main character as he finds himself reincarnated to a different universe, one that was previously just a comic for him. It's a world that has now become his reality. Although he's not a broken character he's just aimlessly roaming around not having a fixed goal right now.

Unlike traditional superheroes like Superman driven by a strong sense of duty to protect the weak, or Spider-Man who selflessly aids others without any personal gain, I want to show a main character doesn't fit into those molds. He's a free spirit who simply wants to enjoy life without the weight of typical superhero responsibilities.

Yes he will help you if you are in need, but it's all depend upon his mood.

Hope you enjoy my story.

I have a question If you have the chance to save one character from dying in any story which will it be and why ?