
Futanari System

Genius Made a mistake and pays for it. The gods bring her into their game for entertainment Join us in Watching the game of the gods. EDITING IN PROCESS!! Any errors are in line with the Editing Process. Thank you for your understanding. The image is the first-ever work I had done of Chelsea. Enjoy Support me and my works at www.Patreon.com/Madjic

Madjic · Fantasy
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259 Chs


The waves rolled, and I laid back on Rose's breasts, watching the sky as the clouds hung overhead. The day was peaceful, and no responsibilities hung on me. The crew moved with practiced ease as they turned the sails slightly to accommodate the wind hitting the sails. I barely paid attention laying back on Rose's breasts as she stroked my hair and ears softly.

"So it is happening soon," Rose said.

I sighed in response as I let my mind wander, "Yes, it is," I replied softly, "The world will change in a couple of weeks. This will not be a war like that of the Arlin Kingdom versus the Northern Beast mountains. It will be total war with the Empire." I replied.

"I think it is a good business opportunity," Rose said, and I leaned my head back, feeling my ears move as I pressed back to look at her face. "I believe I will be talking with Tina a lot soon. If she is making mass producible or even large-scale production, we can use that to finance other endeavors." Rose said, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"That it will be. In fact, I have been thinking about something along those lines for a while." I told her, "Businesses that we can mass produce products to the country and ship to the Demon lands will be nice." I said, "There is a major problem with that, though."

"Oh?" Rose replied, her voice curious.

"Yeah," I replied, "Education and employees would be a serious issue." I sighed as I didn't know why I had not thought of it sooner. "I am scared that if we go down this route, we will change this world too much." I continued.

"Why are you worried about education?" Rose asked, and I couldn't help but sigh yet again.

"It isn't just education but the government of the Beast-kin nation that I am worried about if I go down this way. I doubt the Elven Forest's government would be able to implement it. No matter which way I look at it, I think this will end up with a lot of dead people in the end." I sighed, "But I also think it will help the war and everything else in the long run."

"What are you planning on doing? Why not consult me?" Rose asked.

"Because the business side is only one side of the coin, and I need to see what power I have in the game that I am about to be entering," I said, no longer able to relax. "If what I think is going to happen, then many interests will be hurt for the greater good of the country and the people. Many will end up dead from many different things as they happened," I stopped myself from confessing that I was from another world. "Trust me on this. I will consult you if I decide to implement the plan that I am thinking of once we get back."

"Okay," Rose said, and I saw her turn her head and sneer.

I turned my head and saw her sissy husband taking a Black bunny-kins cock deep. His moans were loud on the deck as the Bunny-kin fucked his little sissy pussy hard. It was a little distracting but was beginning to be normal on the boat. Many female bunny-kin smirked as they walked on deck and helped with the slight maneuvers when I saw Florine leave the captain's cabin. She sneered as well, looking at the Sissy ex-innkeeper.

It shamed me to realize that the ex-innkeeper was like this because of me and my need to protect Rose. I was the person who created the entire reason that I did it to him. Asahi and Trisha were important to me now, though, and I wouldn't change what I had done only to lose them. They genuinely cared for me, and at this point, I wouldn't regret fixing a mistake that I made. It was what it was, and I did not feel like messing with time itself in this world.

"What are you thinking about?" Florine said as she walked up to me with a smile, "Thinking of another fight against me? You have the advantage with the open sky!" Florine declared with a large smile.

"If I want to fight you into submission, I will do so in the bedroom Florine," I replied with a bright smile as I earned a slight blush from that. "No, I was thinking of plans moving forward once we reach landside back home. It will be very fast-paced once we reach home, I expect. I just hope I have time to meet my family."

"From what I heard, I don't think you will be able to see all the children you have produced," Florine replied, her face showing pity. "Still, I am sure you will be able to see some of them."

Her sympathies were another work of my own fault. I couldn't keep my cock under my loincloth, and I continued to spread my seed around this wonderful world. "I know," I replied, but the hurt in my voice was still there.

"Oh, who else might be useful for the plans that you are thinking of?" Rose asked.

I turned my head deep into her breasts again as I looked at her again, and I shrugged lightly. "Honestly," I told her, "Tina would be the best, but I don't want to take her off her current project. She is quite," I let my voice trail off, thinking of the best word for my gnome lover.

"Enthralled about the project," Florine said and moved to the nearby handrail. "I haven't seen a woman with so much determination while working."

"Yes, Enthralled works, and her research is very interesting. The potential siege weapons will be a menace to the Empire if she is successful." I replied, "I look forward to what she accomplishes. It does leave me a mechanic down, though; that would be useful for what I am thinking about. I also need a farmer to check some plants to see if things are the way they think they are."

I got a frown for remaining mysterious, but I wasn't about to tell them about the spinning jin I was thinking about. It was one of the key matters that sparked the industrial revolution along with gunpowder that truly changed warfare in my world. Setting that type of beast off would be better for a government like the Empire than the Beast-kin nation that set itself up like tribes. It would make it a severe challenge in which I didn't think our government had enough influence over the people in order to implement. That meant I would destroy our country's current governing body regardless of the war's results.

That wasn't good in the least, and I would be playing with a literal ticking time bomb if I did it. We would have to conclude the war with the Empire with a peace treaty that would need to buy at least ten years of peace with them in order to survive. I would need allies in the government and many other things if I was to bring the government of our country from practicing anarchy.

I was being unfair partially with the anarchy comment but not completely. The current form of government was run with a tribal rule with only a gathering of tribes done when the nation needed a gathering for only rare circumstances. With a Gathering being called in the next month, I would also have to sell the Free trade Agreement with the support of the Elder council of Silvermoon tower. That meant that almost every single tribe would have to agree to abide by the agreement in order for it to become national law.

It was the reason why our foreign policy could be set by Ralph or even myself in the Demon lands since the strongest of tribes had been running the foreign policy for decades, if not longer. It was another reason the human in the elf forest was such a surprise as the tribe running was the wolves, which tend to be a very straightforward group. The fact that they allowed a human to run their foreign policy for the tribe was a surprise.

I shook my head, letting my thought go without realizing it. "I am worried, and every time I think," I sighed, "The more worried I get."

Deeper frowns showed, and I got up and turned myself, letting my face fall into Rose's breasts. "Forget that," I said, my voice muffled in my breasts, "Let's have some fun back in the room!" I said loudly.

I received a couple of chuckles, and I played with Rose's breasts lightly, making her moan softly.

A couple of seconds later, we were headed back into the cabin to enjoy ourselves, leaving a moaning sissy as a black bunny-kin continued to pound his boy pussy into submission.

I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.

I would love to thank Fate Hydrax, fightnguru, Achleys Apep, Royce321, G. Dunlop, Stormrall,

W. Krebs, MadRat, Florian, SoundsMad, Mael, Grangel, Kuuh, Smile, Nightrise, Joris Zono, Curtious1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Zach, Ritsu 229, Ryu, Mario L., Celeng Liar, Arl, julekule, Z. T. Wyen, Jache, Russ, Deputy Caveman, GIDOEN Fry, Minos Akuma, ShadowReader, K. Kordrich, BIGSHOTSWAG, L. Cole, Prodical211, Hydra587, W. Bolsvert, Sheperd, DeivinetGamer9, Belkoth, JTOKING, M. Butlar, Tiffy Tang,Julie C., Neptune, H., R. Boyle, J. Paul, J, Durmey, EZ Gipten, Tnarb, D. Jones, BlindTatic, K. Fang, T. Baker, C. Kramer, Qwan, S. Tadaewsky, A. Neal, Kuroko, Alukard, Dannyzee123, H. Dehesdin, D. Rachal, Ayth, The Theoritizer, EXORAVANT, Von, Kovaton, Gapir58, Chris, Ryuu Sakuri, Chad Ray, Caid, MaraH87, Za'afiel, a.r. ortega, J.N. Seib, J. turpin, C. Panagis, Alex, J.W. Thomas, LessJP, D. Rachel, Unholy Valkyrie, Magnus Svendsen, Sky Horse, Sam, Huzaifa Khan, Aniyah Frazier, bearagon, DarksoulS, Dragon Empryean Shadowless, Alex, Prodigal211, Judd, Vincenzo_45R, C. McConnell, key, J.J. Betts, Kio Fang, Yanuut, Shayne, AnarchyBellic, R. Happel, Crazed Warrior, Fiduciam, Rodimus Scoop, J. Backer, R. Andersson, Faisal, Valkyrie, Justin, EchoingRuby, KeyKraft, mjkenstock, M. Kline, C. Spiller, Akashihestia, Christian, Sjors Simons, H. Morshedy, CrusaderHandrail, mafika, A. Loston, •, S. Simons, Jkidill M, nahmate, Carson Nielsen, Treebeard Joshua, e. Reith, J. Baker, A. Monroe, J.Backer, Alex, l2i OP, UK Cuddleyguy, Czelphaghor, L. Navarro, S. Sharp, B. Mcmahon, Chaotic Thief, McDaniel McDaniel, Seitei, LazyBear for supporting me on *******.

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