
Futanari World

Note: Each chapter is +5000 words, so don't judge the book because of how few chapters it is! === For unknown reasons, a plane crashed and killed our protagonist, who was immediately sent to another world, which is said to be a game, [Futanari World]! Now, if she wants a new life, she needs to finish this game, which she wasn't given any information, only advantages and then thrown into an Academy of Sword and Magic! Come along with this new Futanari as she grows up, learns more of the world and slowly learns the secrets that make it up! ===== Support me and motivate me to write much more! pa-tre-on.com/Ero_Hacker Want to talk to me? Come to my Discord: https://discord.gg/rz4RpnGX46 Webnovel constantly blocks the illustrations of the characters, even though there's nothing much, just for showing a little skin, it ends up deleting. Then access: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/680367/fta-world/

Ero_Hacker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Chapter 6 - Rage


Read up to 4 weeks worth of advanced chapters, support me!: www.pa-tre-on.com/Ero_Hacker

Come to my Discord, have access to images of the characters without Webnovel blocking them: discord.gg/4CdW8ygQQX



PART 1 – Demon!


The problem of not having classes on Tuesday is due to an irregularity in the timetable, an error on the part of the Director and Vice-Principal, so they had a meeting yesterday to resolve this.

The good thing is that only my Classroom was without classes, why? The main problem was in our Room, how exactly it happened I don't know, but I'm happy, one free day, I met a beautiful girl, unfortunately Mayara didn't have the courage to come visit me.

When Wednesday came, I found Tazla, she had arrived early, I asked her why she didn't go to the Dorm and she said that as soon as she arrived, she came straight here.

I didn't bother, I just chatted with her, talking about Annie, my new friend and that I would introduce her later.

The class was ordinary and somewhat boring, but it was possible to learn something new.

But getting to the cafeteria, holy shit!

A group of people were coming up, but then Annie arrived, taking a seat next to me. - "Hey, Rox, how are you?" - She asked and I smiled. - "I'm fine, did you sleep well?"

"Of course, then… this must be Tazla, right? Pleasure!" Annie smiled at Tazla, who shyly nodded.

Annie smiled and cast a slight glance to the side, showing her coolness and then she smiled, naturally marking the faces of the bastards.

"Wow, I heard you ate a lot, but this…" - She said in amazement to my tray.

"Look, I haven't even trained yet, I have a lot of energy to spend, so I need a lot of food to recover it." - I say smiling and she nods smiling too.

We talked until the bell rang, then Annie walked with us for a bit until we had to part ways.

The 3 classes that followed after the cafeteria were boring too, so with the bell ringing, it was the end of classes for the day.

Tazla and I left, but… there were people waiting for us, it was obvious… how stupid!

Alone I went with the group of 2nd and even 3rd year seniors, apparently an "isolated" area, as many onlookers came to watch me being beaten.

I asked Tazla to do her thing and let me handle things, she wanted to stay with me but I was insistent.

"What they want?" - I ask with some anger, I know I'm going to be beaten, but I'm not going to chicken out.

"You are arrogant as they say, lover of Goblins!" - Said a tall and handsome boy, but his disdainful smile, damn, what dislikes!

"Know me? That's cool, but who are you?" - I say smiling and he frowns.

"Well, whatever, I don't want to occupy my precious brain with the name of a useless person, if you're going to fight, come soon, because garbage only knows how to intimidate in a group." - I say laughing and waving my hands.

"Humph! As expected from an inferior, she only knows how to go for brutality, but how is it in that language that she wants to speak!" - The irony in front laughed disdainfully and got straight to the point. - "If you don't leave the Music Club and never approach Miss Annie again, all this can be avoided and you will go back to your faeces hole!"

"Just that? I see…pretty simple." - I say nodding, the boy smiles, thinking I was intimidated, but...



"FUCK YOU!" -I say laughing with a tightly closed fist in his face, sending him away.

"Wow, even screaming in pain is irritating!" - I laughed at him, but immediately he gets up and furiously attacks me, I can't even react, his punch was fast, holy shit.


I don't know what happened, but I stop about 5 meters away, grunting, I spit on the ground and muster the strength to get up, only for one leg to block my view, sending me upwards, but I'm still conscious and somehow I manage to hit a kick.


He grunts, but then lets out a disdainful, irritated snort.

I manage to get up, it hurts, but… - "Really? Just that? You hit like a little girl!" - I say full of mockery.

"Filthy monkey!" - He growls and advances, I quickly defend myself using my arms, a heavy fist, it disconcerted me for a moment, but at that same moment, her leg went up, going on my head and soon I found myself buried with my face in the ground.

"You look better this way!" - He said, stepping on my head, forcing it against the floor.

I clench my teeth, heavens, the rage of hells!

I try to get up, I don't know why I try, but… I don't want to lose like this, this damn humiliation, the scornful laughter around me.

"What, are you going to show that fat ass to everyone? Do you want someone to fuck you?" - He laughed, fuck, I can't move my head, FUCK!



My strength explodes along with my anger, wow, what a strange feeling…


I grab his bloody leg, squeezing it hard and immediately move it to the side, push myself to my knees on the floor and pull him, fiercely slamming him into the ground.

"Cum!" I curse and stand up, spitting and he jumps to his feet, snarling.

"What's up little girl?" - I ask while I feel a growing power throughout my body, but along with that, heavens, how much anger!

"Stupid little trick!" -He said, I step forward and hug his chest, he lets out a surprised sound, I lift him up and fiercely shock him to the ground, his muffled scream echoes.

I quickly mount him and start throwing heavy punches, which he blocks using his arms, but I continue to furiously punch him, using my elbows.


He roars and then elbows me in the chest, pushing me, he takes advantage, retracting his legs, bending them and then hits me, sending me away, I jump about 2 meters, before falling to the ground, sliding and falling on my back. knees.

I clench my teeth tightly, then stand up, as for him, something is covering him, a magical energy… Aura!

Fuck, one of the few students with Aura in this shitty school, is that one of Annie's cattle? Fuck off!

"I'm tired of you, you bastard monkey!" -He roars and advances like lightning, I see and his fists hit me.

In moments, I receive 3 punches to the face, but closing my fist, I hit his shoulder with a punch, but I wanted to hit his face.

Then 2 punches come and hit my stomach, I grit my teeth and headbutt but he dodges, I lunge forward, hugging him, but he hits my back with his elbows.


I scream and fall, then a foot hits my head, burying it, I can't gather the strength… no! No! No!

A reddish energy begins to circulate throughout my body, my muscles already tense, become even more tense, an unbelievable force circulates through my body, the voluminous Mana that I have and was intact until now, began to converge and circulate, such a monstrous force , what is that?

"Impossible!" - A cry came, I get up.

My vision is red, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" - I roar with uncontrollable rage, shot at the surprised bastard and my fists start raining down on him.


He defends, but even so, he screams in pain, come on you bitch, scream!

"YOUT! SCREAM! SCREAM!" -I roar madly, then my fist hits his stomach, idiot!


He screams when he is thrown away, my whole body shakes, a pain runs through me, but together, comes this extraordinary force, really. - "Shut up flies, you are annoying!"

I say looking angrily at all these voices and sighs, before looking at the bastard boy snarling on the ground and stepping forward slowly, I swear I'm going to sink that motherfucker's skull into the ground!

"He arrives!" - A deep voice sounded as a young Orc advanced, damn he's big, but. - "Get out of the way!" - I say without fear.


He snorts, then his fist covers my view and he buries me in the ground again, I'm confused.

"Well, that should-"-He was saying something, then my fist came forward and hit his face, thanks for talking!

My vision returns, I sit down and already punch that damn Orc!


He grunts in pain, but soon his fist comes down on me again, but this time he grabs my head.

"So as to!" -He said, but I don't stop punching him, soon I see that I can't reach his face, so I start focusing on his arm, making him grunt.

Finally I land a punch so hard, it dislocates his arm.


He screams and backs away, a startled look, I stand up, my skin turns red, soon I find myself being covered in blood, what an uncontrollable rage, but… since when do I want to control it?


I start laughing maniacally like a demon and attack that bastard Orc!

He grits his teeth, using his good arm to defend himself, when I finally get him down and straddle him, I swear I'm going to blow his motherfucking skull out!

But then something clicks in my head, I stop my movements and… my vision goes blank!


PART 2 – Miracle!

––––––––––––––– (3rd person POV)

Annie had been talking to her annoying fans, going so far as to hurt several of them so they wouldn't bother Roxana anymore, but that only made the envy and jealousy grow.

As such, she was tidying up some things at her Club, thinking it had gone well, until someone came calling her very worried.

"Rox… Rox… problems…" - Tazla said panting, which immediately worried Annie.

Soon they together went in search of Roxana, taking a while, but when they arrived, what they saw was not the dark and beautiful young woman, but a figure bathed in blood with reddish skin, with a devilish expression and terrifying everyone, while fiercely crushing an Orc, which is quite famous in the 3rd year.

Such an Orc was being pummeled, no one had the courage to approach, then that's when a miracle happened, that devilish figure suddenly shuddered intensely, its red skin was returning to normal hue, before it fell to the side, shuddering and soon foaming at the mouth, having a severe seizure.

"NO!" -Annie screamed and advanced, pulling Roxana and being horrified with her state, her skin is all torn, she is already pale after losing so much blood, it is a miracle she is still alive.

And it was at that damn moment that the teachers finally arrived, they were shocked by the bloodthirsty sight of the unconscious Orc with broken arms and face all covered in blood!

Then Roxana's deplorable state, which is a very brutal thing!

"That is true?" - Asked an astonished old man.

"You mean this young commoner, awakened her Aura and she was under Berserker? Heavens…" - Said a beautiful woman with astonishment in her eyes.

"There's no way she can survive!" - Said a woman in white robes stained with blood, which alerted everyone.

"The state of your blood vessels is tragic, even Healing Spells by an S Rank Priest couldn't help much, not to mention your organs are mostly ruptured… there's nothing I can do…" – Said the nurse .

"What a problem!" - Said the old man sighing rubbing his temple.

"It is indeed Berserker!" - Said Afonso looking at the old man. - "I just inspected her, she was under the Berserker state when she awakened her Aura, that must have caused severe damage, but in return… 3 times stronger at least!"

"God… a pity…" - Said the old man, grunting lightly. - "Does she have a family? We can preserve her life a little bit so they can say goodbye." - asked the old man.

"No, she lost her parents many years ago in a Goblin attack, but she has a girlfriend, I think... a Goblin named Tazla and a friend named Annie, who is a 2nd year, they are waiting outside." - Klara said calmly.

"How unfortunate, but… allow them to accompany the little one in her final moments, as for those involved in this, I want everyone's name!" - Said the old man snorting.

"But director! She started it!" - Said the beautiful woman as if it were unfair.

"Does not matter! 3rd year students shouldn't bully a 1st year student, all because of a girl!" - Said the old man irritated, shutting up the girl.

"ROX!" -Tazla cried seeing Roxana's deplorable state, Annie beside her shuddered, feeling extremely guilty.

Roxana is all bandaged up, bandages covered in blood, multiple devices connected with difficulty reading her vitals.

"Sorry..."-Said Annie closing her eyes, while Tazla stood beside her, holding Roxana's hand, tears covering her beautiful and fluffy face.

Annie sat in a chair in the entryway, crying too.

Until the devices started beeping, leaving the two young women desperate, the nurse and teachers came in, grunting, the nurse went and turned off the sound.

"Aren't you going to do anything?!" - Tazla screamed crying.

"There's nothing we can do…" - Said the nurse, which made Tazla shudder.

And then the line on the monitor became straight and… a miracle happened.

"Why am I crying?" - Roxana's voice sounded, shocking everyone, the monitor became stable again.

Roxana looked down at her bandaged body. - "Shit… did I die?"


The nurse fainted at this sight.

"ROX!" - Tazla screamed and threw herself into Roxana's arms, who hugged her back, understanding that she was screwed!

With the miracle involving Roxana, it's natural that the Headmaster wanted to know more about it, he quickly covered it up, taking advantage of the fact that a certain noble teacher was not present.

He said that with regret, he took out a treasure he was guarding that had the legendary SSS Rank spell, Rebirth, he couldn't let this young talented girl die like that.

That will help for now, but he wanted to know what made Roxana go back to a peak state, no! She must have gotten stronger.

Roxana was also amazed at her changes, even more so when she saw her Status:


Name: Roxana Keller(15)

Class: Apprentice, Lv.4 (Score: 0)

HP: 224 → 237

MP: 92

{STR: 9 → 11(+4)} {RES: 14 → 17(+2)} {AGI: 8 → 9} {INT: 8} {CHA: 8}


Special skills

- Divine Stamina(SSS): 100× Stamina & 10× Recovery Speed!

- Incarnation of Rage(SSS): Through a frenzied, illogical rage, you embodied the power of Sin, becoming its Incarnation! You survived after inheriting it, so the effect of using [Berserker] together with [Aura] is greatly reduced!


Active Skills

- Berserker(B → A): Spend Stamina 5 times faster, in exchange for a frenzied increase in your physical power! +100% STR, +100% RES and +100% AGI! Duration: Indefinite!

- Aura of Rage(A): At the cost of 10 Mana and Stamina every minute, fortify yourself or items in your pose! +100% STR, +75% RES and +75% AGI!


Passive Skills

- Music(C): You can sing like a pro, as well as skillfully play most musical instruments!

- Unarmed Combat (D): Know how to use your body in the most efficient way in a fight! -5% Stamina Cost!

- Pain Tolerance(D → B): Resist pain more easily!

- Increased Regeneration(E → C): +150% Recovery Speed!

- Magical Senses(F → D): Feel Mana more easily and study it!


Its power has grown significantly, not to mention that [Berserker] has reached Rank A, its effects being far superior to what it was at Rank B, it's shocking that from 50/30/30 it went to 100/100/100.

Not to mention that she also acquired [Aura], but not an ordinary one, but [Aura of Anger]!

She also acquired another SSS Rank Special Skill, [Rage Embodiment], it's confusing, but now she shouldn't worry about dying when using Aura and Berserker together.

Now, how would she solve this?

"So, what do you know about her situation?" - asked Director Pericles quite calmly.

"Totem of Rebirth!" - Roxana said calmly, surprising Pericles, who seemed even more interested.

"A gift that a strange man came to me 5 days ago, said I would need it soon, he also gave me the Grimoire containing the Skill [Berserker]!" - Said Roxane.

"How did you know the effect?" - Asked Pericles.

"He had said that when I died or was between life and death, the Totem would activate." - She said calmly.

"Where is the totem pole?" - Pericles smiled slightly as he asked.

"I don't know, he just made me drip a drop of my blood on the totem and said he would leave it somewhere nearby so that it would take effect."

"So does that mean you accepted what a stranger said without a problem?" Pericles frowned.

"Of course not, but he gave me a Grade B Skill Grimoire so easily, why would I refuse someone who gave so much to someone like me?" Roxana asked as if it were obvious.

She's poor and this Academy is full of arrogant bourgeois and she has to get everything on her own, it's natural that she'll take something if it's free.

Pericles didn't ask about that specifically anymore, and asked about the fight, why it started, and what caused that surge of power.

Roxana said she was just angry, very angry and then everything turned red.

She still managed to control herself, but she was also out of control, wanting to break everything, kill them without exception, as it was her will.

After hearing that, Pericles nodded and told her to rest, even if she has gone through this mysterious rebirth, she needs to recover mentally, because dying is not a simple thing.


PART 3 – Popularity!


Holy shit, how strong is good!

I've upgraded my main Combat Skill and gained a new one of similar quality where I can stack them, which should put a huge strain on my body and mind, but in return, I'll be about 4 times stronger.

Not to mention that I still have the [Immortality Totem], even if it's getting cold right now, in less than 3 days, I'll be ready to die again.

Interesting how I'm talking about dying so easily... well, whatever!

And due to all that happened, the academy gave me a small compensation, even though I was the first to attack, but in the end I was approached and intimidated by 2nd and 3rd Year Students, which I fought until I used Aura, yeah Naturally, instinctively, I used everything at my disposal.

I was praised for my strength, even at such a young age, since I awakened [Aura] at the age of 15, which in this world is something phenomenal, of course, there are geniuses who managed it at 12~13 years old, the youngest in history to awaken the Aura I was only 9 years old!

Anyway, I entered the prodigy level, I am officially the strongest in the 1st year, but not in the school.

There are 2nd and 3rd year students who can defeat me, even Claudius, the son of a bitch who disgusted me, he's stronger than me, even if I use Aura or Berserker separately, I couldn't defeat him, he's more old and has years of experience, I only won because of that crazy power.

I need to get stronger, but for now, I'm going to get plenty of rest.

"Sorry…" - Said Annie to me, since I woke up, she hasn't said anything to me, well, it's normal, since in fact it's all her fault and her fan club.

"It doesn't matter, I'm alive!" - I say smiling.

"…you died…" - Said Annie.

"But I'm alive now, not to mention those scumbag bastards are to blame, next time they'll be at risk of death!" - I say smiling and Annie grunts.

"Why are you so relaxed? Because of me they did this to you!" - Annie shouted in frustration.

"One question, who do you blame, the victim or the aggressor?" - I ask, she was confused.

"Annie, you and I are victims here, not to mention you're my friend, why would I blame you for something so stupid? Now stop this depressing business, I want to relax!" - I say yawning, it's boring not to go to class.

Annie winked at me, before sighing, certainly, it's hard to react to what I said, I didn't even understand what I said, I just don't want this subject to continue.

In the end, me, Tazla and Annie had a little feast in the dorm, enjoying the feast they brought, thankfully, I was starving.

As for my roommates? Due to fear I guess? Well, they're sleeping in someone else's dorm there.

And well, after eating, I told Annie to be careful on her way to her dorm, as I slowly hugged Tazla, hinting at what was about to happen.

Annie blushed slightly and smiling she left, where I didn't hesitate and dragged Tazla, my little crybaby, to really have a real reason to cry the whole night!


I stayed the whole week without classes, but on Friday, I had to go through several medical diagnoses, to find out if there were any side effects.

In the end it was only found that my Aura is unusual, it is more powerful than someone who just awakened it, it would not be unusual to compare it to the Aura that a B and A Rank Adventurer would have.

They praised me a lot, saying that I had a promising future, as long as I learn to control my powers and, of course, become stronger to withstand them.

I also had to give a statement about this "individual", I specified the mysterious seller of RE4, I even joked when specifying the strange and funny way he spoke.

When Monday arrived, I went back to class and since it was Combat Class, we went to the Dungeon, the teachers wanted us to reach a satisfactory grade, I believe it was Level 5.

This measurement was made through HP, those of the Warrior Class who had more than 100 HP could refuse to enter, while the Mages, those with more than 50 HP could refuse.

But there were some special cases that even though they reached HP, they still entered because they needed to learn more and stop being cowards.

I decided to go in, I said I wanted to test some things, Klara and Afonso showed concern for my health, but I was in great shape, I asked Tazla to stay.

Tazla agreed, she is a sweet and obedient girl, stroking her head, I decided to enter the Dungeon alone.

And there, it's obvious that I hunted a lot until I reached Level 5!

+1 STR and AGI!

+63 HP and +17 MP!

[You have reached Level 5, choose a Class!]

[1st Warrior(★): +2 STR, +2 RES, +1 AGI]

[2nd Boxer(★): +1 STR, +2 RES, +2 AGI]

[3rd Swordsman(★): +2 STR, +1 RES, +2 AGI]

[7th Musician(★): +2 AGI, +2 CHA]

[15th Berserker(★★★): +3 STR, +4 RES, +2 AGI]

Aside from stat bonuses, nothing else was reported... but it's obvious that I decided [Berserker].

In moments I received a huge increase in my power, it was worth it to have entered the Dungeon to reach Level 5.

But in return, I had to kill over 150 monsters!

[You have acquired the "Berserker" Class!]

[You have acquired S-Rank Skill: True Berserker!]

[You have acquired A-Rank Skill: Improved Berserker!]

[You have acquired B-Rank Skill: Warcry!]

[You have acquired C-Rank Skill: Robust Body!]

[True Berserker(S): As a True Berserker Warrior, you don't let anger get the better of you, you master it and turn it into your power! +200% Willpower!]

[Improved Berserker(A): Decreases the weight of the Berserker state by 1/3 and prolongs its effects by 10%!]

[Warcry(B): In the Berserker state, it is possible to perform a thunderous roar that will demotivate all your enemies and can cause significant damage]

[Sturdy Body(C): The definition of a Berserker is their body resistant to practically everything, slashes, blows, fire, ice, acid and much more! +50% Physical and Magic Resistance!]

Impressive! I feel like laughing when I see this.

Becoming a Berserker not only made me significantly stronger, but also gained several Skills that complement the Berserker Skill!

[True Berserker] is for me to keep myself under control more easily.

[Improved Berserker] is due to the huge cost of 5 times the Skill's Stamina, if it weren't for my [Divine Stamina] it would be an extremely beneficial skill, but… as I don't feel that much weight from using [Berserker] for a long time and I can use it for hours if I don't try too hard.

It's good, it means [Berserker] will be able to stay active longer and will spend less stamina, but that's about it.

[Battle Cry], finally something to attack, even if it's not expected, it's still amazing enough.

[Sturdy Body], something a D&D System Barbarian would easily have, making their bodies comparable to armor, very likely this S-Rank Skill, makes my skin as powerful as Armor Armor.

I wonder when there will be an update or if I change classes, I don't know when, but I hope it's soon so I can get even stronger.

"From 237 to 315… have you advanced?" - Klara asked in amazement.

"…a feeling of getting much stronger and even gaining some knowledge in your mind?" - I ask and she nods. - "Yes!" - I answer.

"Congratulations..." - Said Klara smiling, looking a little envious.

Very likely that when I reach her Level, I will have 2 to 3 times more HP than her, this is the absurdity of having almost 21 Resistance Points at Level 5, imagine at Level 50~100? I should already reach about 60~150 Resistance Points, if sorting all of that out there by Level is 1D6, I'll easily have about 10,000 HP.

Anyway, the bus would arrive in a few minutes since everyone was done for today, so I spent my time with Tazla, who became much more attached to me after I died, it made me understand that she cares about me a lot, not just because I give her a huge dick to savor everyday, but because she really cares about me or even loves me...

Love... that's a very strong word, I think besides my mother, I never said that I love anyone, movie boys and amazing singers don't count!

But to think that I can have someone's love, it's strange, a big responsibility and a lot of worries, I hope I don't disappoint you, because even I don't know what I feel.

We arrived at the end of classes, naturally showered after a full day of exploring, as for who wasn't exploring? They trained their physiques, martial arts and received lessons from Afonso.

So it was an ordinary day at school, after a good shower, we went to the cafeteria to fill up our stomachs.

I was starving, from the beginning I noticed that I was the center of attention, but it's not for less, I brutally beat up 2 3rd year model students, I showed a brutal and pitiful appearance to everyone, I learned that they are calling me a Blood Devil for there.

I also received the title of Brutal Queen, I liked that one better.

I noticed the looks of fear, indifference and admiration from everyone around, but I also noticed something, there are no empty tables…

Glancing lightly, I didn't notice Annie, but I did notice a certain blond burgher and a few of his friends.

Laughing I approach, he had his back to me, but some of his friends paled with me approaching, he frowned center and paled too.

Coming up to them I said. - "I liked this table, you can leave!"

"Go look elsewhere!" - Said the blonde gaining courage.

"I am not asking!" -I say coldly, he shudders and some of his friends were already getting up.

"Who do you think you are? You filthy commoner!" - He roars and stands up to face me.

"The one that can break every bone in your body before you even react!" - I say smiling and hold his shoulder, I let my [Aura of Anger] be exhaled, which alarms everyone and the blonde in front of me, I see his brave and arrogant face become one of terror.

"Let's go out!" - Said a boy at the side, pulling the blonde and soon the table was empty.

"Let's sit down my dear!" - I say smiling and Tazla nods, smiling happily at me.

"Wow, now I understand why these bourgeois are intimidating who they think are weaker, it's a good tone! Especially when it's those cocky little boys and girls who only trust their mommy and daddy's power!" - I laugh, I think now that I have real power, it's time for me to become a delinquent who fucks with bourgeois motherfuckers!

I became popular, somehow or another.

No one insulted me about monkey or trash anymore, much less badmouthed Tazla just because she's a Goblin.

So no worries, I went to the gym, used Berserker as usual, to speed up the workout, my body was much more tense now, but I could feel the huge differences, seeing how strong you got is amazing.

Not to mention that in the past, even vaguely, I felt my mind getting tired quickly, but now… I felt almost nothing!

After 1 hour and a half of training, I went to take a nice cold shower to cool off, today is a hot day, even with [Robust Body], which improved my resistance to temperature, it didn't help that much.

Anyway, a nice cold shower helps the muscles after a nice day of training.

I then went to the Music Club room, where I found Annie, who smiled at me, so we started practicing, I was slowly getting my skills back to their peak!

Tazla arrived shortly after, shy as she is, she tried to learn to play something, in the end she made a mess of the drums, which made me and Annie laugh, before teaching her.

It was a fun afternoon, we forgot about my death and just enjoyed it.


PART 4 – Intimidation! (I)


In Combat Lessons, there wasn't much else I could do on the 1st floor of the Dungeon, the monsters there are very weak and a Hobgoblin is rare to spawn.

I wanted to go to the 2nd floor, but it's forbidden unless I get permission from the teachers.

Even though I was so strong, I didn't receive it, not because the monsters were too strong, but because it was just me!

I could take Tazla, but she's not ready for that, if I want to explore the 2nd floor, or reach at least the 15th challenge of the Ordeal Dungeon, or form a group of 5 students who passed the "breakthrough", or i.e. Level 5!

I decided not to worry about it for the moment, I'm determined to visit the Ordeal Dungeon in the near future.

But while it didn't happen, I was using [Berserker] almost all the time, as it got so much stronger, it's obvious that my effort to adapt my body and lessen the side effects after deactivating it, all went to waste!

Not to mention that even with [True Berserker] and [Enhanced Berserker], it still wasn't enough to match the past.

But little by little I was getting it back.

And besides practicing [Berserker], I also practiced with my [Aura of Anger], of course, not with both active at the same time, I don't want to die!

I practiced with my Aura, to know how to use it in the most efficient way possible, it is powerful, but I was missing something important, which I received after 1 week of training:

[Aura Control(F): Handle your Aura more perfectly, at the moment you are a rookie who only know how to use it to strengthen yourself and it's not even 100% of all Aura capacity!]

A little sad the description of the Skill, but it's true, I swear I'm trying to improve!

And in addition to training a lot, I also began to pester the naughty bourgeois.

In the Academy, what predominates is strength, I am considered very strong and all those bourgeois who have lost much of their authority here, can only clench their teeth and accept it.

As for the fear of them fighting back using their political power? I have some misgivings, but… I believe that when I graduate from school, I'll be around Level 20~30, it must be a considerable force that will make your families think twice before taking revenge on a misunderstanding between children.

And of course, I only messed with those annoying bourgeois who insulted and despised me, making them stand with their heads down and their tails between their legs or up their asses!

Of course I took the opportunity to pull many of them to a more isolated place, where I beat them, making them beg and like a delinquent, I started to extort money from them.

It's not forbidden, since the bourgeois do this a lot with commoners and it's not even because of the money, which is very little, it's for the pleasure of being superior.

I took advantage of that with my popularity increasing, I started to make some colleagues around, looking for those stronger commoners, normally they should end up subordinated to the young nobles, because they don't have anything better, but there's me, I'm amazing, beautiful and hot!

Many wanted to follow me, but I only wanted to accept the best 1st and 2nd year among commoners.

So, using my name, we extorted money from the weak rich, intimidated those who intimidated us, balancing the damn game!

But the one I loved spanking was Colins Florvan, yes, Mayara's bitch brother.

That bastard had beaten me before, so I made his so-called "friends" call him to me, he came without knowing and ended up being put on his knees, as I didn't want to hear too much complaining from Mayara, I tended to punch in parts that are easy to cover with the clothes.

I left several bruises all over his body before letting him go.

The good thing is that these children of the rich and noble, they have a very large allowance, I made them give me 2/3 of everything, so I found myself having a few thousand Credits in my bank account, very good!

Annie got wind of what I was doing and…she didn't care, saying these annoying, arrogant bastards need to try their own medicine.

Even though Annie fits into a spoiled rich, she has less prejudice and has bigger goals, she is a Magic Bard, that's why she practices singing and musical instruments so much, because her voice and the melody she plays are her weapons.

So we can divide spoiled bourgeois into 2 types.

1° Ambitious: Those with ambition, will do their best to achieve their goals and will think little of things like skin color or race, maybe they do, but they will always aim to focus on their goals, so they are easier to deal with.

2° Lazy: Those who have everything and will receive everything, without great ambitions, just want to inherit their parents' businesses and positions with minimal efforts, thinking that everything will come on a platter for them, thinking they are superior to everyone and aim to intimidate the weak and unable to fight back due to their familial power.

It is natural that in an environment like the Academy, the 2nd type of rubbish ends up stopping in the 1st year, many do not pass to the 2nd year, so they repeat or are expelled.

I'm likely to lose most of my current income in the next year, but I really don't care as long as I get rid of this annoying, disgusting rubbish!


The other day, I was getting ready for the Ordeal Dungeon, it was about time, there was no need to delay further.

That's when she came to me!

"Are you that Roxana, titled the Brutal Queen?" - Asked a tall woman with black skin, long brown hair, a muscular physique and a beautiful cracked belly, thick thighs and a very full waist.

She also has a strange but charming white fringe, accompanied by a proud pair of breasts.

[Image] →

"I am myself, to whom do I owe the pleasure?" - I ask smiling and she already rolls her eyes.

"My name is Sahari Holkarti, I am Alark Holkarti's older sister, you have been bullying and taking my brother's money, I am telling you to stop!" - She said coldly and crossed her arms.

"Alark Holkarti… aaahh, that little bitch who can only talk but after one punch she's all submissive?" - I say laughing, understanding what she came for.

In my words full of insult and mockery, I see her face turning cold and she says. -"I don't care about her titles and exaggerated rumors, just a bunch of retards who don't know her place, just because they saw a little blood!" - She snorted, I smiled.

"And even? So I won't stop bullying your little bitch brother, what are you going to do about it?" -I ask smiling and teasing her, I'm a little taller than her, so being in front of her, I can look at her a little from above.

She idly wasn't intimidated by my approach.

A while later, we were behind the 1st year building, where we would face each other.

So smiling, I get into a simple combat stance and so does she, I see the scorn in those eyes and soon she's darting towards me.

I also move forward and punch, she easily defends and then attacks too, aiming for my face and hits me, but I have clenched teeth and already active my [Berserker], she is strong.

But [Berserker] alone, other than leaving some veins exposed, doesn't have a notable appearance.

With that, equal, no! I get over it!

Soon my fist shoots into her stomach, taking her by surprise, but I don't stop, because my palm advances in her exposed face, since my punch in her stomach left her stunned.

Soon I send her to the ground, so smiling I say. - "That's it?"

She grits her teeth, stands up and launches a kick, it was fast, but I grab her leg, then lift her and throw her to the ground.

"How weak, that first punch of yours was good, but otherwise… disappointing!" - I say with arrogance and snarling she stands up, launching an uppercut, but I grab her wrist and look into those disbelieving and frustrated eyes.

Smiling, I kick her leg and knock her down, she grunts sitting on the floor, lets out an irritated grunt and rests her arms on her knees.

"Okay, you are strong, but that's because I don't have my sword, or I would kill you!" - She said irritably, trying to keep her pride.

"And I am a first year student with less than 2 months of classes, where my main weapon is the Mace so far, which I have only used less than 5 times in my life!" - I say laughing and she clenches her teeth.

"Well, whatever, you're disappointing, just like your goddamn brother!" - I say with disdain, in fact, her brother was very talkative, he talked about having a 3rd year sister, how amazing she was and stuff like that.

He said a lot that he would make her come spank me if I continued, so I spanked him harder and even made him strip naked in front of his friends.

It pissed me off that weakling trash who only relied on power gained by others was so arrogant, really, it's annoying!

In the end it looks like he cowardly went crying to his big sister, which isn't a big deal either.

"My brother… please, stop intimidating him…" - Said Sahari grunting and getting up.

"And why would i do that?" - I ask and she doesn't answer, but then she says.

"You are strong, very strong, why bother with the weak?" - She has a good point, but...

"I am a commoner, since I arrived at this school, I have been spat on, insulted, trampled and beaten just because my skin color is lighter than yours and darker than 50% of the students in this damn school, your brother is among this trash, so I'm going to keep making his life hell until he runs away like the coward he is!" - I say laughing fiercely and she clenches her teeth.

Smiling, I say. - "But… if you want me to leave your brother alone, you could do something for me!" - Me smile widens, she frowns and looks thoughtful.

My objective is quite explicit.