
No. 1_ Birth

Birth is a magical thing, because its creating new life. As you may know life in this Universe is very fragile. Easy to be brought to dust.

Anyways, at the beggining I started my life as a simple little baby boy. As any other baby grows they learn to walk, speak and think. When i was a couple months of 5 or 6 i learned to walk and run. I played alot because of all the energy in me, i was a really energetic baby.

I Started to talk when i was at least 2 years old. I learned a lot because of my parents. My Mother was a teacher and my Father was an engineer. My mother taught me how to save and use money. My father showed me how to use tools. All at the age of 2 to three.

A few boring years pass...and

I was 6 and i was entering school. A small school with very little money. My parents help the school with money and as much as they could because, my Mother was wanting to teach at this school. At this school was three teachers with not alot of knowledge. My mom wanted to show these teachers how to teach.

2 more years pass....and

I was in 5th grade. I was in the same school with the same students. My whole class was familiar with each other at this time. My best friend Crimson had bad lung cancer because if his parents. They had an addiction to smoking. My parents grew theyre addictions as well.

My best buddy was beating his lung cancer very slowly but surely.

My parents grew theyre addictions after a few years. I was 13 at this time and I suffered from depression while my buddy was doing fine.

A year past and he beat it, The lung cancer was finally gone and the first thing we both did was movies and icecream. I got sick because im not the person thats good for sugar. I ended up with type 2 Diabetes and i thought my life was over at 17. "My life wasint the best, but it wasint the worst". Goodbye world.