
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

Shelrock and Lila

Shelrock had always been a dedicated detective, determined to solve the problems of the world. But one problem in particular had been weighing heavily on his mind lately - male rapists. He had come across a recent record of a particularly heinous crime - a man had raped a futanari. It was a rare occurrence, but to Shelrock, it was a sign that something needed to be done.

With a strong sense of justice, Shelrock set out to find the perpetrator. He went to the scene of the crime, hoping to catch the man in the act of raping. But to his surprise, all he could find were futanari raping both men and women. Confused, he approached one of the futanari and asked if she had seen a male rapist.

The futanari, who was in the middle of raping a man, turned to Shelrock with a smirk. 'Oh, I saw one alright,' she said. 'In fact, I'm raping him right now.'

Shelrock was shocked. He had never encountered a futanari who was capable of raping a man. But as he looked around, he realized that there were no other cases of male rape in the district. It seemed that the futanari were taking matters into their own hands, punishing the male rapists in their own way.

Feeling a sense of satisfaction at having solved the case, Shelrock asked the futanari what she wanted to do with the rapist. Did she want to send him to prison, or keep him as a sex slave? After all, it was a serious crime.

The futanari, as a law-abiding citizen, of course chose the latter option. She wanted the man as her own personal sex slave, so she could rape him whenever she pleased. And with that, the case was closed. Shelrock had effectively put an end to male rapists in his district.

As he walked home, feeling proud of his accomplishment, Shelrock couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He had never imagined that the solution to male rape would involve futanari punishing the perpetrators in such a way. But he had to admit, it seemed to be working.

But his thoughts were interrupted when he felt someone following him. Turning around, he saw a beautiful futanari with long, flowing hair and bright blue eyes. She introduced herself as Lila and asked if she could come inside his home.

Shelrock, feeling a little wary but also intrigued, agreed to let her in. But as soon as they entered his bedroom, Lila's true intentions became clear. She grabbed him and pushed him onto the bed, her hands roaming all over his body.

Shelrock, who had never been with a futanari before, was taken by surprise. He tried to protest, but Lila's touch was too intoxicating. And before he knew it, they were engaging in a night of passionate lovemaking.

The next morning, as Shelrock got ready to leave for work, Lila begged him to stay. She didn't want to let go of the man who had satisfied her in ways she had never experienced before. But Shelrock had a job to do, so he reluctantly left.

However, as the days went by, Lila couldn't get Shelrock out of her mind. She followed him everywhere, determined to make him hers. And eventually, she convinced him to let her stay in his home as his new housewife.

As they spent more time together, Shelrock found himself falling for Lila. He admired her strength and boldness, and the way she decalred she would rape male rapists. And as she continued to rape him every night, he couldn't deny his growing feelings for her.

One night, as they lay in bed together, Lila turned to Shelrock and asked him to marry her. Shocked, Shelrock asked why she wanted to marry him. And with a mischievous grin, Lila replied, 'Because you let me rape you so much.'

And as ridiculous as it seemed, Shelrock couldn't help but be swayed by Lila's reasoning. He realized that he had fallen in love with this beautiful, strong futanari who had claimed him as her own. And so, with Lila as his wife, Shelrock continued to solve the problems of the world male rape - with his partner by his side.