Dorian was a veteran general in possible future time line had been transeferr to JJK world, to ruin the main continuity of this world.(and possibly to piss of gege and his hatered for strong good characters).
Returning from jujutsu high I went to my mansion that is hidden on mount Haku, there I was met by my three special grade spirits.
The first one I named Yaku, he have a teleportation cursed technique that allowed him to open portal to places he been to, also accelerating the speed of thrown object using bis portal, he is the most humanoid between the three with golden hair and purple eyes.
Next we have Yumiko a fox woman like spirits that resemble a kitsune from Japanese folklore, she has the ability to manifest green flames that eat curse energy and can be used for ultra regeneration.
Dox is most interesting because I shaped him like inti the son god of Inka mythology, he got sun related abilities like using heat waves to radiate and burn the inside of his victims, using sun like projectiles, have holy aura that protect him from all ability related damage like Gojo purple ore Sukuna slashes or even mahoragan sword abilty of positive energy that can one shot any cursed spirit, the only way to fight him is by using close combat and good luck with that, if you saw how inti look like you will understand.
while they are kneeling in the main room in front of an empty chair, I entered the room and sit comfortably looking at them and how many spirits I needed to merge to create them, while they are the main force that I use, there is hundred first grade cursed spirits that I use for minor tasks, and also there is my final boss of my collection.
Ao is my most powerful and destructive spirit that I never needed to use.
what horrifying about him other than his form and size is his ability to break rules of reality, like that of death life or even time. it safe to say he is powerful, but every one of his abilities need a shit load of curse energy so much so that I needed to give him 10 times the cursed energy of special grade and that only allowed him to use his abilities for two times a day.
It took a lot of effort and hunting to create him. I put him in a huge secret room under the mansion no one know about him even my other servants.
"well looking at all of you, I assume that you all gathered enough information's about the naturel created cursed spirits.
"Yes Master"
taken the documents left on the side of my chair I looked through all the original cursed spirits of this world from Hanami to Mahito making sure they are the same from the original time line, it hilarious how this curses think of themselves as superior to all humanity, which make an ex general as my self full of disgust and ridicule, even at my original reality humanity was faced extinction from a far superior technological race but we won at the end, that just show that humanity shine at times of struggle and adapt to reach unreasonable heights in face of it struggle. what make humanity weak is false safety of our own reality making us fragile in face of sudden change. when we are most comfortable we are most venerable.
"Good but there is no information about this guy kenjaku"
the most dangerous mind of all of JJK, maybe he already taken Yuji mom body and ready to receive his mandatory Back shots.
*two years later*
a masked man is in front of shabby looking house wearing an Oni black mask waiting for some one to get out and notice his arrival.
"Hoh, what does the head of underground doing here"
"Oh, I was expecting you Toji Fushigoro, I'm here just to do business"
"In this remote area, you better tell a better lie next time"
"Ah, you seem to misunderstood I'm here to do business with but seeing you so hyped for a fight it not so bad.... show me what you got"
Fushigoro smiled wildly seemed exited to fight taken his soul cutting Katana from his cursed spirit and running diagonally toward me from my right to my left when the sword was about an inch from my shoulder, I smiled.