
"When you close your eyes to tragedy, you close your eyes to greatness"

\\Yuki POV//

'it look like they are some real shady organization, I have followed them until reaching Yoron Island, Kagoshima'

'They seem ready to conduct some kind of ritual'

'five guards, and six cultists, their power ranges from grade 2 all way to grade 1'

'I could now return to end my mission but with this inefficient amount of in formation I doubt I will get my pay check I still need to go on a vacation with Dorian after all'

'Now thinking about it he was really a weird guy, not afraid of notion of rejection, proposing to me like it nothing, even buying an expensive ring that could totally be wasted but the look in his eyes at the moment couldn't possible lead to anything but me accepting'

"Let start the rityal"


'what the hell are they trying to summon a curse with human sacrifice?'

"Hear our plea Gashadokuro"

A giant white skeleton emerged from the combination of the piles of corpses that cultists had gathered. First, was the hand then the head with two sharp horns, then the huge torso of the curse. Gashadokuro was a special grade spirits that emerges from the negative feeling of not having a proper funeral after death. The spirit was mad started by smashing the two cultist closest to the summoning pool of blood, blood exploded everywhere.

"Shit that wasn't part of the plan everyone destroy the spirit"

The four cultist started channeling their cursed technique in hope of defeating from fire to ice nothing, seemed to work multiple shots were made in vain it only took the curse one charged up attack from him to blast away everything, the guards were injured while the cultists weren't as lucky turning into stains decorating the floor, Yuki also got blasted away scraping her side by a broken chunk of a steel frame that used to hold the building taking a chunk of her skin.

//remember that she doesn't have access to all of her abilities, not really qualifying right now to special grade status.

'well I m screwed and I thought that this mission cannot get more dangerous'

Gashadokuro Screamed and launched multiple spear bones that raised from the floor and others launched from his own body, piercing the last of the guards, looking around spotting Yuki on the side and staring menacingly with a glowing eye sockets and a body painted by blood of his own victims. 

Yuki pushing away the blood dripping from her mouth looked fiercely at the curse, even thought she unlikely to win or escape at her current situation a weird smile is painting her face, because unlike the past she got a reason to win this fight and return.

Yuki used her innate technique at maximal output then summoning her shikigami, Star rage allowed her to add virtual mass to her body making her hits one of the strongest in jujutsu world in addition to the attack power of her already high curse energy and you got yourself a tigress. 

Launching Garuda with fierce kick destroying a chunk of the giant torso, Yuki then proceeded to engage the curse spirits in a close fight, dunking under his giant fist then using her high mass to punch his whole body sending him crashing into a nearby empty building. The smoke didn't settle and already a barrage of sharp bones are coming from behind it making Yuki barely able to avoid them.

The curse showed it self again in front of Yuki punching her in the gut then to the floor making her vomit blood but she recovered fast and engaged again the giant in fist fight dunking when necessary and launching a consecutive amount punches, making the Skeletal body of the curse show clear cracks after such beat down, when Yuki was going to launch a new attack the giant used his body as medium to lunch a a close barrage of spear bones that not just injuring Yuki in every part of her body taken her eyes in the process and worse a bone spear pushed all the through the middle of her torso make it seem that all hope was lost, but Yuki still using the last place the giant used to stand to lunch a final struggle activating what was an uncomplete domain expansion to finally exorcising the curse after final barrage inside her domain expansion. now Yuki laying on the ground looking at the sky with an empty eye sockets and a bloody hole in the middle of her torso, broken arms and cuts covering her once feminin face and bloody hair.

'still I will not die here I still have someone waiting for me'

struggling to get up and walk with blood leaving her body in an alarming rate she used a broken pillar to support her self, then she heard fast foot steps that reaching her place, thinking they were some cultist survivors she was ready to put them in their grave before crawling back to home.


'that sound'


hearing the sound of her fiancée she collapses on the floor flooding in her own blood.

wasting no time Dorian carried her to his curse spirit Yumiku to heal her using her flames but e stopped her after noticing that the hole in her torso already healed wish is a statement of Yuki achieving reversed curse technique, naturally all of her body recovered from the more serious injuries including her eyes.

on her bed in their own shared apartment Yuki still didn't wake up after all even if all her injuries are healed she still need time to recover from fatigue and the depleted curse energy, looking at her resting calm face Dorian was full of anger at himself and the cultist that put his precious Yuki in this state almost killing her but most importantly he feel a bit of fear that his precious woman is going to get scared for life, after all he fully consider her his own mistress so every pain was inflicted into her was also his pain.

he stayed hours beside her not moving an inch from her side. Slowely Yuki started opening her eyes looking at her side looking at Dorian concerned face, then smiling gently.

"I am back"

returning the smile with one of his own 

"I m glade you r safe Yuki"

looking around Yuki asked.

"where is that fox cursed spirits that you were cheating with her"


"I m just joking just relax, but seriously who was she"

holding my hand closer to her face then rubbing in it while closing her eyes in a moment silence, then she opened them looking straight into my eyes still not letting go of my hand, I sighed.

"First, there three things that I m going to tell you"

"Yuki I m going to tell you my secrets"

then I proceeded to tell her my abilities and how old really I am but I left behind the isekai part because even I confused about that one.

"Wow, I taught I will run away from the Japanese stereo type of marrying a sexy old man but here I am"

said Yuki laughing at my grim expression making me also share with her a the laugh.

"ah also I almost forgot you also official empress of the undergrounds right now"

"Oh so does the emperor wish for his empress hand in marriage"

This time I was the one staring seriously at Yuki.

"Yuki I have decided that next week we are going to get married"

"I think you right after incident that I have experienced I wish to go with no regrets, therefore I understand"

"before that I have final secret to tell you"

smiling warmly at her 

"I love you"

smiling back

"me too"