
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

Kelly's Harem

Kelly had always been fascinated with futanari, ever since he was a young boy. He would spend hours reading books and watching videos about these mysterious beings with both male and female genitalia. And as he grew older, his fascination turned into a desire to have a harem of futanari all to himself.

He spent years working hard and building his wealth, determined to one day make his dream a reality. And finally, after years of dedication and perseverance, Kelly succeeded. He now had a mansion filled with beautiful futanari, all eager to please and serve him.

At first, everything seemed perfect. Kelly was living out his fantasy, surrounded by his harem of futanari. But as time went on, he began to notice a disturbing pattern. His harem would often leave the mansion and return with strange men, who they would then use their massive meat rods on. And to Kelly's horror, these men would often end up pregnant and end up living in the mansion with them.

At first, Kelly tried to turn a blind eye to this behavior, thinking that it was just a phase. But as more and more strangers were brought into his home, he couldn't ignore the reality of the situation. His harem was not just using their meat rods on each other, but on anyone they pleased, regardless of the consequences.

Kelly was torn. On one hand, he had always dreamed of having a harem of futanari, but on the other, he couldn't stand to see innocent people being used and brought into his home without his consent. And then, a thought struck him.

He realized that all the children his harem was raising as a family could potentially become his wives. And as their father, it was his responsibility to guide and protect them. He made a decision to let the children grow and become the best father he could be for them.

But Kelly didn't stop there. He also made a vow to teach his harem about responsibility and the consequences of their actions. He made it clear that they were free to use their meat rods on whoever they wanted, but they must also take responsibility for any children that may result from their actions.

And slowly, things began to change. His harem started to use their meat rods more responsibly, only with Kelly's permission or with someone they had formed a strong emotional connection with. And as time went on, some of the futanari children grew up and became Kelly's wives, using their cute meat rods on his holes and fulfilling his deepest fantasies.

Kelly had never imagined that his dream of having a harem of futanari would turn out this way. But he was grateful for the unexpected turn of events. He had found a new purpose in life, being a loving father and husband to his futanari family. And he couldn't be happier.