
Gaara: Walang Malaking Nakapupuwing

If you don't know yet this will begin with chapter 8 because I'm too dumb and wrote it in a default account. It baffles me really. Read chapters 1-7 with the same title first before reading this. I'm too lazy to do everything over again. The effort. I'm tired. I just want to get rid of my thoughts by writing them down. I don't own anything just don't sue me or something I'm a nice guy. When asleep. Really.

erra_jinn · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Kapitulo Bente-Dos

"Come here you... I'll shred you to pieces once I catch any of you squirts!"

Naruto and Konohamaru's gang ran from a fuming Sakura. They looked like they've had a taste of it already as they ran for their lives like headless chicken.


Konohamaru felt a hand grab the back of his shirt and lift him up like a little lion cub.

"Oi little squirt, watch where you're going on a public road."

Kankuro flicked Konohamaru's forehead as he told him off.

"Who are you? Get off of me you creep!"

The little boy shouted as he struggled to get free from Kankuro's iron grip.

"Hoho he's pretty lively. These tree huggers sure looks like they are eating sugar for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

Temari laughed on the side.

"We are sorry for bothering you. We are just messing around and~"

"Oi let him go already you Tron-character wannabe. What's your problem? Why don't you pick someone your own size?"

Sakura wanted to apologize and leave not wanting to deal with foreign people but Naruto cut her off talking like a drunk looking for a fight in a bar.

"Ohh? This is a funny guy right here. Tell me, did he learn his manners from you? Tsk. Tree huggers sure are something. Hehe. Here, CATCH!"

Kankuro threw Konohamaru towards the unprepared Naruto who struggled to catch the little kid.

"I'm sorry for how my brother acted, he truly means well. You truly should not be running like that with other people around especially civilians or you will inconvenience other people. We must be on our way. Good day to you all."

Gaara spoke politely to end the discussion. He already knew where this is going after all. He looked at the main casts then turned to leave. They're not the main casts anymore now that he's here.

"Wait a minute. Who are you people. What are you doing here in our village. You better answer fast and your reason better be valid or else you'll die where you stand."

Sasuke stood on a nearby tree branch kunai in hand. He was about to make an entrance earlier but the stones he threw disappeared in thin air as soon as it came close to the three cloaked individuals.

"Hahaha Yo Gaara, do you think all of these tree huggers speak like this little guy? This stone boy even wants to bully us."

Kankuro wiped his metaphorical tears and asked.

"Shush Kankuro be nice, your tongue will be the death of you. Can't you see? These kids are war orphans. His parents are killed by the nine tailed demon fox. His are killed by his own brother. And his parents died on a mission not too long ago.Of course they will lack proper guidance from their parents so you should be more lenient with them."

Gaara spoke calmly like he was explaining a fact but to some people around the vicinity, his words are akin to blades that struck through the heart.

"What are you talking about?"

Naruto had a very confused face. Nobody ever told him anything about his parents. All that he knew from what the third Hokage told him is that his mother and father died in order to save the village as heroes.

Sasuke by the side gritted his teeth after being reminded of that nightmare of a day when his entire clan was massacred.

"If you are curious then ask around. I'm quite sure that the Hokage knows something. OR... I can tell you for a price of something."

Gaara smiled widely but Naruto flinched from the instinctive coldness that crept up to his spine.

"What price? I don't have much money but I'll give it all for your info."

Naruto exclaimed, any news is welcome if it had anything to do with his parents.

"I don't need your money. I want something else."

Naruto opened his eyes wide and then covered his crotch area.



Gaara and his siblings laughed out loud watching Naruto up close and personal. For Gaara at least. Naruto is like that one friend who is the source of all the action in a clique of friends. He is silly and straightforward to an unimaginable height.

"Ahhh can we keep him? He is hilarious."

Temari spoke, her visor disappeared and she wiped the tears that formed at the corner of her eyes from laughing.

"I don't swing that way dear boy. I can't tell you what it is now, right here but we can talk about it in private. Here's my contact number. Don't be shy to reach out to me."

A gold colored card flew towards Naruto who easily caught it in his hands.

"Gaara, I guess that's your name?"

Naruto spoke slowly as he read the name on the card. Gaara who now stood five feet ten revealed himself. His cloak collapsed into a small object attached to his back while his helmet collapsed into a futuristic mask that covered his nose, mouth, chin and neck.

"Yes, my name is Gaara. This is Kankuro and this is Temari my teammates/siblings. We are genin from the Hidden Sand village. We're here for this July's joint chunin exams."

Naruto nodded in understanding he had many more questions but it seems like Gaara will not answer him in this place so he put the card in his pouch instead.

"I'll give you a call later."

"Can you give me one too? I have something to ask as well."

Sasuke looked somber, he didn't like being ignored when he's just right here.

'What's with the huge interest in Naruto?'

He found it odd that his idiot teammate got attention more from this visitor from the Sand.

"Is it about your brother? The reason why he did what he's done that night? Hahahaha I'm sorry but you don't have anything you could offer me at the moment... unless of course if you are willing to serve my family as a retainer, perhaps we can talk about it then.

(Gaara put a finger on his mask like he was pondering.) That's not a bad idea. Here call me when you've made a decision. As a bonus, I'll tell you a little secret."

Gaara vanished and appeared very close to Sasuke, his mouth murmured words to Sasuke's ears that made the edge lord grind his teeth.

"I can swear with my life to the authenticity of this information. Here look."

Gaara showed the back of his palm and an image of a laughing demon slowly disappeared. This is a 'Gentleman's Words' a seal that has been selling like hotcakes these days. While this seal is in effect, the marked person could not lie or else his heart will explode. Sasuke swallowed hard, who in their right mind would throw money like that? Mostly because he is poor and didn't know that the guy in front of him is the one who made this seals available in the market.

Sasuke Uchiha nodded his head in understanding before Gaara vanished and appeared where he originally stood.

"Did you guys enjoy the show?"

Three people wearing masks with rebreather jumped out of the tree they were hiding in and scattered when someone suddenly spoke behind them without them being alerted. Gaara's clone smiled as he retracted his killing intent noting how useful it is in a jump scare prank.