
Essence of the Gacha (New version for this fanfic)

Essence of the Gacha will be our MC cheated. I'll modified it so it will

The CYOA to which it belong is Essence Meta CYOA v2.2, if you want to search.

By Consuming the essence of the gacha, you gain several boons:

· Ability to ramdomly get one item, or person of importance in fiction per 'roll'. These manifest as cards and can be summoned out of them. Can't revert back into cards after.

(Buffed. added the assimilation part. like Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel but the assimilation will be limit. Assimilation can't be active to character that stronger than mc to certain level. Ex. MC is around normal human he can't Assimilate Sentry)

· Acess to a list detailing Every single card, with options to narrow down searches.

(Nerfed, Mc will only know where it come from and has picture attached)

· Some cards can increase the strength of a summoned item or person. However theses cards will be destroyed in the process. This increase is determined by the rarity of the card. Card rarity is determined by the strength and the importance of the being or item.

· Items summoned through the gacha Always work no matter what universe you are in, and can never be used Against you in any way. These items are summonable and will appear by your side no matter what. These items are Always in perfect condition, and will not degrade in any way. They can Only be used by you, and by those who have direct permission from you. Items that require things suck as energy sources or ammunition will have infinite amounts of them, however you can't siphon or use them for any Other way.

(No change)

· People summoned though the gacha are Always loyal to you, no matter what their personality or alignment is, and can't negatively affect, hurt or kill you in any way. If They are ever killed or injured, They will immediately be restored back to full health after battle and return to your side. They can't disobey orders that They don't like so as long as these orders don't directly involve you in any way.

(Remove ressurection part. But it will be possible to ressurrect with a card gained though Gacha.)

· You have a bound relationship with people you summon and can check the level of a relationship any time. Bond relationship start at 0 (you are a stranger to them), and end with 10 (they're completely in love with you and will do anything for you). Anyone summoned through the gacha will have a relationship of 0. By spending time with them, you can quickly increase your relationship with them to a 10.

(No changes)

· You get 1 gacha point per day. You can get more gacha points by paying $1 USD (or equivalet) for 1 gacha point, but no more that $100 USD (or equivalente) per month.

(No Changes. 10 rocks for $10 USD hahaha)

· You have four modes in the gacha. The first mode gives you two options to spend your gacha points: you can spend 3 gacha points wich will Always give you a 3 star cards or have the chance to get a 4 or higher star card, or you can spend 30 gacha points which will give you 10 cards, guaranteed to get at least one 3 or higher star person and one 4 or higher star cards. At the beginning, however you're limited to getting 3 to 5 star cards, but this limitation will gradually disappear as you use the gacha.

· The second mode allows you to get 10 cards for free once per day, however you are limited to 1 though 3 star cards. If you use this 1 Gacha Point that you will receive that day will be removed

· The third mode is an alternate of the first one, Where you can gain items and people that exist in the universe you're in. However you must pay 6 or 60 gacha points to summon the cards instead of the 3 or 30 you would normally pay in the first mode. You must face the same limitation as the first mode, and also can Only get cards that exist in that universe. This mode can Only work if the universe you are in has 4 or higher star cards that are based on the items and the people on it.

· The fourth mode is an alternate to the third mode where you can get items and people that exist in the universe that is rate up. It will change times to times however you will have to pay 6 or 60 gacha points to summon the cards instead of the 3 or 30 you would normally pay in the first mode, and also you can only get cards that exist in that universe.

· You can decide exactly how this Essence manifests.

(He manifest it to system interface.)