
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

John, Emily and Luna

John had always been a busy man, working long hours at the office to provide for his family. Despite his best efforts, his wife Emily often felt lonely and neglected during the day. So, when he heard about a new breed of hybrid pets called 'dog-girls,' John saw it as the perfect solution to keep Emily company while he was away.

He did some research and finally found the perfect dog-girl named Luna. She was a beautiful mix of woman and dog, with soft fur, big puppy eyes, and a wagging tail. John was immediately smitten and knew that she would be perfect for Emily.

As soon as Luna arrived at their home, Emily fell in love with her. Luna was everything they could have asked for in a pet – loving, loyal, and always eager to please. But what John didn't know was that Luna was bred specifically to fulfill the needs and desires of her human owners – both physically and emotionally.

At first, John was a bit hesitant about Luna's unique abilities, but Emily assured him that she was comfortable with it and that it was just a part of who Luna was. And so, John pushed away any doubts and focused on his work, knowing that Emily was in good hands with Luna.

However, one day, John came home earlier than usual. As he walked into the house, he heard strange noises coming from the bedroom. With a feeling of dread in his stomach, he slowly made his way towards the bedroom, unsure of what he would find.

To his horror, he found Luna and Emily in bed together, with Luna's 12-inch knotted penis deep inside Emily. John's blood boiled with rage as he realized that Luna had taken advantage of his absence and had impregnated his wife.

Without a second thought, John stormed over to Luna and pulled her off of Emily. He couldn't believe that she would betray him and try to take his wife away from him. In a fit of rage, he filled all of Luna's holes, making sure she knew who she belonged to.

As the dust settled, John and Emily had a long and difficult conversation about what had happened. Emily explained that she had been feeling neglected and lonely, and Luna had been there for her in a way that John couldn't. John felt guilty for not being there for his wife, but he also couldn't shake off the anger and betrayal he felt towards Luna.

As the weeks went by, Emily discovered that she was pregnant with Luna's child. She was shocked and scared, but also excited about the prospect of having a baby with Luna's unique genetics. John, on the other hand, found out that Luna was also pregnant with his child.

Despite the unconventional circumstances, John and Emily decided to raise both children as their own, with Luna as a part of their family. As the years went by, they all grew to love and care for each other, creating a unique and loving family dynamic.

Looking back, John couldn't believe that his anger towards Luna had turned into love and acceptance. He realized that Luna had not only brought joy and companionship to Emily's life but also to his own. And as he watched his two children – one with Luna's physical traits and one with his own – playing together, he couldn't help but feel happy and grateful for the unique family they had created.