

It didn't take long for the news to spread. The next day, as Robert and Angela entered the campus, they knew that something was definitely different. The murmurings stopped when they came, followed by hushed voices wherever they pass. To Robert, it was unnerving, he hated it when people talk about him behind his back, but at least it was still bearable. As long as he stayed out of trouble, he didn't have to worry. He looked at Angela instead. She was walking beside him, oblivious of all the whisperings and the stares.

"Something wrong?" she asked him without looking his way.

"Nah, nothing." he replied.

That was the way they passed the rest of the morning. There were curious stares wherever they went, and even Mia and Bern seemed to be uncomfortable around them. Tony was the only one who still acted the same towards Robert. It was lunchtime when he approached him with a warning.

"Hey, Robert," he called to the other, "Word's out you two are a couple now."

"W-what the..." stammered Robert, dropping his spoon, "who the hell would believe such a thing?!"

"Well, you are going to and from school together, and someone's been spreading this rumor that you were seen riding a taxi and went somewhere last night..."

"What taxi?" said Robert, "That was my mom in a pick-up truck! She just gave us a lift back home!"

"Well, you know rumors..." Tony picked up the fallen spoon and placed it on the table, "but that's not the only bad news, you know..."

"So, what else is there?" asked Robert. Tony looked around and leaned closer to him.

"It's the head," he whispered, "he's planning to beat you up after school."

"A taxi?" Angela asked her friends, "I, go in a taxi with that jerk? And where do you think would we go? To some cheap motel?" she laughed half-heartedly.

"Well, that's what Bing-Bing from class 3 said..." said Mia.

"She said a friend heard it from a reliable source..." said Bern.

"And you believe her?" she asked, "I can't believe you guys!"

"But you just change so suddenly, it's hard to believe anything anymore!" said Bern, throwing her arms up, "You're like a totally different person in just one day!"

"Okay, let me get things straight, this 'me' you see now is the real me, okay? I just try to suppress it sometimes, but I know you see me doing things like this once in a while..."

"That's true..." said Mia thoughtfully.

"And that 'taxi' you heard," she continued exaggeratedly, "that was Robert's mom giving us a ride home!"

"So that's it..." said Bern.

"Jeez, I don't believe these people, how low can they get?" said Mia.

"Yeah, besides, Robert's mom rode a pick-up truck, and it was 5 o'clock in the afternoon."

"Well, I guess that settles it then..." said Bern with a sly grin, "So, have you two kissed yet?"

"Bernadette!!" yelled her two friends.

Later that afternoon, Robert was ready. He wore his backpack nice and tight, made sure his shoes were in good condition and stretched himself from head to toe.

"What are you doing?" asked Angela sarcastically.

"He's getting ready for a fight." Tony told her in a low voice.

"You're gonna fight?" replied the other with a laugh, "With what? A platter of pansit?"

"The Head is waiting for him outside," said Tony, he seemed really excited about everything, "I heard that he's gonna kill him!"

Robert gulped, "That doesn't sound so reassuring..." he thought.

"I can't wait to see this," continued Tony, "I haven't seen you fight since grade school!"

Robert froze. What did Tony just say?!

"You knew each other in grade school?" asked Mia coming out from nowhere.

"I..." Tony stopped at mid speech. He suddenly remembered his promise. He looked at Robert. His eyes were glowing. "I mean... he always gets into fights but he always gets beaten up!" he looked away from Robert's stare. "I guess it's because he was such a big kid for his age back then that the bullies always pick on him." he quickly concluded.

"Yeah, I always get picked upon back then, right Tony." said Robert, still staring at his classmate.

"Yeah, that's right..." replied Tony with a weak laugh, "so scary..." he thought.

"So," said Angela, "what do you plan to do?"

"Run away, of course." he replied.

"What?!" the three said in unison.

"You are so pathetic!" said Angela.

"But I can't fight, I'm afraid of blood!" Robert pointed out.

"Oh, c'mon," said Angela, "that guy's head is full of nothing but hot air! Just kick him in the crotch and get it over with!"

"Angela!" gasped Mia, Tony looked at her surprised.

"Hey, I did," she said, facing them, "three times. He was crying when I left him."

"I'm not surprised..." said Robert beneath his breath.

"When did that happen?" asked Tony.

"Last year." said Angela with a sigh, "stupid jerk came up to me and tried to kiss me."

"That bastard!" cried Tony, "He said you cried when he approached you!"

"Yeah, such a convenient story, huh?" Angela retorted. "You believe with a head like that he'd have a dick the size of a cocktail shrimp?" the three stared at her, their jaws hanging. "What?" she asked. "He followed me home the next day and pulled his pants down in front of me!"

"That's sick!" said Robert looking revolted.

"Tell me about it." replied Angela. "I think he has this sadistic streak... gives me the creeps."

"So, that's why you decided to ask your sisters to drive you home last year." said Mia.

"Yeah, I remember that," said Tony, "You would wait with your friends in the canteen until your sisters arrive."

"But you said they were just bugging you that time... something about 'operation: spending quality time together with younger sister'?" said Mia, "How come you never told us the truth?"

Angela looked at Mia with concern. Such a soft expression in her face. Tony couldn't take his eyes off her, Robert felt the same.

"It was because..." she explained, "I don't want anything like that to happen to one of my friends."

Mia blushed and looked away. "But still, you should have told us something as serious as this." she said.

"Hey, where's Bern anyway?" asked Angela, changing the subject.

"She said she was going home early." said Mia. She turned to Robert with a frown in her face, he was rubbing his face with a hanky. "What do you plan to do now?" she asked.

"Not sure..." he answered, placing the hanky back into his pocket. "and that's the truth..." thought he, "Maybe if we all go home together as a big group, he wouldn't think of hitting on me." he said, smiling at his friends.

"No," said Tony, "you don't know the Head, he would pull you out of the group and beat you in front of us.

"Then I guess there's no choice..." he said with a sigh, the others held their breath. "I'm gonna have to run."

"Robert! You wimp!" yelled Angela

Robert hunched low and looked around. "The coast is clear." he thought. He took a deep breath and stood up. He tried hard to loose Angela and the rest. They kept bugging him to call the teacher on the Head, but he could never do such a thing. Backing out of a fight like a freaking coward is one thing, but calling a teacher like a tattletale was another. "I could never do such a thing." he thought. He cautiously crawled along the wall and peeped around the corner. Still no sign of Tony and the girls. He fixed his collar and walked out into the hall.

This thing he could do with style. He was an expert in hiding and disappearing, especially when it involved angry teachers and occasionally the cops. That was a long time ago though, or so it seems to Robert. He stood by the main building's entrance, partially hidden by other students and looked around. He saw the three standing by the gate, looking for him. Casually, he slipped through the crowd and went to the far end of the school wall, looked around, and scaled it with one graceful leap. "Ow... my polo got caught in the barbed wire... -___-;

"What's taking that wimp so long?" said the Head.

"I told you, that little twerp we bumped into earlier, he's a friend of his!" said one of his henchmen.

"Okay, then, we'll get back on him tomorrow!" said another.

"Gerbert!" said the one called Boyet, "Here he comes now." he pointing out at Robert. He was strolling along the road, his bag slung behind his back. He scratched his head and yawned.

"Hmph, stupid fool!" said Gerbert 'the Head', "Looks like he has no idea what's gonna happen to him."

"Yeah," said henchman number 1, "today, he's dead!"

Robert strolled along. He looked back to make sure the others didn't follow him. There was no one there, even the other students have already left. He saw them instead. The Head led the group, with that guy called Boyet and two others. They approached him, a sly grin in their faces.

"You sure are one stupid motha-f*cha, eh?" said henchman 1, pounding his fist in his palm.

"You have guts to go against us!" said henchman 2

"We warned you," said the head, "Now you're gonna die!"

Boyet came forward; his fist came flying towards Robert's face. "Wha..." yelled Robert, tripping in purpose to avoid it. "What did I do?!"

"Moron!" said henchman 2, "We told you to stay away from Angela, didn't we?"

"B-but..." before Robert could say anything else, Boyet's fist came flying down on him again. He quickly ducked and clambered to his feet. "Wait...! I didn't do anything...!" he said backing away.

"Keep still will you?!" yelled Boyet, his fist missing his target yet again.

"Why should I?!" Robert retorted.

"Bong, Dudong." the Head called to his henchmen, "Get him."

"With pleasure." said the two. They approached Robert with crazy grins in their faces.

"H-hey, no fair! There's just one of me and 3 of you!" said Robert as he stumbled to avoid another hit.

"Hehe..." laughed Gerbert, "So what? I just want you dead!"

"Then why don't you do it?" Robert stood straight, looking the Head in the eye. The three stopped in their tracks.

"Why would I sweat on a wimp like you?" replied the head.

Boyet's fist suddenly whisked past Robert's face, he looked at him annoyingly. "Why can't I hit you!" he yelled at Robert, but the other was already running for his life.

"After him!" yelled the Head.

"He's really fast." thought Boyet as they ran after their target. "I've never seen anyone duck my hits like that before.

"Come back here you son of a...!" yelled the others.

Robert ran, his arms flailing by his sides. He was fast, but he slowed down every once in a while to make sure that the 4 bullies were still after him.

"Just another block then..." he thought as he ran, "Danny, you'd better be there."

He turned around a block, disappearing from his pursuer's view.

"C'mon, that's a dead end he ran into!" yelled Dudong.

"Hehehe... we've got him now!" said the Head.

They made the turn. It was a short alleyway, lined with old coco lumber and gravel from a long discarded construction site. They stopped to catch their breath and saw Robert standing in the middle of the alley, waiting for them.

"What took you so long?" he asked with a grin.

"Now we're really gonna kill you!" yelled the Head. He went first, grabbed Robert by the collar and aimed a fist at him but someone held his arm from behind.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." said a voice.

"Who the hell?!" he said, turning around. There behind him stood Danny, he reached only to his chest, and he looked down at him with his eyes gleaming, a scary smile playing on his lips. The rest of his henchmen were already pinned down by other guys, all of them were wearing Binunga High uniforms, all of them were looking straight at him.

"You were saying?" said Danny. He raised his fist and hit the head squarely in the face.

"Noo!" screamed Gerbert as he cried. He was forced to sit on the ground with his pants pulled down, his legs held apart by two of Robert' friends. They were all laughing, Danny held his stomach as he rolled on the ground, Robert, sitting on the gutter beside him, was wiping his tears.

"Man, that's the smallest dick I've ever seen!" said Danny between gasps.

"And here I thought Angela was only exaggerating when she said it was as small as a cocktail shrimp!" laughed Robert.

Danny stood up and went between Gerbert's legs, "Hey guys look..." he raised his feet and aimed at the little dick, Gerbert screamed like a little girl as his foot rushed down. Danny missed.

"Ah-hahaha!" laughed one of their friends, "I never thought it could get smaller!" the others laughed with him.

"Yeah, it's so small I couldn't even step on it!" laughed Danny "Ei, Obet you wanna try?" he asked, looking at his friend.

"Nahh... too violent for me..." he replied. His friends broke out in a roar of laughter. "Okay guys, that's enough!" he said, laughing himself, "Let them go."

Danny and the rest let the head go, he stumbled as he stood up, pulling his pants as he did and fell down on his ass. His friends were merely rounded up, now they hunched together in a circle surrounded by Robert's friends.

"Now, I'll say this only once." said Danny with an evil grin. "This guy here is a good friend of mine." he pulled Robert and patted him on the head. "He helped me pass my math last year, so I owe him one. Now I wouldn't want anything to happen to my tutor, would I?" he asked, waiting for their reply, "I said would I?!" he repeated.

"Y-yes, sir! Of course sir!" replied the four.

"Good, now apologize to him!"

"We're so sorry!" said the Head still crying, his bulging eyes were red and his nose was running.

"Please forgive us!!!" said the 2 henchmen as they ran away, the Head followed shortly after buttoning his pants.

Boyet didn't move. He looked at Danny instead and bowed low.

"Please," he begged, "I'm so sorry for hurting your friend. Please take me as your member!"

"Wha- what was that you said?!" Danny asked surprised.

"I joined Gerbert's gang thinking he was strong, but I was wrong!" replied Boyet.

"No way, we ain't taking no 'members'," said one of them, "we ain't no gang you know!"

"Yeah, we're just friends." said another.

"Hehe, it just so happens we look like gangsters!" the group began to laugh.

"Then..." said Boyet, "can I be your friend too?"

"No." said Danny.

"I don't know, he is kinda fast." said someone.

"And a pretty hard hitter too." said another rubbing his jaw.

"No way, no more new recruits, remember?" said Robert. "Besides," he continued, "He's a freshman, he's just a kid."

"That's just a freshman?" asked Danny looking at the tall boy who now stood before him. They were almost the same height. "Man, how many times did you flunk grade school?!" he said.

"Sorry kid, no children allowed." said the others as they laughed.

"Please... I really want to be strong!" he pleaded.

Robert looked at him and sighed. He went close to the kid, stretched his arms and stood before him, staring.

Boyet looked back at him, a little uncertain, "Please" he said, "let me join yo-"

In a split second, Robert's fist was at his temple. Boyet stepped back but the fist stayed there in mid air. He looked at Robert. He was smiling at him, a friendly smile this time. He loosened his fist and snapped his fingers.

"You don't need to, you know." he said. "Just choose your friends and stay out of trouble." he stretched his arms once more and gave another sigh. "Picking on someone weaker than you isn't strength, that's cowardice and you're just too young to know the difference. If you want to be strong, then learn to depend on yourself."

There was a short silence, Boyet looked around and saw the others; they were all looking at Robert. Looking up to him. "Now I understand..." he said softly. "That's why I couldn't hit you..."

"Ei guys, I've got to head back now!" said Robert turning around, "You can get rid of the kid."

"Bye Obet!" called the others, waving at their friend.

"Hey, wait up!" said Danny, running after him. Robert turned to look and saw Danny jumping at him.

"H-hey, now what?" he asked as his friend fell on him. Danny gave him a death grip and messed-up his hair. "Hey, stop that!" he said, laughing.

"Hehe... just missed you." said his friend with a grin. "Take care of yourself now, 'ya hear?" he finally let his friend go. "And say hello to Angela for me... hehehe..." he added in a whisper."

"'Kay..." Robert said with a laugh, "You guys take care too!"

Robert left with a smile in his face. It sure was nice to hang out with his old friends again. He took a deep breath and headed back home. It was already dark when he reached the mango tree. The street lamps where already lit and the tree itself was shrouded in darkness. He was passing it when something began to move. Robert stopped in his tracks, his body tense. Something in the darkness was moving, coming towards him! He was getting ready to run when that something came out of the darkness and into the light of the street lamp.

It was Angela. She was still in her school clothes and still carried her bag. She looked at him angrily, her hands balled into fists, shaking.

"She's mad." thought Robert. "She's gonna hit you! Run, quick!" but he couldn't move. He saw her eyes. She was crying. "Ange-"


It seems to happen in slow motion. He saw the arm raise, the palm out, the hand moving slowly to hit his face. Then the pain came. He stood there, his face to one side, his eyes were down and he could see her body heaving as she breathe.

"You bastard!" yelled Angela, "Where have you been? We were worried sick about you!"

"I... I'm sorry..." Robert managed to say in a low whisper.

"Ooo... I'm so mad at you I could kill you!" the other said with a sniff. "We looked for you e-evrywhere! We thought you were dead!" Angela sniffed again, then rubbed her arm across her face.

"Sorry... I was just... hiding..." said Robert, "I didn't think you'd worry this much..."

"You jerk!" said Angela. She kicked at Robert and took a deep breath. Robert took out a hanky and handed it to her. She looked at it with a frown and snatched it from his hand.

"Please stop crying." said Robert, Angela looked at him, the hanky covering half of her face.

"You think I'm crying 'coz of you?" she sneered, "You just make me so mad!" she wrung the hanky and tossed it back to Robert. "I'm going home!"

With that, she stomped away. Robert looked at her, a little smile in his face. "Well," he found himself thinking, "she is a girl after all." He sighed and went home after her.