
Fxxk love

Finn's diary is so fucked up

Crusad_3r · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Oh shit

I discovered I was ..... "suddenly a loud graspy female shouted my name" Finn I heard from the distance, upon turning I found out it was Crystal my best friend. "Hey freak you look stupid in those pants. Did Ma vee get it for before she passed?". I nodded in disappointment 😞. It was the gift u gave me last year you dumb fuck. She then proceeded to tell of the fantastic tiktok idea she has. " you know the blending food challenge but with clothes and you have drink the blended food" she said so naively. She continued yapping about the tiktok but I could not focus as all that was on my mind was the occurrence at the beach. It made me question somethings 🤔 like why was this happening to me of all people? What did I do wrong hadn't I suffered enough but before I knew it I was home and in the shower stroking my dick as I thought. I then heard a loud voice. It was my mum. She was asking what I wanted to eat but I didn't reply. To my surprise my dick wasn't getting hard. Now my thought had worsened. My precious penis wasn't getting hard I stroked even harder and it still didn't get hard. I got out of the shower naked and went to get my phone I scrolled through my contacts and dialed a number. "HI LOVE" sounded from the speaker