
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

Seth's new path

Seth had always known that his life was predestined by the laws of the Futanari Federation. As a young boy, he had been raised to believe that his ultimate purpose was to become a pleasure slave in a mandatory harem. It was just a matter of time until he reached the age of eligibility and his fate was sealed.

But Seth was not content with this life. He refused to accept a future where he would be constantly raped and used by futanari women, only to be allowed to have sex with them after they had already been filled with seed by another futanari. He dreamed of something more, something different.

In his dreams, Seth saw himself as a powerful, dominant man, ruling over a harem of women and futanari. He wanted to control them, to force them to bend to his will. He wanted to breed them and fill them with his own seed, not just be a mere pleasure toy for them.

To make his dream a reality, Seth dedicated himself to training and building his strength. He spent hours at the gym, pushing himself harder and harder each day. Even when he was occasionally raped by a gym bunny futanari, he refused to give up. He knew that he needed to be strong and powerful if he wanted to achieve his goal.

The day finally came when Seth reached the age of eligibility for the mandatory harem. He was added to a harem of two cute futanari – one was half ghost and the other was a vampire. But Seth had no intention of being just another submissive harem member. He had a plan.

As soon as he was alone with the two futanari, Seth made his move. He quickly overpowered them, surprising them with his strength and determination. He raped them both before they could even realize what was happening, and they were too shocked to fight back. It was then that they noticed that he wasn't a futanari like them, but a man.

With the two futanari filled and with child, Seth turned his attention to the other man in the harem. He wanted to prove his dominance and show that he was the one in control. He forcefully bred the bubbly boy booty, claiming him as his own.

Satisfied with his conquest, Seth then turned to the women in his harem. The first was a female zombie, and he wasted no time in filling her anus with his sperm. He then moved on to her vagina, taking her forcefully and claiming her as his own.

The last female in his harem was a rare species in the Federation – an elf. The taste of her anus was unlike anything Seth had ever experienced, and he quickly released his load inside her. He then pulled out and filled her vagina with his seed, marking her as his property.

As he picked up his harem to move to the bed, Seth couldn't help but feel a sense of love for his two futanari wives. He knew that he would never be content with just one harem – he wanted to have control over multiple harems and train other men to do the same.

And so, he set up a secret training system for men, teaching them the skills necessary to dominate and control their own harems. He named this organization 'The Filled Man' – for he believed that every man should have the opportunity to be in control of how they are filled.

Seth had broken free from the shackles of the mandatory harem and created a new path for himself. He had found love and power, and he was determined to help others do the same. For Seth, being a filled man was the ultimate expression of dominance, and he would stop at nothing to make it a reality for himself and others.