

Third person’s POV

The court buzzed with chattering and excitement as Ansa walked towards the bar. Efua kept her eyes glued on him taking in his features. She had seen this man before; but were? Was all she thought. Meanwhile Fauzia silently prayed that what he had to say would change things.

The young man assumed his position in the bar and took in deep breaths. He couldn't remember the last time he was this nervous and he felt like a deer in the lights.

"Mr ..."

"Ansa Ezaegbegbe." He finished seeing as the oath giver didn't really get his name earlier.

"Ok...are you a Christian or a Muslim?" he asked holding a Bible and a Quran in both hands.

He suddenly felt his cheeks go hot. He was a Christian but couldn't remember the last time he went to a church or even prayed.

"I'm a Christian," He said with so much confidence that he surprised himself also.

The oath keeper administered the oath to him and went back to take his seat.