
Chapter 3: It's Now My Turn

After what happend, everything went back to normal...it seemed like nothing happened. But it's not the case for Karl.

"How he dare to ruin my girlfriend's happiness? Does he want to test my patience again, like he did 5 years ago? Then if war is what you want, I'll give you war! You will not forget this day jerk! Just wait for later!" He said to himself.

Meanwhile, on the other table, Mikael can't help but to stare to the girl at the other side of his table, he didn't even noticed that the soup he ordered already turned cold.

"Mikael..." She called. "Uhmmm...can I say something to you?" She said.

"Of course, what is it?" Mikael replied.

"Uhmmm... Ah! You're soup! Yes, the soup! Wouldn't you eat it? The weather is a bit cold today, that could get cold fast." She answered.

Actually, she wanted to say something more important than the soup but she just chose to stop her tracks and bring up another topic because she doubts that Mikael would believe her words.

"Ah. I'll eat it little by little, I think I got full from what happend earlier." Mikael said. "Is that all you wanted to say?" He asked the girl.

"Of course! Why? Do you think I wanted to say something else?" The girl insisted and let out a loud, fake laugh.

"Well... I just feel that you want to say something aside from that. Those ruby-colored eyes of you says so." Mikael told her.

Now cornered, she opted to tell what she really wanted to say to Mikael earlier.

"Uhmmm...well I..."


But the school bell goes off before she could start what she wanted to say.

"Oh, the bell already sounded. C'mon, let's get going. We might be late for our next class." Mikael said after taking one final sip of his soup. "What's your next class? I'll drop you off there." He asked her.

"No, you don't have to do it. Don't worry I'll keep an eye for any banana peels along the way." She replied.

"Is that so? Okay, take care!"

And they started to walk into two different paths and only then, Mikael realized that he forgot something. He turned around and said, "What's your name Ms. Ruby...Eyes..." but the girl was already downstairs. "Well... Isn't she slow?" He sarcastically said to himself and continued walking going to his next class.

On the other hand, the girl still continues to worry about what she heard earlier.

"What does that Karl guy want to do to Mikael? I'm starting to worry... he looked like he really wants to get back at Mikael... What if he harms him?"

This is the words that lingers around her head, she can't do anything but to worry about Mikael. This thoughts only stopped when she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Gijibae! (Gi-ji-bae, written as "기지배", is a Korean term for "wench")"

She looked around to see if there's anyone aside from her in this corridor, but all the students is already in the respective rooms of their next subjects.

"Why are you looking around? Do you think I am referring to someone else?"

Suddenly, she felt an arm around her shoulders.

"Cassandra Kim... what do you want from me?" She said.

Cassandra Kim is the girlfriend of the guy named Karl Montecido. Had been raised in the Philippines since she was 6 years old, so she is also considered as a Filipino but still never forgets her mother country, Korea.

"Hey chill Andrea... I am here to ask something. I'm not going to bully you now. I'll save that for later." Cassandra uttered.

"Uhmm... what do you want to ask? We might get late for the next class so..." could you make it quick?" Andrea responded.

After hearing this, steam immediately go out of Cassandra's nose and she is visibly upset.

"Jinjja?! (Jin-jja, written as "진짜". A Korean expression which means "Really?!") Did this girl just ordered me just now?!" She said to herself while giving Andrea a scary leer.

"Don't get me wrong Cassandra... I just asked it if you can say the question right now. I didn't mean to say that to boss you around, I just hoped that we could be quick because we only have 5 minutes left before our teacher closes the door in our next class and let no one in anymore." She defended herself.

This statement of Andrea stunned Cassandra like she was struck by a 105.1 mph fastball thrown by Aroldis Chapman.

"I've never said that verbally... did you just read my mind?! You... who are you?!"

Andrea then only realized that she made a huge mistake, she accidentally answered the question Cassandra only mumbled to herself. Even with a pounding heart and stuttering speech, she tries to compose herself and find a way out of the situation.

"Me?... Read your mind?... Are you joking?! How could I... read your mind? I'm not a fortune teller!.... Oh, it's time for the lecture already, I'll answer your question later!"

She then scurried inside of their classroom to prevent any more complications.

Even though she's still puzzled, Cassandra had no other choice but to take her path to her own class but now, there is a question instilled in her mind.

"Who the hell are you Andrea Munzon?!... Is the rumors...true?"

July 14, 2024 (9:00 pm)

After a long day, Mikael finally got his well deserved rest. He gave his blonde-colored hair and face a cleanse before he sleep. He jumped to his bed, closed his eyes and prepares to sleep when suddenly Joshua barged in his door while shouting.

"Hey Big Bro!!! Hey Big Bro!!! C'mon, look at this!!!"

"Tuna Fishcakes!!! What the heck Josh! Are you blind? Don't you see I'm trying to sleep?!" Mikael irritatedly said.

"I'm sorry, but you really need to see this Big Bro!"

"What is it?! If that's just a waste of time, you just bought yourself a coffin."

Joshua handed his phone to his brother and he saw a video of what happened earlier on the screen with a caption "Real Life Knight in Shining Armor".

"What is this Josh? Did you post this?"

"No I didn't, I didn't know who posted it either. It just suddenly popped up into our school's FB page and was marked with a "CTTO" (Credits To The Owner)".

Students had diverged reactions to the video. Some praised Mikael for what he did and even said they look both look good as a couple, but some also bashed Mikael because according to them wasted his time saving her.

"What's this? 'You just wasted your time sir, that girl even has rumors surrounding her that she can see through your minds. She's a weirdo! Wrong move sir!' Gosh, these comments! People nowadays tend to be jealous. If someone did something good, people would tweak the story to a little negative way to change the story's complexion." Mikael reacted to one of the comments. "Aish...Go now...I'm really sleepy."

"Hey, just don't mind them. You really did a good job! Oh... Big Bro, I have a final question."

"Spit it. Just be quick, I really want to sleep."

"You changed Andrea's fate right Big Bro?"

"Andrea? Is that the girl's name?"

"Yes, it is. Andrea Munzon. The post publicized your names. Where am I? Ah! If you really changed the future... what will happen next?"

"You know Josh... I don't even know what will come next. See it like this, try putting your hand in the middle of running water from the faucet. What do you see? The water changed its direction right? It's just like that, I stopped things from happening like I stopped the running water from flowing in a certain direction."

"Then... if you stopped that running water's course Big Bro, where it'll go now? To a better course or vice versa?"

"Uhmmm... I don't even know, besides that's the first time future changed. But let's just say that... no one will ever get suspicious that it actually stopped. As time goes by, then that's the only time to tell if the alteration made caused a good or a bad difference to the whole story."

July 15, 2024 (6:30 am)

Despite of the happenings yesterday, Andrea is now in school early to prepare for their long quiz in Biology today.

"I didn't have any time to review... Gosh, I think I'll fail this exam again."

As she is turning the pages of her book to review for her exam, he saw Karl carrying a scary costume and went upstairs.

"What is he up to? I feel something bad about that spooky costume..."

Andrea closed her book and followed Karl secretly. Karl went to Mikael's favorite route in going to his first class and waited there, he looked around if there is anybody but he saw nothing, fortunately. He opened his phone and texted someone.

"Hey bro! I'm here in the stairs. Make sure Mikael will take this path okay? We're going to scare the death out of him. Prepare some popcorn because you're in for a treat later!"

Little he did not know, a pair of ruby-colored eyes was only nearby and perfectly read his text as it is. How? She read it directly from his mind while looking him at the eyes.

"Tsk tsk... I knew it, that spooky costume will be used to take revenge against Mikael... I think... now is my turn to save him from trouble!" The owner of the ruby-colored eyes mumbled and said to herself.