

"Junior did what?!" I shouted in Iggy's room, pacing back and forth. He was beating around the bush mad hard.

"What did he fin-" I paused, and the realization hit me. "Oh, no, " I sprinted out of the room and Iggy was on my heels.

I burst through my door, running to my bag and roughly begin to rummage through its contents. Iggy was close behind me, chest nearly pressed against my shoulder as he looked over me.

"Looking for this?" I turn around in panic as he held my heart medication in his claws. I snatched it in shock as my heart dropped. Ironically.

"Junior found it sitting in the middle of the kitchen hall floor," he said calmly, eyebrow raised as he spoke.

"How did you get it?! How did it end up on the fl-" my mind went back to when I was running with the meds in my pocket. It must've fallen out... of my shorts.


"Junior brought it to me when he saw your name on it. He couldn't read the big words so he wanted me to read it to him. I read the medications and decided not to. It would make him worried. And plus he would've told dad, whether I would've said so or not. Also, this had your birthdate on it. Why didn't you tell us it was tomorrow?" his eyes held a look of hurt and betrayal.

"So what my birthday is tomorrow!? I never celebrated one! " I huffed and shoved the pills into my bag hastily and hurled it into the top of my closet.

"Oh my God, I- I didn't know, I'm sorry if I made you ups-"

"Just stop, " I said, feeling horribly depressed. "I just wanna be alone right no-" As I proceeded to walk past him, he wrapped his arms around me, not letting me go. I felt like crying, but I didn't want to do that in front of him. I'd let all my feelings out later. When I was alone.

I squeezed him and sighed heavily. I didn't want him to tell dad. I didn't want to cause any more trouble.

I was conflicted and scared. I didn't know what to do or say. I buried my face in his shoulder, wanting everything to be alright. I didn't want to be caught in the steady crossfire of stagnant controversy and endless skepticism. I loved it when people exhibited concern toward me but being pushed through a two-story ledge, and being used as a battering ram through my brother's glass table is a step too far.

I was so deep in my fog of depressive thoughts that I didn't hear Iggy talking to me.

"Dude. Duuddeee. Dude!" I snapped out of it.

"What?" I looked up at him. He released me. "I'm gonna shower. You should too, okay? Wash off the stress," he suggested, smiling. His phone went off and he checked it. He had the same one Bowser bought for me.

"They'll be here in about an hour and a half, dad says. Dad's firing up the grill now," he smiled at me. "You're gonna love his grilled food, trust me," he laughed before walking out, softly shutting the door.

I decided to take his advice and walk out of the room after standing there for a few minutes. I grab my phone and set it up. The WiFi password was written on the back of the box so I knew what it was. I took it off the charger, seeing it was on a full charge. I grabbed a bath and body works shampoo that Wendy had gotten, and walked into my bathroom. I grab a fresh towel and smiled, seeing the supplies. I set the towel back on the rack, and begin to set up my bathroom with the fancy things Bowser bought for me.

I finished and took a step back, proud of my work. The window in the corner lit up the room in a golden glow. It was truly mesmerizing. I decide to play a quiet playlist of my favorite music. I step in the shower and gasp seeing as the showerhead contained settings. I put it on 'Heavy Rain,' and began to use the washcloth and soap to wash.

The showers heavy drips began to wash away the tensity, one drop at a time. I wet my hair and grabbed the bath and body works shampoo that Wendy got me. I worked the suds through my hair, washing it thoroughly. I haven't been able to do this in a while. The facility showers had closeable stalls, but they were disgusting.

I wash my body for around 30 minutes, and most of it consisted of thinking. What if my family doesn't like me? Will Bowser return me? Is that even possible?

I rationalized those thoughts, using reasoning to fight my own anxiety from taking over. I spent another hour in the shower and not even realizing it until a knock was heard at the door.

"Kiddo, is everything okay?" Bowser asked from the other side.

"Oh! Sorry. I'm running up your bill,"

"I don't give a shit about that damn bi- oh, never mind. The family is starting to pull up outside. Get dressed and meet me in the living room downstairs,"

I grew extremely anxious, despite earlier attempts at calming myself.

"Ok! I'm coming," I said. I heard his footsteps fade, and I cut off the shower. I step onto the rug and dry myself off and wrap the towel around my chest, covering my body.

I hurry into my room, shutting and locking the large door. I saw the wall and carpet, and the horrific bloodstains were no longer present. I was grateful that they were gone. I wonder who cleaned up the other scene. At least they weren't here when I got out of the shower.

I put on some baggy sweatpants, fresh socks, and a long sleeve t-shirt. I grab my phone, and walk out of my room and gently shut my door. I quietly walk down the hallway, and slowly round the corner to the spiral stairs. I gaze down them fearfully.

I grab onto the fixed railing and slowly bring myself down the stairs. I hear talking in the living room. From the staircase windows, I notice about four or so nice cars parked outside.

Here goes.

I walk in to see a large gathering of people conversing excitedly. Once I entered however, all speech halted and every eye in the room landed on me.

"Oh my god, is that him?"

"No that's just a random human who lives here,"

"Aw, I thought it was him,"

"Peach, what will I do with you?"

"Marry me?"

"Oh for god's sake, I'm your HUSBA-"

Bowser cleared his throat, halting the goofy conversation. I was grinning, but covered my mouth with the sleeves of the slightly oversized shirt I was wearing.

"This is Taemin. My ninth," he grinned proudly at me, and I walked further into the living room. There was a family of humans, two anthropomorphized primates, a ghost, a slightly obese anthropomorphized crocodile, and a Koopa wearing all blue.

"This is Mario, Luigi, and Peach, and their sons Pete and Mark. This is your Uncle DK and his son Diddy Kong. This is King Boo, K. Rool, and Kamek. The three K's, " he introduced everyone. I waved at them and they all greeted me excitedly. Bowser wrapped an arm around me and guided me into the kitchen, family following behind. I sat on a barstool as Mario and K. Rool sat on either side of me. Everyone circled around the island, focused on me. Bowser went out the back door to focus on the grill.

"How do you like living with that bonehead?" King Boo asked, smirking at me. His silly question earned chuckles as everyone waited for my response.

"He's really cool and nice, I'm glad to be living here," I said shyly, still encircling my mouth with the shirt sleeve.

"Hey, that's good to hear man," he recited gleefully in response.

"How are your grades?" Mario asked curiously from beside me. I saw Peach roll her eyes from the corner of mine.

"I'm not that smart, but I'm passing everything on online school. Bowser is putting me in real school soon!" I bounced in my seat. He smiled and nodded but realized something and raised a brow. Running a hand through his cocoa hair, he raised a brow.

"If you're passing, and excited about school, you're definitely smart. Why say you're not?" He quizzed, furrowing his eyebrows. I struggled for a response, but Kamek spoke for me.

"You seem like a really smart kid, don't be so hard on yourself, " Kamek smiled at me. "Thanks, " I smiled shyly.

"Do you like video games?" Pete asked, gleaming at me.

"Yeah, I d-"

"What about sports?" Mark asked me. I nodded eagerly.

"What school is he putting you in?" Luigi asked from across the counter.

"I don't know the name, but it's a private school, the one my siblings go to," I answered. He nodded.

"The boys go to public school," he gestured to them, who were playing some sort of multiplayer game on Peaches phone. They looked to be about 11 and looked identical, just one looked a bit stubbier and was brunette, like Mario. The other one was a bit taller and slimmer, and was blonde. Mark was the brunette and Pete was the blonde.

DK spoke up next. "What do you like to do?" His voice was deep.


"Uh, I like music, hanging out, and traveling, " I said shyly.

He rolled his eyes. "Bowser travels a lot. He loves it. He'd go two towns away to go to Walmart when there's one right down the street. All because he has gasoline money and a knick for long rides, " DK said, rolling his eyes so hard it looked like he was in pain.

The family burst out into laughter at the probable accurateness of his speech. I laughed along. These people gave off such good vibes. As the golden evening light fazed through the gentle white curtained windows, and the family laughed and talked brightly, moods brighter than the sun that lit up the planet, intense joy shook my body as we conversed joyfully. The koopalings were coming in one by one to greet their family, and Bowser brung in trays of grilled food that smelled absolutely heavenly.

"Ludwig and Iggy. Join me outside to set up the gazebo in the golf course, " I tried not to gasp. No wonder there was a gigantic field behind the guest house. It was a personal golf course!

That would elucidate why there's an archway going through the guest house.

They nod and walk out with him. Bowser nodded at K. Rool. "Get the beers and carry them out with us. He looked at me next. "Wanna help us?" he asked. I nodded. "Get the drinks, and carry them, " he said. I nodded and went over to K. Rool. He pointed to the cases of sodas stacked beside the fridge.

I nodded and grabbed 4 cases, some of them having unique brands I've never seen before.

"You're strong, eh?" He says, clapping me on the shoulder, earning a small clatter from the large case of beer he was holding in his opposite hand. I grin and shake my head furiously.

"You seem strong to me, " he smiled at me before pointing to Iggy.

"Stronger than the nerd, " he snickered.

"I heard that!" he raised a brow at us, causing all 5 of us to burst into laughter as we walked across the golf course. The tracks from where Iggy was riding his dirtbike this morning were still visible.

Reaching a large gazebo, we sat the drinks down on one of the hefty and expensively maintained picnic style tables.

"This is really nice, man. When'd you put this in?" K. Rool inquired, tilting his head slightly. Straightening the button up he was was wearing, he thought a moment before answering. "Last month, I think? Wasn't it last month Ludwig?"

"Yeah, it was last month, dad, " he confirmed. As K. Rool and Bowser chatted, forgetting all about the food for the moment, Iggy turned to me.

"Wanna go get the food? Seems like they forgot about it, " Iggy chuckled. I nodded, and he grabbed my hand in his claw and we started walking across the golf course once again.

We reached the colossal archway of the guest house, and we walked through it. I admired the immense detail and size of it as we walked past it. It was only the guest house and it was better than any suburb I've ever been to.

We walked through the backyard quickly. Wendy was still taking pictures, Lemmy, Larry, Mark, and Pete were swimming, Roy and Morton were playing an intense wrestling match on the trampoline, and Junior was shooting the basketball with Mario and Diddy Kong. Walking inside, the remaining adults were drinking from wine bottles, laughing and conversing rowdily. I was glad they were enjoying themselves. Iggy went for the food in the oven, and I got some grilled food from off of the stove.

We ended up getting everything and taking it back to the gazebo, earning an apology from the adults. Ludwig got up and joined us. The three of us walked inside, and into the living room. Half the adults filed out, going to get food. Iggy and Ludwig went to change into swimsuits to get in the water. The first time was a struggle, and even though the massive and expensive pool and slides were more than big enough to fit us all, I decided not to. I walk up to my room and close my door. I grab my phone and get on it, setting my wallpaper and downloading basic apps. I put Rick and Wendy's numbers in, and set it back on the charger. I did the same to my iPad before setting them both on my nightstand.

I start and setup all my consoles, so I wouldn't have to do it later. I lay back on my bed, not quite knowing what to do. I hear a knock at my door, and I go and open it. It was a semi drenched Larry.

"I noticed you weren't in the pool or anywhere else, so I got out. Wanna hang with me in my room?" He proposed. I nodded gratefully. He seemed very surprised. He smiled widely, and grabbed my hand. The shirtless koopa ran down the halls, me in tow. His claws wrapped around my hand awfully gently, not wanting to scratch me. We reach his room, and he opens the door. I gawk around, his room being such an amazing fit for him. His room contained things only average middle schoolers could dream of. He'd probably have high schoolers jealous as well.

He turned on his large TV, and sat on the couch. He patted the spot next to him. This TV was huge! It was the same one in my room, but it was still really cool.

"What do you wanna play?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter. You choose," I said to him. He nodded in thought.

"I still want my redemption in Mario Kart," he said, I giggled at the twelve year old.

"You won't beat me this time!"

"You sure?"

"Yeah!" He seemed confident, so I continued to let him have his moment. He set up a race. I chose my character, and chose the Mii option. I chose the one that looked closest to me before choosing my kart and things. Of course Larry was racing as himself.

3.. 2.. 1.. GO!

I used the boost truck and hit an item box. I got a banana. I took a shortcut and skillfully placed the banana in the center so no one could use it.

Larry picked up on this so he didn't take it, resulting in him catching third place. I was in first.

He sped past the person in second place, meaning he was right on my tail. I hit an item box, and got a bomb-omb. I threw it on a wall, and it bounced back and hit Larry in the face.

"What the fuck, how?!" he exclaimed, placement sailing back to 7th.

I once again placed 1st.

"Wow, you're good, "

"Yep, " I chuckled. He walked over to his desk.

"Ever heard of Fortnite?" He asked. I knew what it was, but I wasn't good at it. I played it on Wendy's phone once.

"The others make fun of me for playing it," he frowned slightly. I completely understood. Everyone except Junior was older than him and didn't understand how younger people saw certain things.

"Well just know I won't ever make fun of you," I said, walking over to him. He seemed really passionate about his games and it hurt his feelings when others didn't like it. I couldn't blame him. The boy was 12, not 21.

He looked up at me. "Really?" He said, smiling slightly.

"Of course I won't make fun. And plus, I'm sure the others don't mean any har-" I was cut off as he hugged me. I wasn't ready, and my hands were trapped on his stomach as I couldn't move my arms. The skin of a koopa felt so indescribable. It was smooth, yet was really soft. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Yes I could. My whole hand was on it.

He let me go.

"Sorry, I was just a little carried away. You're so nice! I'm so glad dad adopted you!" he smiled. I found that really cute.

He pushed a button on his desk and a monitor pulled out. He dug in his drawer and pulled out a small keyboard and a mouse.

"RK61, and my Air 58," he grinned proudly at the expensive equipment. "That's really cool!" I said, admiring it. He nodded, "Thanks!"

He set it up on the TV and the two of us played. He taught me how to play, showed off his skins, and helped make me my very own account. He even bought me everything in the daily shop in case I wanted to keep playing. I wasn't the best but he was really nice about it.

After playing for a little bit more we decided to go and get some food. We went downstairs and out the backdoor. Roy was driving a four wheeler at high speeds through the backyard. Music was playing loudly, and the pool and water slides lit up in the sundown glow. Some of the adults joined the remaining of the youngsters in the pool. Peach and Luigi were dancing goofily to the music in their bathing suits by the pool. I almost laughed as Iggy dunked Ludwig and yelled in success but then got dunked by Morton. Lemmy laughed and high fives him before being betrayed and dunked in himself. DK then dunked Morton without breaking a sweat. This made a tremendous splash. Mark and Pete screamed as they both traveled down the waterslide at high speeds, crashing into the water with a huge impact. I smiled, the nice vibes making me feel happy inside.

The sun was setting and the sky was orange and purple. The other houses looked plainly beautiful in the sight. We walked out into the field where Roy was riding the four wheeler. He waved at us, and we waved back as he sped by us, crisp wind careening through our hair. We walked into the gazebo where the majority of the people were chatting and having a good time.

"Hey, there's the center of our night!" King Boo called to me, walking over to me and Larry, Bowser in tow.

"How are my boys doin'?" Bowser asked, smiling at us. The beer bottle glistened in the evening light as the light hearted chatter went on around us.

"Just grabbing something to eat, " Larry told them.

"Wait, what do you mean 'center of our night'?" I chuckled.

"Well you're the reason we're celebrating in the first place!" He announced, patting my back. I was quite surprised that I could feel it since... well, he was a ghost.

"Why?" I was awfully confused. What did I have to do with this?

"You're the newest addition to our family!" he roused, taking a swig of beer. Larry and Bowser piped up, agreeing with him.

"Thanks, " I said gratefully. He brung me in for a hug. His arms were relatively short. I wondered how I was hugging a ghost.

What was he made of? He felt squishy. How could I feel a ghost?

He let go. I realized he was wearing a bowtie. I started giggling. He looks confused until he looked down.

"Oh, this?" he smirked. Larry laughed along with me and Bowser chuckled with us. King Boo pulled on each of it's sides.

"Snazzy, " he smirked.

We laughed again before they walked off and we got some food. Larry's plate was significantly more stacked than mine. They turned back around, smirking.

"Wanna do something cool?" Bowser asked us, and we nodded. He led us to a table with beer bottles all over it. We sat our plates down, not knowing what was cool about this.

"Whichever one of you drinks more of this bottle gets $1,000," Bowser smirks.

"You're gonna get your kids drunk man!" King Boo laughed.

Me and Luigi did the exact same thing when we were young, " Mario reminisced. "But it was only for a dollar, " he finished, making everyone laugh.

"You serious, dad?" Larry quizzed, wondering if his dad was joking.

"Yeah. I let you cuss so why not?" Bowser shrugged. I picked up a bottle. It didn't look like much. I knew it burned down your throat. I've been through worse so I was apathetic about it. Larry on the other hand looks like he's attempted this before.

"3, 2, 1, Go!"

I start chugging slow, breathing from my nose. The strong flavor of the beer didn't seem to faze Larry. I thought I was gonna lose.

"They're taking it like champs!" K. Rool roused. Larry begun to struggle with drinking, and put the bottle down, little over halfway done. He looked proud until he looked over and saw me get close to draining the bottle.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" they all chanted, including Larry, who wondered if I could finish. I emptied the bottle, and slammed it on the table, the family absolutely erupting into cheers at my feat. Larry jumped on my back, and I giggled, slightly wasted.

I thought Bowser was cheesing about the money until he threw a heavy wad of cash in my hand. I cheered and hurriedly jammed it in my pockets so I wouldn't do anything foolish with it.

Larry jumped off of my back and Kamek guided us to our plates of food. He grabbed them and put us at a table so that we could eat and not feel so unpleasant. He grabbed two soda cans and gave them to us. I was mostly fine, but Larry on the other hand was totally wasted.

I drunk and ate moderately. I completely forgot about the cash in my pocket. The brand of blueberry soda had a real taste to it. It actually tasted like blueberries.

Unknowingly, I passed out, not even realizing I was sleepy.



Luigi jumped back from me. "We just wanted to say bye, it's getting late," he laughed. I got up and hugged all five of them, as they said bye, walking off. There was no more sunset, night sky twinkling above the gazebo. Larry was no longer present. It seemed like everyone left except me.


My sanity instantly swerved into a dark place, darker than the night sky itself. I thought about my birthday. What would happen? Conceivably nothing. I didn't deserve anything on my birthday. It never mattered, so it doesn't matter now. All the years I've lost, I felt really horrible about it. It always felt like I was being looked down on. The irrational emotions polluted with venom flooded in faster than I could process.

And before I knew it, I started crying. I was a wussy. A weakling. A good for nothing waste of space, time and air. Who would truly want to squander their time on me?

The self hatred boiled over, and soon I found myself punching one of the stone columns of the gazebo. Over and over. Over and over. Time and time again. Any infliction of self harm I could attain, I did it. My knuckles cracked under the intense pressure.

I stopped, taking a moment to look at myself. What was I doing?

What was wrong with me?

"Hey!" an unfamiliar voice called out to me. I looked at my throbbing hand, and at the direction of the voice.

I bounded over to said voice. I covered my hand with the dark, oversized long sleeve of my shirt.

Going closer, I saw a chubby brunette boy looking at me from the short fence that separated the properties throughout the neighborhood.

I walked over to him.

"Are you okay? I was out here uhh-" he cut off his own sentence.

"I- I just heard crying. Is everything alright?" he looked to be around my age, if not younger.

I was a very good actor. I decided to put up a block and pretend I was fine. I don't know how I could fake happiness so well, but not lie at all.

"Yeah, what you heard, clearly wasn't me," I laughed in an extremely believable tone. He leaned over the fence, staring into my stained eyes. He saw right through my lie and I knew it. Our faces almost touched.

"Someone's been crying,"

"Wasn't me,"

"Explain the puffy eyes,"


"Exactly, hop on over the fence." He said, nodding his head, I couldn't do so because of my fist. Keeping up the act, I hop over the Pickett fence, trying not to cry out in pain. My backyard was thankfully empty so no one saw me.

I fell in his yard because my fist hurt so badly. It was a short fence, too.

"You okay?" He asked worriedly. I used one hand to push myself up. I nodded. I stood right in-front of him, waiting for him to talk. I noticed his eyes were puffy too.

Instead he gave me a hug. "Hugs make everyone feel better," he said. I nodded in his shoulder. I tried to hug back, forgetting my intense hand pain.

"Agh!" I cried out in pain, but immediately covered my mouth.

He pulled away, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to squeeze you that hard. My mother says I do it a lot and I don't mean to, I just- Oh my god!" He says, grabbing my sleeve, seeing it was dripping. I bit my lip as he pulled it back, gasping as he saw the busted knuckles and fresh blood.

"Please come inside! My mom could help y-" I shook my head mid sentence, afraid.

He started pulling me anyway, but I resisted.

"Please! She's a nurse!" He begged.

I gave in and speed walked with him through his backyard. His house was huge and glistened with lights in the distance. He led me onto his deck, and stormed in through his back door. The interior of his house was extremely beautiful, as was everything else in this neighborhood. We passed a teenage girl and a small koopa.

"Oh my god, what happened?!" She asked frantically. The small koopa had his headphones on while working on some sort of assignment.

"Get mom, or dad- either one!" The boy paced around the kitchen. He noticed my panicked look.

"It's alright, we'll help you," he smiled at me. I held my fist in my other hand so I wouldn't drip on their floor.

"MOM! DAD!" The girl screamed, running out of the room, going up a set of stairs. He grabbed my hand, and put it under the cold water in the sink, mentioning soothing nothings to me as I wince, the steady stream burning my hand. Fresh flesh was exposed as my skin was ripped by the cobblestone of the column I punched.

The three ran down the stairs and rounded the corner into the kitchen.

"Oh my goodness, what happened?!"

Wait. That voice was hella familiar. I turn and see the very same koopa that helped me with surgery in the hospital.

"Oh my god! I know you, poor baby!" She cried, running and inspecting my hand. She grabbed a first aid kit and grabbed a needle and stuck it into my palm.

"To numb it," she voiced as the liquid invaded my hand. She skillfully wrapped it in a bandage.

"How did this happen?" The smaller koopa asked, running over. He looked to be approximately 11 years old. The household gazed at me expectantly as I was being bandaged. I struggled for an answer.

"I fell on my hand the wrong way, " I said, it was kind of believable until the boy spoke up.

"Tell that to the specks of stone I was washing out of your knuckles. That lawn is all grass, " man this kid was logical.

"Fine. I was umm... playing around and hit my hand on the stone column in my yard, " I said. That was the only thing I had left other than the truth. The boy looked skeptical, but doesn't get to protest as the dad speaks up first.

"Honey, how do you know this boy? And John, where did you find him?" he assessed, confused at the situation.

"You did surgery on the kid that was in the same room as this one, Harold, " the lady explained. So they were both doctors.

"Oh! I remember the this kid, but how'd John end up finding him?"

"Dad, he's our neighbor. I was out in the yard and I found him in pain, " he explained. His dad raised an eyebrow but stayed quiet. The koopa finished wrapping my hand and cried in success. It no longer was sore, but numb. The bandage cradled my fingers so they wouldn't move.

"Thanks so much!" I gleamed at the family of 5. It was half human, half koopa.

"Anytime sweetie! If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to come over, "

"Wait! I have one question, " the teenage blonde spoke up.

"Our house is at the end of Seriley Drive, so we only have one neighboring house. That huge mansion with the single dad and eight kids. This boy is human. So how could he be our neighbor?"

"I'm adopted.., " her face fell.

"Lily! What the heck, that's messed up" John hissed.

"It's not nice to bring up such topics young lady, " the father asserted gently.

She nodded, "I'm sorry. I was just curious. So do you like, live with them? The only human?" I nodded.

"That's cool, " she grinned and fist bumped me.

"I'll be on my way, I'm sure my dad and siblings are looking for me, " I said, grateful for their help. "Wait, here!" Me and John exchanged numbers quickly.

The family walked me out to their beautiful foyer, not wanting me to have to jump the fence. They turned the security alarm off and opened the door. Before I left, John hugged me again. It felt nice.

"Don't squeeze people so hard!"


"I'm just joking with ya, " she laughed.

"Have a nice night, you guys, " I smiled at them.

"You too sweetie!" the mom called before shutting the door. I walk down the sidewalk until I was grabbed from behind. My exclamations were muffled as the person covered my mouth.

"Roy, what the hell!" I heard his laughing and turned around and punched him in his arm playfully. I wasn't gonna lie, I thought it was a killer out for me.

"You totally bought it!" He guffawed. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing out at night?" I asked him. I covered my hand with my sleeve so he wouldn't ask.

"There's a store just outside the neighborhood," he explained. He pulled out a bag of candies similar to M&M's, but had a totally different brand and logo.

"These are like M&M's but with chocolate made here in the North Island. They're 10x better man!" He said, opening the box.

He popped some in his mouth, turning to me. "Want some?" He asked, holding the box out to me. I nodded shyly. I held a hand out and he poured some in it. I ate them as he watched me, waiting for my reaction.

Wow, these bitches were good.

"Wow, those are really good!" I said. The chocolate made from scratch here is really tasty.

Tastier than anything the US could make.

"Right! And It was only ten dollars! Score!"

"Ten dollars?!" No wonder it was so damn good.

"It's really cheap bro," he said. He probably raised an eyebrow at me, but I couldn't see it because of his shades.

I nodded anyways. Sometimes I forget that I'm with a family that thinks one grand is pocket change.

And then I realized.

"Oh my god! I have a thousand dollars in my pocket!" I said, full awareness coming back to me. I'm glad that family didn't realize I was sort of drunk. Roy laughed at my spontaneous nature. I was so happy to even be in the presence of so much money, and I had it in my pocket.

"Nice, heh," he said, looking deep in thought.

"Hey, isn't your birthday tomorrow?" He asked, nearing the colossal home we lived in. I tried not to think about it, but them money in my pocket could've been my birthday present!

My very first birthday present!

I'll have to ask Bowser about that later.

"Yeah. Yeah it is," he looked sorrowful for a moment. He took off his shades and stopped walking. He climbed up to the stone wall at the front of our property. He sat down and patted the spot beside him. He must've wanted to talk about something. I climb on and he pulls me into his side, looking at me as if he was waiting for the magic words to spill out of his mouth. He didn't know where to start.

"I-...I'm not used to sappy talk, but I'm so glad you're living with us now. Your life must've been so bad, you know? You had nothing. No parents, no home, no multi-million dollar mansion," he sighed heavily, his chest visibly rising. Everything he said so far was so, extremely true.

"I'm glad our family helps you, in a way. I'm glad you're living with us. I can't imagine what pain and hardships you've been through. I was adopted when I was a baby. I was never put through any financial struggles in my lifetime. Like not having clothes, or games, or shoes, or something to eat. My hat truly goes off to you. You've been through more than I can handle. I'm glad it's over,"

I had absolutely no words. The same guy that was overpowering Morton, the same guy that's stronger than I could ever be. The stone cold mysterious Roy, of all people was giving me this speech. I was touched, but why?

"Roy- I- uhhm... thank you. So much, really. But.. why?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what I said. Why be so nice to me?" I asked in bewilderment. I had no idea why he wasn't giving me the stone cold facade even when we were alone.

He huffed, "First of all, I wasn't always mean. I was very rough throughout my years but I've never intentionally hurt peoples feelings until about two years ago. And besides- you know everything about me. I pushed you through a railing down two stories into our living room for Christ sake! And also, no offense, but I get that everyone has their problems inside. But you're a little softer than the others inside. I'm not being rude, it's just that no matter how nonchalant you seem, you're a whole different person when you're alone in the dark. Whether it be in your room, or outside. I just feel like you struggle more than you're letting on,"

I grinned, faker than the very pride I held my head up with. Just because I could act confident, doesn't mean I was always. Despite that, I put on my shield and went in full force with the question that could get me beat up out here.

"Why'd you start hurting people?" He looked taken aback by my question.

"Because people started hurting me first," he said, scowling. I didn't expect him to answer. I really expected him to push my sorry ass off the wall we were sitting on. Even though it's not high, I would've easily broken my nose in the fall.

Before I could ask him to elaborate, cops rushed by us and into our yard, into our curved driveway. Their lights were ablaze, lighting up the rich, quiet suburban block.

Me and Roy looked at each other in panic. He slid his shades back on, and jumped off the wall. I jumped off too and we ran into the property, where we saw multiple cops walk into the house.

"Back door," Roy whispered into my ear, his cold breath condensing on my face.

I nodded and we crouched, hurrying to the back door. Roy pulled out a NIBU lanyard and unlocked the large glass double doors. He shut the door gently.

"He's gone, it's all my fault! I should've waken him up like dad told me to! Now he's gone! And- and-, " We crouched behind the island to listen, and I hear Larry crying his eyes out. I listened for more.

"Officer, my- my son, " Bowser choked.


I went to go get up to announce that I was here and safe, but Roy stopped me.

"Listen first, dude, " he mouthed.

"But I'm not MISSING!" I hissed, staying quiet.

"He's been gone for three hours, and he could be anywhere. Come on man, I'd give my life for that kid. You've gotta find him,"

"I can assure you, we'll have undercovers crawling through the North Islands. Since he's one of the few humans who live here, we'll find him and bring him home, sir, " The officer explained.

"I'll just ask you all a few questions, may I sit?"

"Yes Officer, anywhere,"

What was weird, was the officer bowing at my dad. What the hell was that?

Our siblings sat on the dining room table. Iggy looked like he was crying earlier, Larry was still crying, Wendy was crying slightly, biting her lip. Morton was crying silently, tears streaming down his face, Ludwig and Junior tried to look composed but look worried and extremely stressed out. Junior had slow tears leaking out of his eyes. Bowser looked nightmarishly depressed. The happy vibes were drained from this family as if their prized possession was killed.

Roy looked at me and motioned for us to sneak back outside. So we did.

"Roy are you NUTS?! They're driving themselves crazy because of the beer!"

"They're crying about YOU! YOU are the reason! Why can't you see that?!"

We whisper yelled until I came up with a plan.

"You. Walk in like you don't even know what was happening. I'm gonna go down the street and walk in behind you so they don't know that we even saw each other," He nodded reluctantly, walking away from me and into the front door. Yes! It was working. I walk out of the property, and walk down the street. After 5 minutes, I turn around. I walk until I see the estate.


Car Horns.

Screeching Tires.


Oh, I wish I had saw that car coming.