
Chapter 42 - Gabriella (2)

"So…you're worried that something will happen to him?" Angela questions. Just now, we watched Mariano drive away through the window and she asked if anything was wrong. I told her where he was going and that's what she asked me afterward: if I'm worried.

I narrow my eyes on Angela, noticing the cute outfit she put on today. A white knitted sweater and blue jeans. She always looks pretty. Angela is the kind of woman who—if you're a man—you would bring home to meet your family. She's got the sweetest smile that's always visible on her gentle face. My brother calls her Angel and it truly fits her.

I'm so ecstatic that my brother is marrying her. Good for him! He deserves some light in his life. Angela has also been through a lot—both of them, actually. They deserve each other.

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