
Gacha in DC World

Going to another world without knowing why and having extraordinary opportunities, he will start a journey to discover what he wants to be and what he has to be.

Fausto_Neto_4680 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

First Gacha Roll!!!



1-Daniel Park (Lookism).

2-Static (DC Comics).

3-Gintoki's Bokuto Gintama).

4-Urahara Hat (Bleach).

5- 3xBackground customization card.

6-Kalos Pokédex (pokemon)

7-Dante suit (dmc3).

8- The King Of Beasts Transformation: Lionelle (Akame ga Kill).

9- Aqua bath water (Konosuba).

10-Link Card.


I expected more, like Superman, Goku, or Saitama, something that makes me not die in the first alien invasion, you know?

Okay, but okay, let's see this.

Daniel Park, well according to the description, is a martial arts genius who can learn any art just by watching it be used.

Static, it's a walking battery, which would be great, I believe everyone has dreamed of having a superpower, imagine being able to control electricity, just amazing.

Gintoki Bokuto, couldn't you give me a better sword? like Vergil's Yamato, Gintoki buys such a sword every time he breaks one, so I think it's not that rare.

On second thought, this wooden sword is better, a sword that can cut through space would be dangerous in my hands, especially in a universe like this, I don't think I'm strong enough to use something like Yamato. I don't even know how to use one sword lol.

Background customization card serves to create a story for me in other worlds, or for characters I summon.

Lionelle is very good.

It's because of the system I have 100% that will accept me, and not be like other Teigus that reject some users.

Link Card, I think the name is already self-explanatory, I will be able to link with several things, but it seems that there are some rules.

Urahara Hat... sorry gacha but I don't think this suits my style, as for Dante's outfit, this is cool, although it's pretty basic, long beige jeans, black fingerless gloves, and military-style boots, two holsters leather, and course the classic red coat.

Even though it's pretty badass, I don't think I would wear these clothes daily.

The Pokedex is a cool, very advanced technology, but I don't think I can get anything useful out of it, for now, maybe I'll get a Pokemon next time?

And the bathwater... seriously, what's the use of that?

So what do I do now?

Which one to assimilate first?

Static or Daniel Park?

Static I will gain supernatural powers, but in return, I will not be able to use them in public.

Daniel, I would gain an absurd talent in martial arts, which ends up being more versatile too, apart from the fact that he is a "normal" human, so I will probably assimilate faster.

Let's go with Daniel Park then.



Assimilated Characters:

-[Daniel Park (1%)]


Ok, I didn't feel any difference, maybe if I go watch some fight videos online?

I think it's the most viable option.

But before that, let's test this other toy.

What appeared in my hand was a leather belt, which appears to be of good quality, with an iron hexagon in the middle.

I get up from my chair and close the windows and curtains to make sure no one sees me.

I'm even feeling stupid for having pulled a belt out of nowhere with the windows open, you know it's not normal for a belt to appear out of nowhere in your hand, of course, it's also not very normal to be spying on other people's houses.

I stand in the middle of my room and start putting my belt on.

As soon as I finish putting him on, I feel a connection with him, even feel like there's something inside him, but I don't feel any hostility.

Since everything is fine, it's time to activate it, I try to open up more of that connection I was feeling, and suddenly I feel like I've used up a drug dealer's entire stash of drugs.

The feeling I'm feeling right now is surreal, I feel like I can defeat anyone, everyone must kneel before this King!


Fuck, I immediately cut the connection, the belt entity at no time appeared to show hostility, it was trying to make me as accommodating as possible, so what was that?

I probably felt energy and strength that I had never felt before, and it messed with my body.

It could be that, well I don't know, but I'm not going to stop using the belt, it's very useful for now, let's try it one more time, but before that, I went to my room, and I stood in front of the mirror.

Okay, here we go.

I open the connection again, and again I feel this incredible strength in my body, this time I start to feel that my senses are also much better. I can see the world in a way that I had never seen it, and speaking of seeing it, I start paying attention to the image in the mirror.

There's a young man, 1.85 tall, white skin, wavy black hair, green eyes, and I'm definitely in shape, after my father died my mother encouraged me to go to the gym, and well that was at 13, and after that, I never stopped going, it was 5 years of training, so it would be shameful if I didn't have at least a decent body, too bad it disappears when I put on a shirt, I feel tears run down my eyes remembering that fact.

Returning to the image in the mirror my beard hasn't started to grow yet, I remember that it only appeared there for my 19th, and it hadn't been complete in my 22nd, despite having almost done.

I'm pretty sure yesterday I didn't have ears on top of my head, I've never let my hair go past my neck, in fact not even close to it, not that it's bad, and I also have a tail, I can't control it very well, but I'm sure I can use it to give me more stability.

And I don't remember having hairy hands either, and with approximately 3 cm claws, I feel like I can cut anything with those claws, I grin at how badass I feel.

After looking at me for a few minutes I start to feel a little tired, I feel like I can still keep it for a while, but honestly, I thought I could take it longer, not even 10 minutes have passed, and probably trying to improve the connection, and my physical I can increase it.

All anime humans are retarded, even though they were just "ordinary humans", those bastards could do crazy things.

So it's no surprise that I can't hold the transformation for a long time, even though I'm someone with good physical conditioning, actually according to my memories my physical conditioning here is better than the otherworldly me, even though I trained more there.

DC humans are also pure BS, so I must be one myself now, even more so with my super talent for martial arts, which I will get.

And talking about my "power" let's test it now.

I go to the table where my computer is, a computer that is very good for its time, today is August 31, 2008, but certain things are already ahead of its time, I remember that my current computer is very similar to one that I only went to buy in early 2017.

I opened Youtube in the browser, searched for videos about Muay Thai, spent 30 minutes watching several videos of fights, and short videos of teachers demonstrating some moves, and I started trying to do all the moves, and I failed miserably...

I think because the assimilation is not complete I still can't fully copy the movements, but I managed to learn a little, I kept trying to do the movements for another 1 hour.

And after that one hour, I was already feeling tired, so I decided to stop, I was about to go down to eat, but before that, I took advantage of the fact that the computer was on, and went to see how the heroes of this world are currently doing.

Entering Google, I start to search for famous names like the founders of the Justice League, and well I have some surprises... some news appeared about some people with superpowers here and there, but some stand out a lot, mainly because they are already doing this job for a few months.

A supposed guy who goes out in a blue shirt, jeans, and boots, saving people in Metropolis, including him seems to be proof of everything, and after an alien invasion that occurred in Metropolis, he learned to fly and received a Power-Up in costume.

A guy dressed as a bat has also fought crime in Gotham, including saving the city after the entire city was held hostage by a so-called charade.

A woman, self-titled Wonder Woman, was seen fighting beings that were said to be Gods in London, thank God it's far from NY, I'm still a long way from being able to go against Gods.

A guy who seems to like fish has been seen acting up in Boston, first helping with normal cases, until Boston was invaded by fish men Aquaman is the one who has the most material, he is the one who seems to talk the most with civilians, even Mera appeared with him, and I must say Aquaman is a very lucky home, and no she doesn't have the face of Amber Heard, I would say she resembles it a little, but it's not the same.

Flash also appeared, but he didn't have a battle that affected the entire city, but I don't doubt he has had battles in the past or the future.

So the main league bosses are already in play, and some other heroes starting to appear, but nothing too big yet, it seems that the age of heroes has not officially started yet, so I have enough quiet time to get strong, I hope...

After that time spent, I was completely exhausted, so I went down to eat some things, I made my classic banana shake, with oatmeal and whey, with water of course, and then I went to take a shower, as soon as I got out of the shower I dried myself, and I went to lay down on my bed to sleep.

I lay in bed for over an hour, thinking about the whole crazy situation I'm in, but I soon ended up falling asleep.


I woke up early in the morning, had my standard snack of fruits, eggs, and bread with peanuts, and went to do my morning routine of stretching and running, as soon as I got home I watched some TV to relax, and then I went to make lunch.

And here I am right now after lunch.

Honestly, I still don't know what to do with my life, I've been thinking about it since yesterday, when I was returning home, before going to sleep, so I went for my usual run, I like to empty my head, but I couldn't even do that, I'm a little paranoid, and it gets even worse when I'm thrown into a universe of superheroes from one day to the next, so I ran with full attention trying not to find a maniac on the streets.

I don't have anyone here either, of course, I have some friends, and some family still, but it's not, and it will never be the same as the relationship I had with my parents and my brother, apart from that I don't have the confidence to tell them about the "super" part of my life.

So that's it, alone like shit, well at least I already know that I'm going to have to date people who can handle me being a "Super", would it be weird if all my friends were my summons?

After thinking about it I felt like I was one of those children who create imaginary friends to play with, and my day is also boring the Leo of this world was going to go to college for computer engineering but ended up not going because he was too shaken when the mother died.

Just like me in my past life, but I learned to program and I was working with it, because in my past life, I didn't have as much money as in this one, I still had money that my parents had left, but it was far from being something that could support me for the rest of my life, apparently my mother's career was much better in this life here.

So I go back to programming?

I don't need to work, but it's too boring to do nothing all day, maybe I can do live, I've always liked playing games, and according to my memories, there's a strange version of League Of Legends here, which even started to play be very successful, maybe record videos for youtube too.

Being a digital influencer will earn you a lot of money in the future, and not only that, but I can also influence kids in the right direction.

And I can have enough money to live the rest of my life, but who said that there can't be unforeseen events, not only that but it can also be a way to hide some money, in case I start to earn money, donations for the streamer is a good way to launder money.

And I remember that there was a time in my adolescence when I wanted to be a YouTuber I think everyone in my generation had that time.

But there's also the bad part, my life is going to be very exposed, but I'm in a world full of crazy people, there could be a crazy person monitoring me right now, and I can't notice, and if it gets to a point where I don't I want so much more exposure I can just retire, or use those excuses of some illness like depression to walk away.

At least I didn't go to Marvel's New York, imagine waking up there, going out for something to eat, and out of nowhere Spider-Man appears fighting to save your life because there's a psychopath wanting to use you as a hostage against him, or something shit like that.

And I don't know if it's funny the city of heroes, which will end up getting more attention from villains, but New York isn't as dangerous as my old world, not that it's safe, but it sure isn't too bad.

I should also-


And my alarm about the time to go to the gym, honestly I don't feel like going to lift weights right now, I think I'll put those fight videos back on and try to copy them.

From yesterday to today my percentage has already grown by 3%, I think that because he is a "normal human", not that I am not either, since I am a human from the world of comics, well the fact that we are both only humans ends up making the percentage goes up more easily, I'll be able to be sure of that when I use Static since he already has superhuman power.

I let go of that thought and started trying to copy the moves from the videos, and I have to say it's easier than yesterday, there were even some moves I hadn't seen yesterday, which I feel like I already knew, like riding a bike, you never forget, well the problem is that I had never tried to fight before.

I knew the basics of how to throw a punch, but that was it, I didn't know how to position myself, how I should use my whole body for a punch, or how to make the punch go faster, I spent 1 hour doing this training, watching videos, and trying to replicate later, and the percentage increased by 1.5%.

So I'm currently at 5.5% assimilation and I must say that I must be at least at the intermediate level of Muay Thai, and that's incredibly absurd, just yesterday I didn't know anything about this martial art, and today I'm at least at the intermediate level, well I don't know if I'm really in the intermediate level... but according to the videos I've seen, I'm not too far off what the guys do in the video.

Of course, it doesn't mean that I'm going to go out on the street trying to fight crime just because of that, I'm far from feeling prepared for that, also because I know how to use the blows, but I don't have the experience to know when to apply them, I've never really fought, the most were fights at school, and fights at clubs, and usually I would throw a punch and run, then come back and throw another punch.

Even I don't know if I want to be a hero or a villain... ok, let's not try to lie to ourselves, I would never be a villain, and much more likely that I will be a hero, I always liked to help people, I feel good to see someone thanking me for helping them, and my mother always taught me "Help someone who is in need, because one day you may be in that person's place, needing someone to help you, always do it with others, what you would like them to do to you".

My mother has always been very kind, one of the most humble people I've met in my life, even naive, and that's what I didn't like about her, the naive part, so even if I become a hero, I will avoid this hero bullshit, mostly from the heroes of DC World.

Although I have never killed anyone, if necessary I will, I know that I would never let a maniac who goes around reaping lives every day, go to jail to be released sometime later, or simply die.

If I saw the Joker in front of me right now... I would run for sure lol, but that's because I'm not strong enough for this shit, but if I had the power to finish him off once and for all, I would surely kill him.

Well, it's no use thinking about the future, I have to focus on the present, and prepare myself in case that happens, I'm prepared... so it doesn't hurt to train a little more, right?

"Let's go..."


[Author note: It was quite difficult to choose what he would pull off in the gacha, so if you guys want to give me suggestions, it would help a lot.]